Are aliens hiding on MOONS? Hunting for ET on planets' satellites may be our best chance at first contact, claims expert


It's now almost 20 years since the first alien planet was discovered in orbit around a sun-like star.

Since then huge advances have led to the discovery of more than a thousand extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, which are now being catalogued.

But in the hunt for life in the universe, some experts have begun to suggest that our best bet might not be the planets themselves but habitable moons in their vicinity, reports the latest issue of All About Space magazine.

In our own solar system there are several worlds that have hinted that they may have some form of life on them. Jupiter's moon Europa, for example, is thought to have a liquid ocean beneath its surface, while Titan has an atmosphere that is similar to that on Earth and also liquid lakes on its surface

In our own solar system there are several worlds that have hinted that they may have some form of life on them. Jupiter's moon Europa, for example, is thought to have a liquid ocean beneath its surface, while Titan has an atmosphere that is similar to that on Earth and also liquid lakes on its surface

For those who dream of finding abundant life in the universe, it's been a time of mixed blessings: the vast majority of planets discovered have proved to be gas giants hostile to life, often in orbits so close to their stars that their atmospheres are searing hot.

You can read about life on alien moons and much more in issue 29 of All About Space magazine, on sale now

You can read about life on alien moons and much more in issue 29 of All About Space magazine, on sale now

Fortunately, persistent searches and new techniques have begun to home in on more Earth-like, rocky planets, some of which even lie in the habitable zone where liquid water can exist on the surface. 

But astronomers are also turning their attention to another possible haven for life - the natural satellites that almost certainly orbit many extrasolar planets, nicknamed exomoons. 

Considering the challenges involved in finding exoplanets, discovering their much smaller moons might seem like an impossible task, but that's what first attracted Dr David Kipping of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to the challenge.

'My interest started more from a dynamical perspective,' he explains. 'I was interested in the challenge of modelling these things, it's almost like why people want to climb Everest. 

'By 2009 we were just starting to detect lots of transiting exoplanets - Nasa's Kepler satellite had been launched with the promise of detecting Earth-sized planets and we naturally wondered whether, if we had a telescope that could find a rocky planet, that maybe it could also find rocky moons.'

Kepler was the first satellite designed to use a new planet-hunting technique known as the transit method.

Its telescope stared continuously at a packed starfield, watching for tell-tale dips in the brightness of individual stars, caused when orbiting planets transited (passed in front of them), blocking out a small amount of their light.

While previous attempts to find exoplanets worked best for giant planets with enough mass to influence their parent star directly, even small, Earth-sized worlds passing in front of a star's disc should cause a transit effect - it's just a matter of looking in the right place at the right time, with sufficiently sensitive instruments.

Adapting this technique to search for even smaller moons is no easy task, but as leader of the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (HEK) project, Dr Kipping has thrown himself into it. 

'It's a very challenging problem, but we've pushed it from mere speculation into science now,' he says.

'We've developed techniques that should be able to find them, so now we're working on the next challenge, which is trying to actually find them and see whether they're like the moons of our own solar system, or turn out to be something completely different.'

Kepler, launched in 2009, was the first satellite designed to use a new planet-hunting technique known as the transit method. Its telescope stared continuously at a packed starfield, watching for tell-tale dips in the brightness of individual stars, caused when orbiting planets passed in front of them - known as a transit

Kepler, launched in 2009, was the first satellite designed to use a new planet-hunting technique known as the transit method. Its telescope stared continuously at a packed starfield, watching for tell-tale dips in the brightness of individual stars, caused when orbiting planets passed in front of them - known as a transit

Dr David Kipping of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics says our best chance of finding life may be on exomoons (artist's illustration shown). He is working on a mission to study distant moons for signs of habitability using the Kepler space telescope

Dr David Kipping of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics says our best chance of finding life may be on exomoons (artist's illustration shown). He is working on a mission to study distant moons for signs of habitability using the Kepler space telescope

According to our current understanding of the way planets form, at least one type of exomoon should be commonplace: each of our solar system's giant planets formed with a dense ring of gas, ice and debris in orbit around it, which rapidly coalesced to form a system of natural satellites. 


Hot exomoons

Too close to a star and an exomoon may have an average temperature above the boiling point of water, making it highly unsuitable for any form of life.

