Willow Garage's Personal Robot 2 can find, clean and fold dirty washing


It could be the ultimate home help - able to find your dirty clothes, wash them, and even fold them before neatly putting them away.

Researchers at Berkeley today revealed their robotics team has almost cracked the problem.

It can wash and fold clothes, even recognising different items, and folding them all neatly when it's done. 

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Using Willow Garage's $280,000 Personal Robot 2, Berkeley students have written software to allow it to do almost every part of the laundry process

Using Willow Garage's $280,000 Personal Robot 2, Berkeley students have written software to allow it to do almost every part of the laundry process


The steps needed are:

Locate dirty clothes

Pick up dirty clothes

Place dirty clothes in laundry basket

Take laundry basket to washer

Open washer door

Place dirty clothes in washer

Add soap

Close washer door

Program and start washer

Transfer clothes to dryer

Remove clothes from dryer

Fold laundry or put laundry on hangers

Put away laundry in dresser or closet

Using Willow Garage's $280,000 Personal Robot 2, Berkeley students Siddharth Srivastava and his co-authors have written a paper about their version of the open-source PR2, which they have programmed to fold laundry.

In a video published this week, the robot can be seen taking clothes out of a basket and placing them in a washer. 

The semi-humanoid robot is 'roughly the size of a person' and features two arms, claw-like 'gripper' hands, a front-facing screen head, and a tilting Hokuyo laser scanner that continuously flaps up and down like an ever-chattering mouth. 

'Given only the high-level goal of cleaning all 'dirty' clothes (which are unknown in number) and actions such as pick, place, open and close, the UC Berkeley PR2 figures out a plan for doing laundry and then executes it,' said Srivastava.

'We demonstrate our techniques on several planning problems and show that they apply to challenging real-world tasks such as doing the laundry with a PR2 robot.'

The team has been developing the system since 2010.

The PR2 has already mastered the ability to fetch a beer from the refrigerator, pick up a sandwich from Subway, shave a man's face, set a dining table and even play pool. 

However, it still has issues with one thing - washing machines.

The PR2 can't quite differentiate between a clean, rumpled shirt lying on the floor and a dirty, rumpled shirt lying on the floor, and can't yet reach into the machine to take the clothes out of the dryer. 

Berkeley's robot is able to find and sort clothes however they are left in front of it - then wash them

Berkeley's robot is able to find and sort clothes however they are left in front of it - then wash them

The PR can't yet reach into the machine to take the clothes out of the dryer - but can do virtually everything else in the laundry process - even folding up your clothes neatly.

The PR can't yet reach into the machine to take the clothes out of the dryer - but can do virtually everything else in the laundry process - even folding up your clothes neatly.

Robots like the car-assembly ones are designed to work in highly structured settings, which allows them to perform a wide variety of tasks with mind-boggling precision and repeatability — but only in carefully controlled environments. 

Automation of household tasks like laundry folding is somewhat compelling in itself. 

But more significantly, according to doctoral student Jeremy Maitin-Shepard, the task involves one that's proved a challenge for robots: perceiving and manipulating 'deformable objects' – things that are flexible, not rigid, so their shape isn't predictable. 

A towel is deformable; a mug or a computer isn't. 

'Existing work on robotic laundry and towel folding has shown that starting from a known configuration, the actual folding can be performed using standard techniques in robotic manufacturing,' says Maitin-Shepard. 

'Many important problems in robotics and computer vision involve deformable objects,' said Assistant Professor Pieter Abbeel of Berkeley. 

The stages the robot goes through to complete a laundry run

The stages the robot goes through to complete a laundry run

'and the challenges posed by robotic towel-folding reflect important challenges inherent in robotic perception and manipulation for deformable objects.'

The team's technical innovation is a new computer vision-based approach for detecting the key points on the cloth for the robot to grasp.

They say the approach is highly effective because it depends only on geometric cues that can be identified reliably even in the presence of changes in appearance and texture.




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