The Instagram of GIFs: 'Ultravisual' app lets you create and share short animations using your home videos


Cats and GIFs rule the web. 

Thankfully there's now an app that helps you create your own GIFs of feline friends, or in fact GIFs of anything you want, quickly and easily on your phone. 

Called Ultravisual, the app is being dubbed 'Instagram for GIFs' and it lets users edit media, add filters, create collections and share videos. 

The free app from New York developers Ultravisual is being dubbed Instagram for GIFs
It lets users edit images and videos, add filters and create collections, pictured. To create GIFs, users upload videos and trim to the desired length

The free app from New York developers Ultravisual is being dubbed Instagram for GIFs. It lets users edit images and videos, add filters and create collections. To create GIFs, users upload videos and trim to the desired length


To turn videos into GIFs, upload or capture a video and double-click it. 

Each video is divided into eight-second clips.

These individual clips can be edited separately and scheduled to play one after the other.

Alternatively, unwanted clips can be deleted by swiping to the left.

Videos are trimmed by dragging the bar below the clip, while the design is edited using the Looks Tool. 

The Framing Tool crops and scales the shot. 

The app was created by New York-based developers Ultravisual LLC.

To use Ultravisual, members take photos or record videos through the app, or import previously captured media.


Press an image to edit a file and add text, and drag and drop images around the canvas to create a collection. 

Any file can be deleted by swiping left and images can also be deleted from the library by swiping down and clicking the bin icon. 

To turn videos into GIFs, upload or capture the file and double-click the clip.

If clips or edits are deleted accidentally, shaking the phone will recover them. Photos can also be shared into collaborations with other users, such as this Outdoor collection. The app is only available on iOS 7 or higher and the developer has not announced plans to launch it on Android

If clips or edits are deleted accidentally, shaking the phone will recover them. Photos can also be shared into collaborations with other users, such as this Outdoor collection. The app is only available on iOS 7 or higher and the developer has not announced plans to launch it on Android

Each video is divided into eight-second clips and these individual clips can play one after the other, or can be deleted so only the desired clip is left. 

Videos are trimmed by dragging the bar below the clip, while the design is edited using the Looks Tool. 

The Framing Tool then crops and scales the shot and if clips or edits are deleted accidentally, shaking the phone will recover them. 

The app is only available on iOS 7 or higher and the developer has not announced plans to launch it on Android.


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