Revealed: The top secret CIA Museum only spies can visit where the AK-47 found by the body of Osama bin Laden hangs on the wall and the fake scripts used by the 'Argo' agents are on proud display


Tucked away among the labyrinthine corridors of the George Bush Center for Intelligence in Langley, Virginia, is the 'coolest museum you will never see'.

Hidden from public view, the CIA Museum is comprised of five exhibits full of real paraphernalia from the storied history of the spy agency, which dates back to World War II.

Proudly on display are some of the most important historical artifacts of modern times - including the AK-47 found beside the body of Osama bin Laden and the mock-up of his Pakistan compound the agency used to plan their successful assault.

Unlike any other: The CIA Museum in Langley, Virginia, boasts one of the most storied, historic and classified exhibits in the world

Unlike any other: The CIA Museum in Langley, Virginia, boasts one of the most storied, historic and classified exhibits in the world

The museum, which is just as covert as the spy ring which it honors, displays the James Bond-style gadgets, artifacts and of course trophies they have accrued over 70-years of espionage.

Closed to the public and only open to members of the CIA and invited guests, the most recent addition to the museum is the Russian-made assault rifle which was found with the al-Qaeda chief on the night he was killed by US Navy SEALS.

It is identified only with a simple brass plaque that reads 'Osama bin Laden's AK-47' and shares its glass case with a terrorist training manual found in Afghanistan after 9/11.


'This is the rifle that was recovered from the third floor of the Abbottabad compound by the assault team," said curator Toni Hiley to NBC News. 

'Because of its proximity to bin Laden there on the third floor in the compound, our analyst determined it to be his.

'It's a Russian AK with counterfeit Chinese markings.'

Weapon: This is the very gun found by the body of Osama bin Laden after the raid on his compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan in May, 2011

Weapon: This is the very gun found by the body of Osama bin Laden after the raid on his compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan in May, 2011

Mock-up: To mark the CIA's involvement in the successful mission that ended Osama bin Laden's life in May the museum proudly display's one of the models of his home in Pakistan that was used to plan the mission

Mock-up: To mark the CIA's involvement in the successful mission that ended Osama bin Laden's life in May the museum proudly display's one of the models of his home in Pakistan that was used to plan the mission

Artifact: Osama Bin Laden (L) during an interview with a Pakistani journalist - the CIA has said it does not believe the AK-47 found in his possession in May, 2011 is the same one seen in many pictures pre-9/11, including this image

Artifact: Osama Bin Laden (L) during an interview with a Pakistani journalist - the CIA has said it does not believe the AK-47 found in his possession in May, 2011 is the same one seen in many pictures pre-9/11, including this image

Recovered: In 2001, US intelligence officers picked up this al-Qaeda training manual outside Kandahar, Afghanistan. The officers found the manual while searching the ruins of a suspected chemical processing site. US ordnance that damaged the site caused the handbook's burn marks. The manual includes instructions for firing Stinger missiles

Recovered: In 2001, US intelligence officers picked up this al-Qaeda training manual outside Kandahar, Afghanistan. The officers found the manual while searching the ruins of a suspected chemical processing site. US ordnance that damaged the site caused the handbook's burn marks. The manual includes instructions for firing Stinger missiles

Ever the spy, Hiley would not confirm how the AK-47 ended up in the museum - especially considering the SEAL team rushed to leave the compound before Pakistani troops arrived.

All Hiley would confirm was that then CIA director Leon Panetta 'asked that it come into the museum collection'.

One source told NBC News that the source of the rifle was the 'dark side' of the agency, the operatives who worked with the SEALs during the May 2011 raid.

Indeed, the agency would not even confirm whether the rifle was loaded when it was recovered.

'I wasn't there,' said Hiley. 'So I can't confirm or deny exactly where the weapon was. I just know that I have it in my museum and I'm happy to have it.'

Heartfelt: As Americans celebrated victory in Europe in May 1945, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officer Richard Helms wrote this touching and eloquent letter to his young son on a captured sheet of Adolf Hitler's personal stationery.  Helms's words captured the meaning of the war, not only for OSS but for many others who had fought against Hitler.  Helms would later become Director of Central Intelligence

Heartfelt: As Americans celebrated victory in Europe in May 1945, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officer Richard Helms wrote this touching and eloquent letter to his young son on a captured sheet of Adolf Hitler's personal stationery. Helms's words captured the meaning of the war, not only for OSS but for many others who had fought against Hitler. Helms would later become Director of Central Intelligence

During World War II, the Germans used the Enigma, a cipher machine, to develop nearly unbreakable codes for sending secret messages. The Enigma's settings offered 150,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible solutions, yet the Allies were eventually able to crack its code. The machine was developed by the Dutch to communicate banking secrets. The Germans bought the patent in 1923 for intelligence purposes. Polish intelligence was able to purchase an Enigma at a trade fair and procure a codebook from a French agent. When Poland was overrun in 1939, the Poles realized they wouldn¿t have capabilities to solve the code and gave the information and machine to the Allies. By end of the war, the British were reading 10 percent of all German Enigma communications at Bletchley Park, in England, on the world¿s first electromagnetic computers. This is a three-rotor Enigma. The Germans eventually added two more rotors, and with each change, Allies had to obtain a new machine and codebooks.

