Elon Musk claims artificial intelligence will treat humans like 'labradors'


Robots will use humans as pets once they achieve a subset of artificial intelligence known as 'superintelligence'.

This is according to SpaceX-founder Elon Musk who claims that when computers become smarter than people, they will treat them like 'pet Labradors'.

His comments were made in a recent interview with scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who added that computers could choose to breed docile humans and eradicate the violent ones.  

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In a recent interview with scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson (pictured), Musk said his fears revolve around something known as superintelligence.
SpaceX-founder, Elon Musk, laims robots will someday treat humans like pets

SpaceX-founder Elon Musk (right) says robots will someday treat humans like pets.In a recent interview with scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson (left), Musk said his fears revolve around 'superintelligence'


Musk: 'I mean, we won't be like a pet Labrador if we're lucky,' Musk said.

Tyson: 'A pet Lab'

Musk: 'I have a pet Labrador by the way.'

Tyson: 'We'll be their pets.'

Musk: 'It's like the friendliest creature.'

Tyson: 'No, they'll domesticate us.'

Musk: 'Yes! Exactly'

Tyson: 'So we'll be lab pets to them.'

Musk: 'Yes. Or something strange is going to happen.'

Tyson: 'They'll keep the docile humans and get rid of the violent ones.

Musk: 'Yeah.'

Tyson: 'And then breed the docile humans.'

Listen to the full interview here

Elon Musk has already likened artificial intelligence to 'summoning the demon'.

But in his latest interview, Musk said his fears revolve around something known as superintelligence.

This, according to author Nick Bostrom, is 'any intellect that greatly exceed the cognitive performance of humans in virtually all domains of interest.'

'I mean, we won't be like a pet Labrador if we're lucky,' Musk told Tyson, adding that we may become lab pets to them. 

Tyson theorised that robots will 'Get rid of the violent ones...And then breed the docile humans'.

Musk also said humanity needs to be careful about what it programs superintelligent robots to do.

He uses the example of asking them to find out what makes people happy.

'It may conclude that all unhappy humans should be terminated,' Musk said.

'Or that we should all be captured with dopamine and serotonin directly injected into our brains to maximise happiness because it's concluded that dopamine and serotonin are what cause happiness, therefore maximise it.'

Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, this week made similar comments during an interview with Paul Smith at Australian Financial Review

The 64-year-old admitted he can now see some of the predictions coming true and that human-like computers could be a dangerous reality. 

Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, this week made similar comments. The 64-year-old admitted he can now see some of the predictions coming true and that human-like computers could be a dangerous reality. He asked: 'Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on?'

Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, this week made similar comments. The 64-year-old admitted he can now see some of the predictions coming true and that human-like computers could be a dangerous reality. He asked: 'Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on?'

He quipped: 'Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on?'

'Computers are going to take over from humans, no question,' he added. 'If we build these devices to take care of everything for us, eventually they'll think faster than us and they'll get rid of the slow humans to run companies more efficiently.

He also directly referenced warnings issued by both Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking about the threat AI has on humanity. 

They are part of a group of experts, known collectively as the Future of Life Institute, who recently drafted an open letter saying scientists should seek to head off risks that could wipe out mankind.

'Computers are going to take over from humans, no question,' said Wozniak. 'If we build these devices to take care of everything for us, eventually they'll think faster than us and they'll get rid of the slow humans to run companies more efficiently. Aldebaran's human-like robot is pictured

'Computers are going to take over from humans, no question,' said Wozniak. 'If we build these devices to take care of everything for us, eventually they'll think faster than us and they'll get rid of the slow humans to run companies more efficiently. Aldebaran's human-like robot is pictured

The authors said there is a 'broad consensus' that AI research is making good progress and would have a growing impact on society. 

But it issued a stark warning that research into the rewards of AI had to be matched with an equal effort to avoid the potential damage it could wreak.

For instance, in the short term, it claims AI may put millions of people out of work.

Earlier this month Tesla boss Mr Musk said he believes humans could be banned from driving in years to come and all cars will, instead, be controlled by robots.

The entrepreneur claimed that computers will one day do a much better job of driving and that humans are simply 'too dangerous' behind the wheel.


The 'Robear' has a cub-like face but packs enough strength to transfer patients from a wheelchair (pictured) or a floor-level bed to a bath, for example

The 'Robear' has a cub-like face but packs enough strength to transfer patients from a wheelchair (pictured) or a floor-level bed to a bath, for example

A recent report by management consulting firm Boston Consulting Group predicted by 2025 the number of 'automatable' tasks will rise to 25 per cent.

This will lead to robots replacing many human jobs - and is a trend that has already begun in Japan. 

Earlier this week Riken-SRK Collaboration Centre for Human-Interactive Robot Research in Nagoya, Japan unveiled its latest Robear. 

The 'Robear' has a cub-like face but has enough strength to transfer patients from a wheelchair or a floor-level bed to a bath. 

It weighs 309lb (140kg) with extending legs that stop the 'bear' from falling over and it moves slowly and smoothly thanks to advance actuators in its mechanical arms.

And at the start of the month, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group said it will begin employing a humanoid called Nao in its branches from April, on a trial basis. 

And if the trial is successful, the robotic employees will be rolled out to more branches of the Japanese bank by 2020. 

Elsewhere, in China there is a hotel manned entirely by robots. 

From reception desk staff to security doormen and waiters, the Pengheng Space Capsules Hotel in Shenzhen, China, has built, rather than hired, new employees.

Start-up costs and robot maintenance aside, staff bills are minimal and the hotel can pass these savings back to the customer as a night's stay costs just £6.80 per night. 



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