INSECTS eat equivalent of 60,000 hot dogs a year on NYC's busiest streets


New Yorker's have ants and other insects to thank for some of Manhattan's messiest garbage disposal, researchers have found.

The discovered that insects on a single stretch of road consumed more than 2,100 pounds of discarded junk food, the equivalent of 60,000 hot dogs.

They say the study shows just how important insects are to cities. 

The team discovered that on one stretch of Broadway insects  consumed more than 2,100 pounds of discarded junk food, the equivalent of 60,000 hot dogs.

The team discovered that on one stretch of Broadway insects consumed more than 2,100 pounds of discarded junk food, the equivalent of 60,000 hot dogs.


To see how much the arthropods ate, the researchers put out carefully measured amounts of junk food - potato chips, cookies and hot dogs - at sites in street medians and city parks. 

Researchers placed two sets of food at each site. 

One set was placed in a cage, so only arthropods could reach the food; the second set was placed in the open, where other animals could also eat it. 

After 24 hours, the scientists collected the food to see how much was eaten.

The new study from North Carolina State University shows that arthropods - ants, millipedes, mites, spiders and others -  play a significant role in disposing of garbage on the streets of Manhattan.

'We calculate that the arthropods on medians down the Broadway/West St. corridor alone could consume more than 2,100 pounds of discarded junk food, the equivalent of 60,000 hot dogs, every year - assuming they take a break in the winter,' says Dr. Elsa Youngsteadt, a research associate at NC State and lead author of a paper on the work.

'This isn't just a silly fact,' Youngsteadt explains. 

'This highlights a very real service that these arthropods provide. 

'They effectively dispose of our trash for us.'

During the summer of 2013, the researchers working in parks and on streets in Manhattan measured temperature and humidity and sampled the population of arthropods. 

They also sifted through the leaf litter and sucked ants into an aspirator by hand. 

They extracted 16,294 bugs, including representatives of 32 species of ants. 

To see how much the arthropods ate, the researchers put out carefully measured amounts of junk food - potato chips, cookies and hot dogs - at sites in street medians and city parks. Researchers placed two sets of food at each site. 

One set was placed in a cage, so only arthropods could reach the food; the second set was placed in the open, where other animals could also eat it. 

After 24 hours, the scientists collected the food to see how much was eaten.

The researchers were in the midst of a long-term study of urban insects when Hurricane Sandy struck NYC in 2012. 

In spring 2013, they expanded their study to look at whether Sandy had affected the behaviour of these insect populations.

To see how much the arthropods ate, the researchers put out carefully measured amounts of junk food - potato chips, cookies and hot dogs - at sites in street medians and city parks.

To see how much the arthropods ate, the researchers put out carefully measured amounts of junk food - potato chips, cookies and hot dogs - at sites in street medians and city parks.

The researchers found that Hurricane Sandy had no measurable impact on food consumption by arthropod populations in New York, which was somewhat surprising since many of the study sites had been flooded with brackish water.

The bigger surprise was that arthropod populations in medians ate two to three times more junk food than those in parks - even though there was less biodiversity in the medians.

'We think this is because one of the most common species in the medians was the pavement ant (Tetramorium species), which is a particularly efficient forager in urban environments,' Youngsteadt says.

In addition, by comparing food consumption inside and outside of the sample cages, the researchers showed that other animals - such as rats and pigeons - were also eating the junk food.

'This means that ants and rats are competing to eat human garbage, and whatever the ants eat isn't available for the rats,' Youngsteadt explains. 

'The ants aren't just helping to clean up our cities, but to limit populations of rats and other pests.'



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