Tim Cook answers critics of the Apple Watch, claiming 'people didn't know they wanted an iPod or a iPhone'


If has come under fire from critics as a useless gadget, but Apple's Tim Cook has revealed he is confident the Apple Watch will become as much of a success as the firms other written-off products - the iPhone and the iPad.

He claimed the Apple Watch, which goes on sale in April, with prices starting at $349, has already become a part of his life. 

He also claimed it will be 'the first smartwatch that matters'.

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Tim Cook pledged the Apple Watch 'will be the first modern smartwatch—the first one that matters.'

Tim Cook pledged the Apple Watch 'will be the first modern smartwatch—the first one that matters.'

When asked why many people seem to have a hard time imagining the usefulness of the watch, he told Fast Company: 'People didn't realize they had to have an iPod, and they really didn't realize they had to have the iPhone. And the iPad was totally panned. 

'Critics asked, 'Why do you need this?' 

'Honestly, I don't think anything revolutionary that we have done was predicted to be a hit when released. 

'It was only in retrospect that people could see its value. 

'Maybe this will be received the same way.

Cook also hit out at Microsoft, and Google's Android software, saying collaboration was the key to Apple's success. 

'Without collaboration, you get a Windows product. 

'There's a company that pumps out an operating system, another that does some hardware, and yet another that does something else. That's what's now happening in Android land. 

'Put it all together and it doesn't score high on the user experience.' 

Cook claims the firm has not set ambitious sales targets for the Watch, as it did for the iPhone.

Cook claims the firm has not set ambitious sales targets for the Watch, as it did for the iPhone.

He also revealed the thinking before the firm's decision to wait until its product was right - despite huge numbers of rumours and excitement around the product.

'We weren't first on the MP3 player; we weren't first on the tablet; we weren't first on the smartphone. But we were arguably the first modern smartphone, and we will be the first modern smartwatch—the first one that matters.'

Cook also claims the firm has not set ambitious sales targets for the Watch, as it did for the iPhone. 

'On the watch we haven't set a number. The watch needs the iPhone 5, 6, or 6 Plus to work, which creates a ceiling. But I think it's going to do well. I'm excited about it.

'I've been using it every day and I don't want to be without it.

Cook also revealed that the firm has left Steve job office untouched since he died - and couldn't decide what to do when the firm moves into its new 'spaceship' campus next year. 

'I haven't decided about what we'll do there. 

'But I wanted to keep his office exactly like it was. I was in there with Laurene [Powell Jobs, Steve's wife] the other day because there are still drawings on the board from the kids. 

'I took Eve [Steve's daughter] in there over the summer and she saw some things that she had drawn on his white board years earlier.'

'His computer is still in there as it was, his desk is still in there as it was, he's got a bunch of books in there.'

Tim Cook previously revealed that Steve Jobs once phoned his mother because he was concerned about how hard he was working.

In a new book about the Apple co-founder, Cook also reveals the moment Jobs asked him to take over as CEO - just weeks before his death.

The book, Becoming Steve Jobs, a new biography by technology reporter Brent Schlender and Fast Company executive editor Rick Tetzeli, was given 


In a recent interview Cook revealed his average working day - which still leaves little time for socialising.

He gets up at 3:45am every morning and begins to check his email, goes to the gym at 5am and to work at 6:30am, already fully briefed and with the day ahead planned out. 

He goes to bed early: by 9:30pm or sometimes 10pm.

 'The Steve I knew was the guy pestering me to have a social life, not because he was being a pest, but because he knew how important family was in his life, and he wanted it for me, too,' said Cook in the book, an extract of which was published by FastCompany.. 

'One day he calls my mom—he doesn't even know my mom, she lives in Alabama. 

'He said he was looking for me, but he knows how to find me! 

'He talked to her about me. There are lots of these things where you saw the very soft or caring or feeling or whatever you want to call it side of him. He had that gene. 

'Someone who's viewing life only as a transactional relationship with people...doesn't do that.'

In a recent interview Cooks revealed his average working day - which still leaves little time for socialising.

The books also reveals Jobs worked for as long as possible.

'He was working his ass off till the end, in pain,' remembers Eddy Cue, Apple's senior vice president of software and internet services. 

'You could see it in the meetings; he was taking morphine and you could see he was in pain, but he was still interested.'

Previously it was revealed Cook once tried to offer Steve Jobs his liver in a desperate bid to prolong his life.

Jobs had been suffering serious health problems as a result of his pancreatic cancer and by January 2009 - two years before his death - was in urgent need of a liver transplant.

On learning this, Cook was so upset he took it upon himself to have his blood tested and found that he happened to have the same rare blood type as his good friend and mentor.  


Steve Jobs posing with an Apple II computer.

Steve Jobs posing with an Apple II computer.

1976 Jobs co-founds Apple

1980 Apple's stock market flotation is biggest since Ford in 1956

1985 Leaves Apple to concentrate on new ventures, including Pixar and NeXT

1997 Returns to Apple promising to revitalise the flagging company

2000 Resumes as Apple CEO

2002 iPod launched

2003 iTunes launched

August 2004 Announces he has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has undergone surgery to remove tumour.

2007 iPhone launched

June 2009 Returns to work six months after taking time off for liver transplant as part of cancer treatment

January 2010 iPad launched

17 January 2011 Announces he is taking a break from day-to-day operations to concentrate on his health.

11 March 2011 iPad 2 launched

24 August 2011 Jobs resigns as Apple CEO

05 October 2011 iPhone 4S launched

06 October 2011 Steve Jobs dies

Because it is a regenerative organ, the transplanted portion will grow to a functioning size, while the donor's liver would also repair.

Bouyed by the findings, Cook visited Jobs at his home in Palo Alto to relay the good news.

But Jobs outright refused.

'He cut me off at the legs, almost before the words were out of my mouth,' said Cook in the biography, according to Fast Company.

''No,' he said. 'I'll never let you do that. I'll never do that'. Somebody that's selfish doesn't reply like that.

'I mean, here's a guy, he's dying, he's very close to death because of his liver issue and here's someone healthy offering a way out.' 

However, Jobs (pictured) refused the liver transplant offer outright
The new biography (pictured) about Steve Jobs is due to be released later this month

The new biography (pictured right) about Steve Jobs (left) is due to be released later this month

Cook insisted that he was 'perfectly healthy' and stressed that the procedure would not put him at risk.

But Jobs 'popped up in bed' and told him: 'No, I'm not doing that.'

Cook said Jobs had very rarely ever shouted at him during the 13 years they had known each other, but 'this was one of them.'

Even though he was gravely ill, the tech guru worked on Apple on the last very last day of his life, phoning colleagues from the confines of his bed with new ideas. 

He died at his home on October 5, 2011, at the age of 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. 


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