I'll bee back! Rare insect believed to be extinct since 1946 is pictured on Kent coast
A rare bee thought to be extinct in the UK since 1946 has been rediscovered in Kent by a wildlife photographer.
Roger Tidman, 66, was in Dungeness when he unknowingly spotted a female Andrena vaga bee carrying pollen.
But although Mr Tidman was drawn to the striking grey-haired insect because of its colour, he had no idea it was so rare.
The unique Andrena vaga bee, commonly known as the mining bee, was last spotted on British soil 68 years ago - but has now been spotted by wildlife photographer Roger Tidman off the Kent coast
Mr Tidman, 66, from Briston, Norfolk, was immediately drawn towards the bee, but had no idea it was so rare until he showed the photo to his friend Nick Owens, a bee expert
It was only when Mr Tidman showed the photo to his close friend Nick Owens, a bee expert, that the true identity of the bee was revealed.
Unbeknown to Mr Tidman, the bee had last been seen on British soil 68 years earlier and was even considered by experts to be extinct.
Mr Tidman, from Briston, Norfolk, was over the moon when he realised he had spotted an incredibly rare species.
He said: 'I had no idea it was so rare, but it turns out it has not been since in the UK since 1946.
'I'm not a bee expert, but my close friend Nick Owens is and when I showed him the picture he said: 'You've hit the jackpot, mate!'
'He explained that this bee was declared extinct in the UK 68 years ago and that he couldn't believe it was back in England.
The keen photographer spotted the distinctively grey-haired insect carrying pollen before burying it underground
The bee, which is more regularly seen across the Channel in France, is only one-and-a-half centimetres long
Mr Tidman wanted to call the bee by an easier name so has named it the grey-backed mining bee
The bees that populate Britain today were mostly introduced from abroad - including the popular honeybee.
In total, there are around 250 species of bees in the UK.
These include 25 species of bumblebees, around 225 species of solitary bee and just a single honeybee species.
Although bees are not a protected species, they are incredibly important to the UK.
They pollinate fruit and vegetable plants - making them worth £560m a year to the UK economy.
They are a critical part of the food chain because flowering plants depend on insects for pollination. The honeybee is the most effective.
Nationally, seven of the UK's 25 native bumblebee species are in decline. Two have become extinct, including the short-haired bumblebee.
But sightings of rare bees, including the ruderal bumblebee, the red shanked carder bee, the moss carder bee and the brown-banded carder bee, have increased.
'It was very exciting when he told me how rare the bee is and when I realised I could be the only person with a clear picture of it, I was thrilled.'
Mr Tidman, who has been a wildlife photographer since the late 1970s, said the bee's return was probably due to global warming.
He said the energetic insect had most likely flown across the English Channel from France, where it is more regularly seen.
He said: 'It is called the Andrena vaga, but I wanted to call it something easier to understand so I've named it the 'grey-backed mining bee'.
'Hopefully this common name will make it easier for children to understand so they can get involved and interested in nature.
'Because it is a mining bee, the female was flying around to gather pollen before burying it underground.
'It has a grey back, and looks like a small bumble bee, but it is only one-and-a-half centimetres long.
'Anyone who has knowledge of bees would have been able to tell it was something completely different and incredibly rare.'
Bees are a critical part of the food chain because flowering plants depend on insects for pollination. The honeybee is the most effective.
It pollinates 90 commercial crops worldwide, including most fruit and vegetables, alfalfa for cattle feed, nuts and cotton.

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