Exposing newborn babies to germs could prevent them suffering from asthma as they grow up, scientists claim
Exposing newborn babies to germs could help prevent asthma as they grow up, research suggests.
The findings bolster the theory that modern obsession with hygiene and cleanliness has driven a boom in allergies and health problems.
According to the 'hygiene hypothesis', exposure to bacteria is necessary to prime the immune system early in life.
Many scientists believe that modern society, with its mania for sanitation and easy access to antibiotics, makes children hypersensitive to harmless allergens.
Researchers believe that exposing children to germs as babies could help them avoid asthma in later life
The latest work, published last night in the journal Nature Medicine, may lead to bacterial treatments in which germs are intentionally fed to infants.
The scientists found that when newborn mice were exposed to allergens they were better able to ward off asthma.
Other studies have already shown that airway exposure to bacteria can be effective at controlling allergy-driven airway inflammation in adult mice, the scientists said.
The team, led by Dr Benjamin Marsland, from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, wrote: 'Our current study indicates that such treatments could be greatly optimised by targeting the narrow developmental window that exists following birth, or by targeting specific molecules.
'A key future step will be to translate these findings to human infants.' More than five million people in the UK are undergoing treatment for asthma, including 1.1 million children.
Around 1,250 Britons die from asthma every year and mortality rate is the third highest in Europe, behind only Estonia and Spain.
The latest figures, released last week, show that the numbers have been steadily rising since 2009 when there were 1,140 deaths.
Asthma attacks are caused by an over-strong inflammatory immune response to allergy triggers such as house dust mites, pets or air pollutants.
The study showed that newborn mice were vulnerable to inflammation in the lungs when exposed to allergens.
But when their lungs were colonised by microbes, they developed immune cells that are anti-inflammatory and can suppress asthma.
The regulatory T cells kept the immune system in check and suppressed the inflammation.
Keeping mice in sterile conditions to prevent this colonisation rendered them sensitive to bugs and resulted in asthma as adults.
Interaction with a protein called PD-L1 was vital to the development of these cells, the researchers found. When PD-L1 was blocked, it had the same effect as keeping out the microbes - an exaggerated response to allergy triggers that persisted into adulthood.
Figures show that 1.1 million children in the UK suffer from asthma (picture posed by a model)
The scientists wrote: 'Overall, the concept of early developmental windows of allergic lung disease based on microbial colonisation represents a change in mainstream pathophysiological paradigms and presents unique opportunities for future post-natal modification of disease risk.' Evidence is growing to support the hygiene hypothesis.
In 2011, in a study of 1,400 children, researchers at Yale University in the U.S. found that babies who received antibiotics had a 70 per cent higher risk of suffering from asthma in childhood.
The scientists thought the asthma risk may have been caused by the fact that the antibiotics have wiped out swathes of bacteria - good and bad - in the babies' bodies.
They suggested the drugs had deprived the young immune systems of a healthy benchmark of normality on which to base their development.
In the years before antibiotics and scrupulous hygiene, our immune systems were used to bacteria and learnt to ignore this as non-hazardous.
But in a overly sanitary environment, the immune system can over-react to minor provocations, such as harmlessly low levels of bacteria.
American professor Rob Dunn, author of The Wild Life of Our Bodies, believes we should convince our bodies they are still in the natural state of our ancestors.
Professor Dunn, of North Carolina State University, said: 'We have gone from lives immersed in nature to lives in which nature has disappeared.
'But our bodies continue to expect to meet our old companions, the parasite species with which they tangled for generation upon generation.' The latest research comes after a major report last week concluded that Britain is failing to cope with the country's asthma problem.
Up to 800 patients are dying needlessly from asthma every year because doctors are prescribing the wrong medication or failing to properly monitor them, according to the Royal College of Physicians.
The report found that prescription errors had occurred in half of deaths while many other patients had not been offered check-ups or key advice on how to manage the condition and avoid attacks.

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