Friday's eclipse could be the end of the world, pastor warns


Friday's solar eclipse across Europe could signal darker times and the 'day of judgement,' a pastor has warned.

The timing of the eclipse, which comes a few weeks before a lunar eclipse, is apparently significant.

Coinciding also with the spring equinox, the rare 'once in 100,000-year' event could indicate that trouble is brewing in Europe, according to the pastor.

On Friday morning, Europe will be treated to a partial solar eclipse (1999 eclipse shown). But a pastor has warned that it coincides with a so-called 'blood moon'. This lunar eclipse, when the moon appears red, occurs a few weeks later. He said the chance alignment could be a sign of the end of times

On Friday morning, Europe will be treated to a partial solar eclipse (1999 eclipse shown). But a pastor has warned that it coincides with a so-called 'blood moon'. This lunar eclipse, when the moon appears red, occurs a few weeks later. He said the chance alignment could be a sign of the end of times

The claim was made by pastor Mark Blitz for the Christian website Root Source in an interview with WorldNetDaily (WND).

The partial solar eclipse on Friday 20 March is itself fairly rare, as the last solar eclipse in Europe occurred back in 1999.

However, a few weeks later on 4 April, the third of four 'blood moon' lunar eclipses will take place, while it is also the first day of spring and the first day of the Jewish religious calendar.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in the shadow of Earth, and appears red due to light refracting differently and hitting its surface. 


A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in the shadow of Earth.

This is an area known as the umbra, where light from the Sun is blocked by our planet.

The light refracts differently in the atmosphere and, as it hits the moon, it makes it appear red.

This gives rise to its 'blood red' appearance during a total eclipse, when the entire moon is in shadow.

If it skirts the shadow, known as a partial or penumbral eclipse, the effect is less dramatic. 

'An event of this magnitude at the very beginning of the religious new year demands attention,' Mr Blitz told WND.

'As the Bible tells us, there will be signs in the heavens on the feast days, and this is a very significant sign on a critical day.

'It's the same day that there was the grand-opening ceremony of the tabernacle of Moses, with fire from heaven lighting the altar. Historically, this is a day of judgment.'  

He also said it was 'likely a message from God to the entire world.'

There will also be a partial solar eclipse on 13 September 2015, followed by the last of the four blood moons - known as a tetrad - on 28 September. The previous two occurred on 15 April and 8 October 2014.

The so-called 'blood moon prophecy' is apparently a sign that the world is coming to an end. 

Mr Blitz said the last time there were four blood moons in a row, in 1967, Israel captured Jerusalem.

A few weeks after Friday's eclipse, on 4 April, the third of four 'blood moon' lunar eclipses will take place, while it is also the first day of spring and the first day of the Jewish religious calendar. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in the shadow of Earth

A few weeks after Friday's eclipse, on 4 April, the third of four 'blood moon' lunar eclipses will take place, while it is also the first day of spring and the first day of the Jewish religious calendar. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in the shadow of Earth

'An event of this magnitude at the very beginning of the religious new year demands attention,' Mr Blitz told WND.' As the Bible tells us, there will be signs in the heavens on the feast days, and this is a very significant sign on a critical day.' Shown is an illustration of the sun, Earth and moon in line

'An event of this magnitude at the very beginning of the religious new year demands attention,' Mr Blitz told WND.' As the Bible tells us, there will be signs in the heavens on the feast days, and this is a very significant sign on a critical day.' Shown is an illustration of the sun, Earth and moon in line

Back in the world of science, the eclipse on Friday marks a fascinating opportunity for observers to see the amazing mathematical coincidence take place in the solar system.

This chart shows what times the eclipse will occur in the UK on Friday 20 March

This chart shows what times the eclipse will occur in the UK on Friday 20 March

Experts have warned, however, that no one should attempt to look directly at the sun without specialised solar glasses.

Others have also said that the two-hour event could pose problems for solar power stations across Europe.

About three per cent of the total European energy consumption comes from solar power, and scientists have warned that the risk of blackouts is greater than ever.

The effects of a momentary dip in output has not been studied before, leading to the suggestion there could be a 'cascade of electricity blackouts' as power grids struggle to cope.

Meanwhile, scientists will also be using the event to study one of the sun's biggest mysteries.

A team based in Svalbard, north of Norway, will be hoping to use the event to find out why the sun's corona - its outer atmosphere - is hotter than its surface. 

The plasma of the sun is only visible during a total eclipse, so the scientists will use this unique opportunity to try and solve the puzzling phenomena.

And in an amazing coincidence, the eclipse will occur over the North Pole on the same day the sun comes into view after six months of polar night - an event which happens only once every 500,000 years.


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