How hot will your city be in 2100? Interactive map reveals Las Vegas will hit 111F and be as hot as Saudi Arabia, while Phoenix will reach 114F - like Kuwait


It is a shocking demonstration of the effect global warming will have on America.

A new interactive map reveals that based on current predictions, Las Vegas will feel like Saudi Arabia does today, while Phoenix will have Kuwait-like temperatures.

The organisation behind the map warms that all of America will be 'like Florida'.

Enter your city below to see the prediction


The analysis only accounts for daytime summer heat - the hottest temperatures of the day, on average between June-August.

It doesn't incorporate humidity or dewpoint, both of which contribute to how uncomfortable summer heat can feel.

This projected warming also assumes greenhouse gas emissions keep increasing through 2080, just as they have been for the past several decades.

On average, temperatures will be 7-10°F warmer with some cities as much as 12°F hotter by the end of the century.

'Summer temperatures in most American cities are going to feel like summers now in Texas and
Florida - very, very hot,' said Alyson Kenward of Climate Central, lead researcher of the analysis, which looked at projected changes in average summer (June-July-August) high temperatures.


On average, those temperatures will be 7-10°F warmer with some cities as much as 12°F hotter by the end of the century.

'In some cases, summers will warm so dramatically that their best comparison is to cities in the Middle East, it said.

'Take Las Vegas, for example.

'Summer highs there are projected to average a scorching 111°F, which is what summer temperatures are like today in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. And at 114°F°, living in Phoenix will feel like summering in sweltering Kuwait City.

The graphic reveals New York will feel like Florida, with temperatures topping 91F

The graphic reveals New York will feel like Florida, with temperatures topping 91F

Las Vegas will be among the worst hit places, with temperatures akin to those found in Saudi Arabia

Las Vegas will be among the worst hit places, with temperatures akin to those found in Saudi Arabia

The research also highlighted Boston, where average summer high temperatures will likely be more than 10°F hotter than they are now, making it feel as steamy as North Miami Beach is today.

St. Paul, Minn., where summer high temperatures are expected to warm an average
of 12°F, which puts it on par with broiling Mesquite, Texas.

'For our Blistering Future Summers interactive we have projected summer high temperatures for the end of this century for 1,001 cities, and then showed which city in the U.S. — or elsewhere in the world, if we couldn't find one here — is experiencing those temperatures today. '


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