Habitable exomoons

Exoplanets orbiting in a system's habitable zone (where liquid water can persist on a planet's surface) still need sufficient gravity to trap an atmosphere that regulates their temperature. If these conditions are met, however, the prospects for life are promising.

Snowball exomoons

Moons formed in the outer reaches of an alien solar system are likely to be dominated by ice. They will remain deep-frozen unless heated by tides from their parent planet - again these are unlikely to be habitats for life.

Transient exomoons

Moons of planets with elliptical orbits might be habitable for most of their planet's year, but can experience hot or snowball periods as they venture too close to their star, or too far from its life-giving heat. 

In some cases (for example Jupiter's four Galilean moons and Saturn's Titan), these moons are the size of small rocky planets in their own right, with complex features such as volcanoes, icy oceans and complicated atmospheres that make them intriguing targets in the search for life in our solar system.

In theory, similar moons should have formed alongside many of the extrasolar gas giants. These could offer potential havens for life.

'Everyone's familiar with that concept from science-fiction books and movies, even if they haven't heard the term exomoon before,' continues Dr Kipping.

'One interesting reason we might look for them is that we know that gas giant planets are very common and even gas giants within the habitable zone are very common.'

He elaborates: 'One of the big questions in astronomy right now is identifying the probability of Earth-like planets in the habitable zone.

'Kepler's enabled us to quantify that term: there was a recent, very thorough analysis, which found that two per cent of sun-like stars have a rocky planet in the habitable zone. 

'Now you can think of that as either a very small or a very big number (because there are so many sun-like stars in our galaxy), but the same study also found that eight per cent of Sun-like stars have a gas giant in the habitable zone. 

'So if even one quarter of those giants have a rocky moon big enough to have an atmosphere, then there may very well be more habitable moons than planets. 

'Maybe we're the freaks, living on a planet rather than a moon! If we want to pin down the prospects for life in our galaxy, then we have to include the moons.'

Too close to a star and an exomoon may have an average temperature above the boiling point of water, making it highly unsuitable for any form of life (artist's illustration shown). It is hoped that colder, more habitable exomoons will be found though

Too close to a star and an exomoon may have an average temperature above the boiling point of water, making it highly unsuitable for any form of life (artist's illustration shown). It is hoped that colder, more habitable exomoons will be found though

When it comes to satellites like our own, however, we can't be so confident, at least not yet. 

Earth's moon formed in the aftermath of a giant interplanetary collision that shook the young Earth to its core, but as Dr Kipping says: 'We have no idea whether that giant impact that created our moon was a freak event, or the kind of thing that happens all the time - and with only one example in our Solar System, we just can't tell.'

Dr Kipping points out another important reason to look for moons that are just like our own: 'I call it extrinsic habitability. The presence of our Moon may have been beneficial to the emergence of life on Earth: it stabilises the axial tilt and climate and causes tides that mix the oceans and create tidal pools where life itself may have started.

'If we find an Earth twin, one of the first questions we'll ask is "does it have a moon twin?", because that's been so influential on our own planet.'

The HEK Project sifts data from Kepler looking for three different effects, each of which can reveal unique information about potential exomoons.

Identifying periodic smaller transits caused by a satellite associated with a larger exoplanet is the most obvious of these (though it's a challenge that still stretches the sensitivity of Kepler's instruments). 

'Very simply, if you have a planet orbiting a star with the right alignment to our line of sight, you get a transit and if it has a moon, that will usually either appear to be leading or trailing behind the planet, so you will see an additional dip in the star's brightness when the moon blocks out light,' explains Dr Kipping.

'If you look over many orbits, then you'll see the dip from the moon at a different point in relation to the dip from the planet every time. It's not random - it's dictated by Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

'So, we basically model that in a computer, simulating a mini solar system to see how it evolves and whether the little dips in the data can be explained by a moon, or maybe something else such as another exoplanet, or activity on the star itself.'

The other effects are more subtle - changes in the timing of the exoplanet's own transit and differences in its duration, both caused by the planet wobbling under the influence of its moon.

Dr Kipping illustrates this with an example that's much closer at hand: 'If a distant alien were looking at Earth transiting the sun, you might think it would see transits at identical intervals of about 365.256 days [Earth's official orbital period around the Sun], but in fact that transit could happen five minutes earlier or later.