During World War II, the Germans used the Enigma, a cipher machine, to develop nearly unbreakable codes for sending secret messages. The Enigma's settings offered 150,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible solutions, yet the Allies were eventually able to crack its code. By end of the war, the British were reading 10 percent of all German Enigma communications at Bletchley Park, in England, on the world's first electromagnetic computers. This is a three-rotor Enigma. The Germans eventually added two more rotors, and with each change, Allies had to obtain a new machine and codebooks.

Charlie: CIA's Office of Advanced Technologies and Programs developed the unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) fish to study aquatic robot technology. The UUV fish contains a pressure hull, ballast system, and communications system in the body and a propulsion system in the tail. It is controlled by a wireless line-of-sight radio handset

Charlie: CIA's Office of Advanced Technologies and Programs developed the unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) fish to study aquatic robot technology. The UUV fish contains a pressure hull, ballast system, and communications system in the body and a propulsion system in the tail. It is controlled by a wireless line-of-sight radio handset

The museum was founded in the early 1990s and at present fills three corridors across two buildings at the CIA's headquarters.

CIA officials refer to it as the best museum that no one will ever see.

The small museum exhibits the history of the service, tracing its roots back to the Office of Special Services during World War II.

Among the items on display are shrapnel that struck a U2 spy plane over North Vietnam, a silver dollar that holds microfilm and an underwater spy drone that looks just like a catfish, codenamed Charlie.

'Charlie's mission is still classified, we can't talk about it,' said Hiley.

Early drone: Developed by CIA's Office of Research and Development in the 1970s, this micro unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was the first flight of an insect-sized vehicle (insectothopter). It was intended to prove the concept of such miniaturized platforms for intelligence collection

Early drone: Developed by CIA's Office of Research and Development in the 1970s, this micro unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was the first flight of an insect-sized vehicle (insectothopter). It was intended to prove the concept of such miniaturized platforms for intelligence collection

Stealth: The semi-submersible was small and quiet. The craft was made of wood and aluminum, with plywood sheathing on the bottom, sides, and deck. This construction made sonar or radar detection unlikely. The semi-submersible could be sunk without personnel in depths of up to 30 feet

Stealth: The semi-submersible was small and quiet. The craft was made of wood and aluminum, with plywood sheathing on the bottom, sides, and deck. This construction made sonar or radar detection unlikely. The semi-submersible could be sunk without personnel in depths of up to 30 feet

Seismic Intrusion Detection Devices used during the Cold War. Equipped with transmitters and designed to blend in with the terrain, they could detect movement 900 feet away

Seismic Intrusion Detection Devices used during the Cold War. Equipped with transmitters and designed to blend in with the terrain, they could detect movement 900 feet away

In the past the museum displayed the phony Hollywood equipment - movie scripts, stationery and company briefcase - that a team of agents posing as filmmakers used to rescue six Americans from Iran in 1979.

That mission became the basis for Ben Affleck's Academy Award-winning movie, Argo.

The al-Qaeda-focused gallery contains equipment and models used in SEAL training exercises in the lead-up to the 2011 raid.

'I think for our people it's an acknowledgment that the hard work over that 10 years and partnership with other members of the intelligence community and partnership with the military was a success,' said Hiley to NBC News.

'This puts the punctuation point on 10 years of this agency and our intelligence community partners looking for bin Laden.'

'Dead' Drop Spike: Communication between agents and their handlers always poses a risk. A dead drop allows secure communication by one person leaving and the other person picking up material later at a prearranged location. This eliminates the need for direct contact. This device is a spike that one could push into the ground. It is hollow and could contain messages, documents, or film

'Dead' Drop Spike: Communication between agents and their handlers always poses a risk. A dead drop allows secure communication by one person leaving and the other person picking up material later at a prearranged location. This eliminates the need for direct contact. This device is a spike that one could push into the ground. It is hollow and could contain messages, documents, or film

Pigeon cam: CIA's Office of Research and Development developed a camera small and light enough to be carried by a pigeon. With the camera strapped to its breast, the bird would be released.  With the camera running, the bird would fly over a target on its return home.  Being a common species, the pigeon concealed its role as an intelligence collection platform among the activities of thousands of other birds

Pigeon cam: CIA's Office of Research and Development developed a camera small and light enough to be carried by a pigeon. With the camera strapped to its breast, the bird would be released. With the camera running, the bird would fly over a target on its return home. Being a common species, the pigeon concealed its role as an intelligence collection platform among the activities of thousands of other birds

Learn how to be a spy: Sherman Kent created the publication Studies in Intelligence in 1955. Kent the most renowned analyst in American intelligence history served as a CIA officer from 1950 to 1967. Kent envisioned a journal devoted to intelligence theory, doctrine, and techniques. Studies in Intelligence was born from this vision

Learn how to be a spy: Sherman Kent created the publication Studies in Intelligence in 1955. Kent the most renowned analyst in American intelligence history served as a CIA officer from 1950 to 1967. Kent envisioned a journal devoted to intelligence theory, doctrine, and techniques. Studies in Intelligence was born from this vision

Being the CIA, there is of course, an even secret museum known as the 'classified collection' kept in a secret warehouse, reminiscent of the storage facility at the finale to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Older, no less impressive artifacts include a swastika-embossed letter composed on Adolf Hitler's personal stationery.

