Self-filling cars that never run out of fuel: Volvo develops vehicle that would alert mobile suppliers to top up tank when car is parked and the driver is elsewhere 


Volvo is developing a range of 'self-filling' cars that would never need to visit a petrol station.

When the tank is close to empty, the car would send a message via smartphone to a mobile fuel supplier to come and top it up.

The supplier would have a secure one-off code to open up the fuel cap, freeing the owner to park the vehicle and be elsewhere.

Taking you car to the petrol station could become a thing of the past as Volvo are developing a range of 'self filling' cars 

Taking you car to the petrol station could become a thing of the past as Volvo are developing a range of 'self filling' cars 

Volvo never officially talks about innovations and simply said 'maybe' when asked about the fuel idea.

However, the Swedish firm's head of technology, Klas Bendrik, told the Mail: 'The widespread use of smartphones is unlocking new potential in what you can do connecting a car with a customer.

'The internet of things has hit the automotive industry and the widespread use of smartphones is unlocking new potential in what you can do connecting a car with a customer.'

Mr Bendrik said Volvo had already tested a system where drivers can choose to have a parcel delivered by a courier firm to their car rather than to their homes. 

It would be particularly useful at workplaces that do not allow employees to receive personal deliveries, he said.

Some Volvo cars already allow their drivers to activate de-icers remotely from the comfort of their home. 

And the same cars can be made to sound their horn and flash their lights to help owners locate them in car parks.

Look, no hands! Volvo technical specialist Erik Coelingh demonstrates the company's new range of driverless cars which are being tested by customers on selected roads in and around the Swedish city of Gothenburg

Look, no hands! Volvo technical specialist Erik Coelingh demonstrates the company's new range of driverless cars which are being tested by customers on selected roads in and around the Swedish city of Gothenburg

The firm has already announced it is working on a project to allow cars to communicate to each other. 

The technology would work a bit like a radar where drivers could be warned if two connected cars were driving towards each other around a blind bend.

Volvo chief executive Håkan Samuelsson is also working on a project to develop self-driving cars. 'It would be a bit like an airplane,' he told the Mail.

'So for complicated manoeuvres like take-off and landing the driver would be in control.

'But for long, boring passages you could have automation and sit back, relax, read emails, and regain 30 minutes of your life you could use to spend with your family.'



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