Google can now read your BILLS and remind you to pay them by scanning your emails


If you're comfortable with the fact that Google reads your emails, you can now use it to tell you when an upcoming bill is due - and even check your bank statement.

The new service, part of the Google Now personal assistant functionality, reminds users of payments by spotting bills in their Gmail accounts.

Other features of Google Now include checking flight times and reminding you where you have parked your car.

California-based Google can now read your bills in your emails. Users who have enabled Google Now can ask the app to show them their bills and reveal upcoming payments they have (shown in image). Summary of past and upcoming bills can also be viewed

California-based Google can now read your bills in your emails. Users who have enabled Google Now can ask the app to show them their bills and reveal upcoming payments they have (shown in image). Summary of past and upcoming bills can also be viewed

To use the service users need to tap the microphone on the Google app.

After saying 'show me my bills' or 'my bills due this week', the app will reveal upcoming payments they need to make.

And Google will also produce a summary of past and upcoming bills to keep your finances in check. 

Google Now's personal assistant technology already has a number of such features that cater to a user's needs. 

For example, the service can see if the user has an upcoming journey by scanning their emails.

It then provides information about trip times to the airport and flight status.

The service is an extension of Google Now's other features. These include Google (headquarters shown) giving you updates on a flight, telling you a good restaurant to visit, or reminding you where your car is

The service is an extension of Google Now's other features. These include Google (headquarters shown) giving you updates on a flight, telling you a good restaurant to visit, or reminding you where your car is


The app sums up activity, such as how far the user has walked.

It checks traffic ahead of any appointments they have in their phone's calendar.

It reminds them about restaurant reservations, events and birthdays.

The alarm feature stops users missing their bus or train stop.

The app can also suggest destinations they might like, suggest photo spots and translate languages. 

Other features include suggesting good places to go eat and drink.

For users that are wary of Google reading their emails, they are able to disable the feature by turning off Google Now.

It is only available to those who have enabled it.

The software is based on an algorithm that combines various snippets of information to form a prediction.

In the case of these personal-assistant apps, the software scans calendar entries to work out where a user is, or should be.

It combines this with location data, taken from the phone or tablet's GPS unit, as well as posts on social networks, email information and more.

It will then present the user with Cards designed to offer support or help it thinks they need. 




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