Could Google look after our NHS data? Controversial plans could be revived after minister says technology firms are best-placed to look after information securely
Controversial plans to give private companies such as Google responsibility for storing people's private personal health data could be revived, a minister has suggested.
Life sciences minister George Freeman, a Conservative, told business leaders that NHS data could be given to companies to look after as they are best placed to use it securely.
A tape recording of the discussion, passed to the Daily Mail, reveals Mr Freeman told guests at the Institute of Directors: 'The presumption at the heart of this debate at the moment is "well, only by the government doing it". I'm not so sure about that.'
Plans to give private companies such as Google responsibility for storing people's private personal health data could be revived, a minister has suggested (file picture)
Labour said it appeared that the Tories were planning to resurrect proposals for medical data to be 'bought and sold'.
The Government plans to make 'anonymised' NHS records from hospitals and GPs available to researchers through a scheme called
Ministers initially suggested there could be a role for private firms in managing giant databases of records, but was forced into shelving that idea. Instead, a central database is to be run by the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Life sciences minister George Freeman, a Conservative, told business leaders that NHS data could be given to companies to look after as they are best placed to use it securely was supposed to start in spring 2014, but has been subject to a series of delays following a public outcry over the NHS's failure to properly consult on the programme.
There was widespread concern about the potential risks and a failure to make people aware of their rights to opt out.
Officials behind the £50 million scheme say it will improve healthcare and promote medical advances, with the information used by NHS researchers and drugs companies to spot trends, identify poor care and develop targeted treatments.
Hospital data played a role in uncovering both the Bristol heart and Mid-Staffordshire hospital scandals.
It also provided some of the evidence that led to targeted bowel cancer screening being introduced in 2006.
Unless patients choose to opt out, confidential information about their illnesses, test results and medication will automatically be uploaded from theirGP or hospital file to a central database. Data to be extracted from GP systems includes family history, vaccinations, referrals for treatment, diagnoses and information about prescriptions.
Mr Freeman, addressing guests at the IoD in March, said there was an 'interesting question here about what's the best way to safeguard the privacy of data'.
'The presumption at the heart of this debate at the moment is "well, only by the government doing it". I'm not so sure about that. It may well be that the best way to safeguard the use of the data is to let people who are really good at using data securely, access it, with massive penalties if they fail,' the minister added.
Hospital data played a role in uncovering the Bristol heart scandal and provided some of the evidence that led to targeted bowel cancer screening being introduced in 2006
Health data also helped uncover the scandal at Mid-Staffordshire hospital (file picture)
'You know, in banking and finance we all merrily, all day long, use our swipe cards, share our most precious information in a system that we trust, and it basically works. And if there is ever an error or a fraud everyone knows that you will be reimbursed, you can trust the system.
'And I'm not sure at the moment we, the real danger is if the politics of drives us into a cul-de-sac of thinking that the only people who can get data confidentiality right are civil servants in Whitehall.
'We really lock ourselves into a cul-de-sac where we do less and less and less, and we get cut off. I think that the model probably needs to be that we embrace the best people at using data and give the public reassurance that if things were de-anonymised or not used in the right way there are real sanctions and real penalties.'
Labour MP Ian Mearns said: 'David Cameron wants to resurrect his plan for people's private details to be bought and sold on the open market. This government is intent on privatising healthcare.
'Ministers want to hand people's personal health details to private companies, with all sorts of dangerous consequences.
The Government plans to make 'anonymised' NHS records from hospitals and GPs available to researchers through a scheme called (file picture)
'People's privacy and safety would be threatened by this secret plan, and ministers must now confirm their exact intentions over patients' personal records.'
Mr Cameron suggested before the last election that medical records could be stored with companies like Google and Microsoft.
A report from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics earlier this year warned forcing patients to take part in the scheme unless they make a specific request to opt out is not acceptable in its current format.
Professor Martin Richards, the chair of the Nuffield Council's working party, said the scheme had been marred by bad planning and poor explanations about why GPs are being asked to upload all patients' records and hospital admissions to the central database.A Conservative source dismissed the idea that private firms could be involved in running sharing within the NHS to improve patient care 'has actually been in place for decades - it's this Government which has changed the law to protect confidentiality, and for the first time given patients an opt-out, both of which Labour didn't do,' the source added.
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