History in itself, the letter was sent by future CIA Director Richard Helms to his three-year-old son on VE day.

'Dear Dennis,' reads the letter from Helms, then stationed in Germany.

'The man who might have written on this card once controlled Europe – three short years ago when you were born.

'Studio Six Productions' Accoutrements: 'Studio Six Productions', was the dummy studio set up by CIA to rescue the six Americans trapped in Iran at the Canadian Ambassadors home.  The studio titled its new production 'Argo' after the ship that Jason and the Argonauts sailed in rescuing the Golden Fleece from the many-headed dragon holding it captive in the sacred garden much like the situation in Iran. The script had a Middle Eastern sci-fi theme that glorified Islam

'Studio Six Productions' Accoutrements: 'Studio Six Productions', was the dummy studio set up by CIA to rescue the six Americans trapped in Iran at the Canadian Ambassadors home. The studio titled its new production 'Argo' after the ship that Jason and the Argonauts sailed in rescuing the Golden Fleece from the many-headed dragon holding it captive in the sacred garden much like the situation in Iran. The script had a Middle Eastern sci-fi theme that glorified Islam

Minox B Camera: In 1936, Walter Zapp, a Latvian engineer, developed a portable camera that would fit easily into the palm of the hand and yet take high-quality, spontaneous pictures. The Minox subminiature camera, in its various models, was the world's most widely used spy camera. When it first became available, the camera was considered a marvel of technology; it was originally made from steel in Riga, Latvia, from 1937 to 1944

Minox B Camera: In 1936, Walter Zapp, a Latvian engineer, developed a portable camera that would fit easily into the palm of the hand and yet take high-quality, spontaneous pictures. The Minox subminiature camera, in its various models, was the world's most widely used spy camera. When it first became available, the camera was considered a marvel of technology; it was originally made from steel in Riga, Latvia, from 1937 to 1944

Identification Card of Allen W. Dulles: Allen W. Dulles started his career in the US Diplomatic Service in 1916. He joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII. As a member of the OSS, he directed intelligence operations from Switzerland. Through a series of personal contacts and difficult negotiations, he helped bring an early end to the Allied forces¿ Italian campaign in 1945. Through his work, he helped save hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. In 1951, Dulles joined the newly created Central Intelligence Agency. President Eisenhower appointed him CIA Director in 1953. During his tenure, Dulles approved the development of the U-2 spy plane

Identification Card of Allen W. Dulles: Allen W. Dulles started his career in the US Diplomatic Service in 1916. He joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII. As a member of the OSS, he directed intelligence operations from Switzerland. Through a series of personal contacts and difficult negotiations, he helped bring an early end to the Allied forces Italian campaign in 1945. Through his work, he helped save hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. In 1951, Dulles joined the newly created Central Intelligence Agency. President Eisenhower appointed him CIA Director in 1953. During his tenure, Dulles approved the development of the U-2 spy plane

'Today he is dead, his memory despised, his country in ruins. He had a thirst for power, a low opinion of man as an individual, and a fear of intellectual honesty.

'He was a force for evil in the world. His passing, his defeat – a boon for mankind. But thousands died that it might be so.

'The price for ridding society of bad is always high. Love, Daddy.'

Among the Nazi-era exhibit are counterfeit German postage stamps and a piece of Hitler's personal china set stolen from the Nazi leader's Berlin chancellery.

The other permanent exhibits on display include classic spying gadgets, such as pistols, fighting knives, cameras disguised as cigarette packs, even a pipe designed to receive radio messages and relay them silently to the user's ear by sending vibrations up his jawbone.

Catch the pigeon: Pigeon imagery was taken within hundreds of feet of the target so it was much more detailed than imagery from other collection platforms. Aircraft took photos from tens of thousands of feet and satellites from hundreds of miles above the target

Catch the pigeon: Pigeon imagery was taken within hundreds of feet of the target so it was much more detailed than imagery from other collection platforms. Aircraft took photos from tens of thousands of feet and satellites from hundreds of miles above the target

Spy smoke: Miniature spring-wound 35-mm film camera in a modified cigarette pack. The Tessina¿s small size and quiet operation provided more options for concealment than most commercially available models

Spy smoke: Miniature spring-wound 35-mm film camera in a modified cigarette pack. The Tessina¿s small size and quiet operation provided more options for concealment than most commercially available models

At the end of one hall is a two-man, semi-submersible boat developed to secretly drop CIA agents along hostile coasts.

One of the weirder items on display is a mechanical dragonfly built to carry a listening device but found small gusts of wind knocked it off course so it was never used in a spy operation.

The museum is a right of passage for all new CIA officers who are given a tour round on their very first day.

'I've had officers tell me that they walk potential recruits through the museum,' Hiley says, 'and they often find that that person will sign on the dotted line after seeing the stories and the artifacts.'


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