Has Curiosity already taken life to Mars? Researchers reveal 377 Earth microbes were found on rover - and some could still be alive


Nasa's Curiosity rover may have accidentally taken life to the red planet, it has been revealed.

Researchers found that swabs taken prior to launch revealed 377 types of microbe withstood the specialized spacecraft cleaning methods used by NASA ahead of launch.

Scientists from the University of Idaho recreated the conditions that Curiosity underwent during its trip to Mars - and found 11 percent of the 377 microbial strains survived more than one of those conditions.

11 percent of the 377 microbial strains survived more than one of the conditions the rover went through on its journey.

11 percent of the 377 microbial strains survived more than one of the conditions the rover went through on its journey.

Although spacecraft go through multiple cleaning steps to ensure that they bear no biological contaminants, previous reports suggest that Curiosity project developers did not follow these planetary protection protocols to the letter, according to Nature.

Swabs of Curiosity's surfaces before it was launched, including its heat shield and flight system, revealed 65 species of bacteria.


Most were related to the genus Bacillus.

Nasa's rover is currently investigating how the mountain known as Mount Sharp came to be in the centre of the Gale Crater on Mars.

The site contains a sandstone slab known as Windjana, named after a gorge in Western Australia, that could provide much-needed answers to some intriguing questions about life on Mars.

'In coming days, Curiosity will resume driving toward Mount Sharp, the layered mountain at the middle of Mars' Gale Crater,' Nasa said.

The rover is carrying with it some of the powdered sample material from Windjana that can be delivered for additional internal laboratory analysis during pauses in the drive.

This image, taken at the end of last week with the Curiosity rover's Mast Camera (Mastcam), shows a sandstone slab at the centre. The rover team has spent the weekend getting Curiosity to examine a target patch on the rock, called 'Windjana,' with a view to studying it further

This image, taken at the end of last week with the Curiosity rover's Mast Camera (Mastcam), shows a sandstone slab at the centre. The rover team has spent the weekend getting Curiosity to examine a target patch on the rock, called 'Windjana,' with a view to studying it further

From planned drilling at Windjana, Curiosity's science team hopes to analyse the cement that holds together the sand-size grains in the rock - and learn more about the habitability of the region.

A brush to remove dust from a patch on the rock was also used, and readings of composition at various points on the rock were made using an instrument that fires laser shots from the rover's mast.


The spectrometer on the rover's robotic arm is the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS), which was provided by the Canadian Space Agency.

The camera on the arm is the Mars Hand Lens Imager (Mahli), built and operated by Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego.

The laser on the mast is part of the Chemistry and Camera instrument (ChemCam), from the U.S. Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and the French national space agency, CNES.

The rover's wire-bristle brush, the Dust Removal Tool, was built by Honeybee Robotics, New York.

Curiosity's hammering drill collects powdered sample material from the interior of a rock, and then the rover prepares and delivers portions of the sample to onboard lab instruments.

The first two Martian rocks drilled and analysed this way were mudstone slabs neighbouring each other in Yellowknife Bay, about 2.5 miles (4 kilometres) northeast of the rover's current location at a waypoint called 'the Kimberley.'

Those two rocks yielded evidence of an ancient lakebed environment with key chemical elements, and a chemical energy source that provided conditions billions of years ago favourable for microbial life.

It is hoped Windjana could provide similar information into the previous habitability of Mars.

'We want to learn more about the wet process that turned sand deposits into sandstone here,' said Curiosity Project Scientist John Grotzinger, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

'What was the composition of the fluids that bound the grains together? That aqueous chemistry is part of the habitability story we're investigating.'

The target is on the approximately two-foot-wide (60 centimetres) rock seen in the right half of this view. The sandstone target's informal name comes from Windjana Gorge in Western Australia.  If this target meets criteria set by scientists, it could become the mission's third drilled rock and the first that is not mudstone

The target is on the approximately two-foot-wide (60 centimetres) rock seen in the right half of this view. The sandstone target's informal name comes from Windjana Gorge in Western Australia. If this target meets criteria set by scientists, it could become the mission's third drilled rock and the first that is not mudstone

This view is an excerpt from an 11 April 2014 observation by Nasa's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. In the lower centre of the screen, by the red dot, is 'Mount Remarkable' that stands 16 ft (5m) high, with Windjana nearby. Curiosity appears as the bright blue object at the two-o'clock position relative to the dot

This view is an excerpt from an 11 April 2014 observation by Nasa's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. In the lower centre of the screen, by the red dot, is 'Mount Remarkable' that stands 16 ft (5m) high, with Windjana nearby. Curiosity appears as the bright blue object at the two-o'clock position relative to the dot

Understanding why some sandstones in the area are harder than others also could help explain major shapes of the landscape where Curiosity is working inside Gale Crater.

Erosion-resistant sandstone forms a capping layer of mesas - hills shaped like table-tops - and buttes - isolated hills with steep sides and flat tops.

It could even hold hints about why Gale Crater has a large layered mountain, Mount Sharp, at its centre.

Nasa's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) project is using Curiosity to assess ancient habitable environments and major changes in Martian environmental conditions.

Over the weekend Curiosity extended its arm to Windjana to ascertain whether it is worthwhile drilling there. The rock is within a waypoint location called 'the Kimberley,' where sandstone outcrops with differing resistance to wind erosion result in a stair-step pattern of layers

Over the weekend Curiosity extended its arm to Windjana to ascertain whether it is worthwhile drilling there. The rock is within a waypoint location called 'the Kimberley,' where sandstone outcrops with differing resistance to wind erosion result in a stair-step pattern of layers

The team must now decide if the rock, pictured, is worthy of further study. Drilling operations can take weeks to plan and execute, which is why so much preparation is needed. Ultimately this seemingly inconspicuous sandstone could explain how Mount Sharp, Curiosity's ultimate destination, formed in the Gale Crater

The team must now decide if the rock, pictured, is worthy of further study. Drilling operations can take weeks to plan and execute, which is why so much preparation is needed. Ultimately this seemingly inconspicuous sandstone could explain how Mount Sharp, Curiosity's ultimate destination, formed in the Gale Crater


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