'That's because the thing that actually orbits the sun like clockwork is the centre of mass of the Earth- moon system.

'The Earth and moon are both orbiting around that point in space and although the centre of mass is deep inside the Earth [about 1,700 kilometres or 1,060 miles below the surface], Earth's wobble is enough to create variations of a few minutes.

'What's more, sometimes the planet seems to move across the star a bit quicker or a bit slower, because the tug of the moon is causing its velocity through space to vary,' Dr Kipping continues.

'It's a bit like a pendulum: the duration effect is at its maximum when the timing effect is at its minimum and vice versa.'

'The presence of our moon may have been beneficial to the emergence of life on Earth,' says Dr Kipping (arist's illustration shown). 'It stabilises the axial tilt and climate and causes tides that mix the oceans and create tidal pools where life itself may have started'

'The presence of our moon may have been beneficial to the emergence of life on Earth,' says Dr Kipping (arist's illustration shown). 'It stabilises the axial tilt and climate and causes tides that mix the oceans and create tidal pools where life itself may have started'

Putting all this information together could, in theory, lead to some impressive and revealing results: 'Kepler can just about detect these kinds of timing variations, so you can then get the mass of the moon from the wobble of the planet and the size of the moon from the transit dip itself.

'If you know the mass and size you can get the density - that tells you roughly what the moon is made of. If it's an icy moon you get a density of maybe one or two grams per cubic centimetre, whereas if it's rocky then you're looking at about twice that.'

In practise, of course, sifting the enormous amounts of data collected by Kepler between its launch in 2009 and eventual breakdown in 2013 is an exacting task. 

Based on its criteria of measuring over three transit events in front of a particular star, Kepler detected at least 4,000 planetary candidates.

Unfortunately, most of these planets can be dismissed immediately as unlikely to have orbiting moons.

The transit technique is naturally biased towards planets that are very close to their stars and many exoplanets orbit so close that their star's gravity would simply rip any hypothetical moons out of orbit.

In fact, only about ten per cent of Kepler candidates orbit far enough from their stars to potentially hold satellites.

'These days, it might feel like Kepler planets are a dime a dozen, but the subset of these long-period planets are very special to us and very precious,' Dr Kipping explains.

'We believe it's worth studying each one of these with a fine tooth comb to look for moons because, whether we find them or not - if they're common or rare - the answer is going to be one of the most important in modern astronomy.'

Earth's moon (pictured) could also be a hinderance to aliens trying to study our planet from afar, as it has a noticeable effect on our planet's transit around our sun. When studying distant exoplanets and moons, similar features will need to be accounted for

Earth's moon (pictured) could also be a hinderance to aliens trying to study our planet from afar, as it has a noticeable effect on our planet's transit around our sun. When studying distant exoplanets and moons, similar features will need to be accounted for

So, how is progress going? 'We've studied about 20 of them so far, and at the moment we're doing about 40 per year, so by the end of this year we'll publish the results for about that many.

'I'm not going to give the game away, but our aim is to look through at least the 100 or 200 best candidates and once we've looked at that many, we can say something in statistical terms about how common or rare big moons are in the universe.'

However, things aren't entirely straightforward, since the methods used by the HEK team rely on a relatively massive moon capable of influencing its parent planet.

'In terms of sensitivity, the data is good enough for us to detect Earth-like moons or smaller in about half the cases we're studying,' admits Dr Kipping.

'So after looking at those 200 or so exoplanets we should have a much better idea of how frequently moons form by the kind of giant impact process that created our own moon.'

Ironically, the most-common exomoons, those around gas giants, are also the hardest to conclusively detect. Though they might be massive in their own right, such moons are dwarfed by the mass of their planets and have only the tiniest affect on the timing or duration of transit events.

'They're still quite big of course, so it might be possible to see just the transit signature, but you wouldn't get the timing effects or the mass,' points out Dr Kipping.

'Without that I think it would be very difficult to prove you had definitely found a genuine exomoon.'

Dr Kipping remains hopeful for the prospect of finding Earth-like exoplanets and their moons: 'I'm still very optimistic we'll find them in the next year or two. 

'I can't believe nature doesn't build moons frequently - it has a much greater imagination than ourselves, as it's proved this over and over again.'



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