Amazon gets go ahead to test out its delivery drones in the US


Amazon has won approval from U.S. federal regulators to test the latest version of its delivery drone outdoors, less than a month after the e-commerce powerhouse blasted regulators for being slow to approve commercial drone testing.

The Federal Aviation Administration had earlier given the green light to an Amazon prototype drone in March, but the company told U.S. lawmakers less than a week later that the prototype had already become obsolete while it waited more than six months for the agency's permission.

The FAA granted Amazon's request to test its new delivery drones in a letter dated Wednesday, posted on the agency's website.

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The company must supply monthly data to the regulators, and conduct flights at 400 feet (120 metres) orbelow and in 'visual meteorological conditions,'

The company must supply monthly data to the regulators, and conduct flights at 400 feet (120 metres) orbelow and in 'visual meteorological conditions,'


Amazon is developing aerial vehicles as part of Amazon Prime Air.

The aircraft can travel at more than 50mph and carry loads of up to 5 pounds. 

About 86 percent of Amazon's deliveries are 5 pounds or less, the company said.

'We believe customers will love it, and we are committed to making Prime Air available to customers worldwide as soon as we are permitted to do so,' Amazon has said.

Amazon must keep flights at an altitude of no more than 400 feet (120 meters) and no faster than 100 miles per hour (160 km per hour), according to the letter.

Seattle-based has been pursuing its goal of sending packages to customers by air, using small, self-piloted aircraft, even as it faces public concern about safety and privacy.

The company wants to use drones to deliver packages to its customers over distances of 10 miles (16 km) or more, which would require drones to travel autonomously while equipped with technology to avoid collisions with other aircraft.

In February, the FAA proposed long-awaited rules to try to set U.S. guidelines for drones, addressing growing interest from both individual and corporations in using unmanned aerial vehicles.

Amazon did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Previously the firm blasted federal regulators for being slow to approve commercial drone testing - and warned the United States is falling behind other countries in the potentially lucrative area of unmanned aviation technology.

Less than a week after the Federal Aviation Administration gave the green light to test a delivery drone outdoors, the company told U.S. lawmakers that the prototype drone had already become obsolete while the company waited more than six months for the agency's permission.

'Nowhere outside of the United States have we been required to wait more than one or two months to begin testing,' Misener said in written testimony submitted to the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety and Security.

Misener said Amazon had applied on Friday for permission to test a more advanced drone system and now hopes for quicker approval.

The case illustrates the frustrations of many companies and industry lobbyists, who say the U.S. regulatory process is not keeping up with rapidly developing drone technology that could generate new revenues and cost savings for a range of industries.

Misener, who was scheduled to join a witness panel at the subcommittee hearing, said European and other international authorities have more 'reasonable' approaches that recognize the potential economic benefits of commercial drone operations.

'This low level of government attention and slow pace are inadequate, especially compared to the regulatory efforts in other countries,' Misener said.

'The (FAA) already has adequate statutory authority. 

'What the FAA needs is impetus, lest the United States fall further behind,' he added. 

The FAA recently proposed rules that would lift the current ban on most commercial drone flights, but several restrictions attached would make package delivery and other business applications unfeasible.

Among other constraints, the proposed rules would limit commercial drones to an altitude of 500 feet (150 metres), allow flights only during daytime and require operators to keep the aircraft in sight at all times.

The agency does not expect to finalize the rules until late 2016 or early 2017, according to government officials.  


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