The app that could spell the end of baby photos on Facebook: Preggie social network has been created just for mothers
From the 12-week scan to a child's first steps, Facebook is a popular place for parents to share photos of their children.
But for members who don't have families yet, the constant stream of nappy talk can become tedious.
That's where Preggie comes in - it's an app designed especially for expectant mothers to post as many baby statuses as they like.
Preggie is a social network app designed for expectant mothers by the developers behind the Russian woman's website, Babyblog. The app lets pregnant women find support groups, share stories and post photos (pictured left). Users can subscribe to people's posts, and send direct messages to friends (pictured right)
Researchers from print site Posterista also found 64 per cent of parents admitted that they upload images of their children at least three times a week.
Of the respondents, 21 per cent posted at least three times a month.
Only 6 per cent said they never upload pictures of their children.
It is the first global social network for pregnant women, which helps them find other expectant mothers, share stories, ask advice and seek support.
The app connects members based on location and their relative stages of pregnancy.
Users can subscribe to people's posts, and send direct messages to make friends or arrange events.
It was developed by the team behind Babyblog - a Russian site for pregnant women and mothers that has more than seven million monthly users.
Developers at Motherroom are planning to launch a companion app 'soon' that will be for all parents to share photos of children of any age.
'Preggie App makes it easy for pregnant women to discuss pregnancy and babies issues,' explained the developers.
'Unlike other social networks, there are no entrance barriers – once you install the application, you are surrounded by women who want to communicate.
The app shows notifications (pictured left) and connects people based on location (pictured right), as well as by what stage of pregnancy members are at. A companion app is expected to be released 'soon' for fathers and parents of older children
'The app takes a completely unique approach: it links the user with hundreds of women in her local area so that they have a lot to share.
'It is based on the-same-pregnancy-stage principle, which means letting the user read posts of ladies who are at the same week in their pregnancy.'
Preggie is available on iOS and the developers are working on an Android version.
In 2012, developers created a Chrome plugin that automatically replaced images of babies on Facebook, with images of cats.
It was originally called, but changed to Rather and will now block any unwanted posts - from football-related statuses, to political opinions.
It works by searching for keywords in statuses and posts.
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