Apple patent reveals flexible screen that could work as magazine


Apple has patented a flexible display screen that could one day be used to create digital magazines and billboards.

The patent describes a 'digital periodical' that can also double as an in store sign or billboard.

It is controlled by simply flexing or bending the display, and information can be sent to it via mobile phone networks.  

The smart paper could replace traditional magazines, and unlike a tablet, would be flexible.

The smart paper could replace traditional magazines, and unlike a tablet, would be flexible.


Firms such as Samsung are already developing foldable screen technology.

Apple's version has a housing on each side.

Rather that buttons, it is controlled simply by flexing the paper.

The system can also link to mobile phone networks to download new content to display. 

The patent was one of 31 US Patent and Trademark Office newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today.

'A mobile electronic device having a flexible display device is disclosed,' the application says.

'A request to retrieve information from a server over a wireless network is triggered based on flexing the flexible display device and other gestures. '

'This could be a revolutionary new Apple device that they refer to as a digital periodical' said Patently Apple, which analysed the application

'The unit can also act as an advertising display for a retail store application and beyond.'

One of the initial uses is believed to be for digital magazines. 

The patent application shows off a flexible screen with a housing at either side. It can show content sent to it from a mobile phone.

The patent application shows off a flexible screen with a housing at either side. It can show content sent to it from a mobile phone.

'Although the availability of multimedia information is ubiquitous, proper viewing, display, and delivery of information for an enjoyable user experience is still lacking' the patent says.

'This is especially the case for viewing periodicals such as online magazines or news content on a mobile device where a large display is desirable.

'Moreover, having complex software and hardware is required to receive and display multimedia periodical information on present mobile devices making them expensive, heavy, and power intensive.'

The new smart screens could replace existing digital signs, allowing them do be updating using Apple's existing ad networks.

The new smart screens could replace existing digital signs, allowing them do be updating using Apple's existing ad networks.

Apple also addresses billboard signs in the application. 

'Digital fixed advertising display systems are commonplace in urban environments. 

'However, widespread use of these systems is not commonplace since they require a fixed power source and wired network connection.'   



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