Are you getting a ruff night's sleep? Pet owners are increasingly being kept awake by animals in their home, study claims
Dog-tired? Blame Fido, Tiddles or Polly.
Growing numbers of people are being kept awake at night by their pets, doctors have warned.
The respected Mayo Clinic in the US says that while many people sleep peacefully with their pet curled up beside them, some are left so exhausted that they seek specialist help.
Doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota have warned that growing numbers of people are being kept awake at night by their pets. The clinic says that while many people sleep peacefully with their pet curled up beside them, some are left so exhausted that they seek specialist help (stock image shown)
Snoring dogs, squawking parrots, wandering kittens, sick pets and animals with weak bladders are all disturbing vital shut-eye.
Pet owners have long fought like cats and dogs about whether felines or canines make the best furry companions.
But a study last week claimed that cat owners are smarter than dog owners - regardless of their pet's intelligence.
The research revealed that the owners of the two animals tend to have different personalities - with cat lovers being more sensitive and open-minded than dog lovers who are largely energetic.
And in the study by Carroll University, Wisconsin the researchers also found that cat owners scored more highly on an intelligence test than dog owners.
Pampered pooches may be a problem, as well as more people owning more than one pet.
Some 10 per cent of pet-owners who attended the clinic's sleep centre in 2013 partly blamed their animals for their problems.
This is up from just 1 per cent in 2002, a sleep conference heard.
The study's author, Dr Lois Krahn, a psychiatrist, said: 'The study determined that while the majority of patients did not view their pets intolerably disturbing their sleep, a higher percentage of patients experienced irritation.
'This may be related to the larger number of households with multiple pets.
'When people have these kinds of problems, sleep specialists should ask about companion animals and help patients think about ways to optimise their sleep.'
Dogs, cats and birds were the most popular pets and kept their owners awake by snoring, whimpering and wandering.
Medical needs and the need to go outside were also problematic.
In some cases, pets acted as living alarm clocks.
Dr Krahn said: 'One patient owned a parrot who consistently squawked at 6am.
'He must have thought he was a rooster.'
Snoring dogs, squawking parrots (stock image shown), wandering kittens, sick pets and animals with weak bladders have all been blamed for disturbing vital shut-eye. Pampered pooches may be a problem, as well as an increasing number of people owning more than one pet
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