What drugs are popular in YOUR country? US and Italy top the list for marijuana, but the UK is more curious about cocaine


Shrouded in anonymity, the questions people ask on the internet can provide a candid snapshot of their concerns.

Now, based on queries made on Yahoo! Answers over seven years, a new study has uncovered the drug-related problems on the minds of six different nations.

The revealing survey found that marijuana is by far the most talked about drug beating cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamine, in every country but the UK.

Marijuana is by far the most talked about drug  beating substances such as cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamine in most countries. In the UK, cocaine is the most popular drug with around 32 per cent of all search queries relating to the substance

Marijuana is by far the most talked about drug beating substances such as cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamine in most countries. In the UK, cocaine is the most popular drug with around 32 per cent of all search queries relating to the substance

But it's not the effects that people are concerned with the most. A closer look at the data suggests that almost every nation wants to find out how to dodge a drugs test.

The survey was conducted by drug-related website Detox.net, who focused on six countries; the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, and Italy.

As well as the number of queries, the group looked at the first two words most commonly associated with questions about the drugs analysed.

Overall, marijuana was the drug most people had on their minds, followed by cocaine, Xanaz, heroin, MDMA and opiates

In the US and Australia, marijuana appears to be the most popular drug, with the most common search terms being, 'how long do the effects last?'

The most common questions for heroin is 'what is it?' follow by 'how long do the effects last?' and 'why do heroine?'. More people are concerned about how long the effects of marijuana last, than its health impacts

The most common questions for heroin is 'what is it?' follow by 'how long do the effects last?' and 'why do heroine?'. More people are concerned about how long the effects of marijuana last, than its health impacts

When it came to MDMA, 'Is it' were the two most commonly used first words when posing questions. In many cases, these words were related to the safety of using the drug, like: 'Is it safe to take MDMA while on antibiotics?' The most common question about bath salts, was where they could be purchased

When it came to MDMA, 'Is it' were the two most commonly used first words when posing questions. In many cases, these words were related to the safety of using the drug, like: 'Is it safe to take MDMA while on antibiotics?' The most common question about bath salts, was where they could be purchased

When it came to Xanax, 'Is it' was the most popular pair of words leading off people's questions. Many of those questions were in regards to the safety of mixing the drug with other substances

When it came to Xanax, 'Is it' was the most popular pair of words leading off people's questions. Many of those questions were in regards to the safety of mixing the drug with other substances


Tweets often reveal growing trends among young people - and now scientists have revealed cannabis has become a popular topic.

During a single month, researchers identified more than seven million tweets referring to marijuana, with 'pro-pot' messages outnumbering those opposed to the drug by 15 to one.

Most of those sending and receiving 'pot tweets' were under the age of 25, and many in their teens, said the team.

US psychiatrist and lead author Dr Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, from the Washington University Institute for Public Health, said: 'It's a concern because frequent marijuana use can affect brain structures and interfere with cognitive function, emotional development and academic performance.

'The younger people are when they begin using marijuana, the more likely they are to become dependent.'

'A lot of young people will phase out of marijuana use as they get older, but unfortunately, we're not good at predicting who those individuals are.' 

In the UK, cocaine is the most popular drug with around 34 per cent of all search queries relating to the substance. It is thought one in 20 British teenagers between 15 and 16 have tried cocaine.

In May, tests revealed that cocaine use is so widespread that experts were able to locate traces of the drug in Britain's drinking water.

Marijuana follows in second at 29 per cent and heroin in third, with 15 per cent of questions relating to the drug.

The most common questions for heroin include 'what is it?' followed by 'how long do the effects last?'

'In this digital age, it's not surprising that people are seeking advice online,' Detox.net writes.

'However, what is startling is the extent to which people of all ages may forego real medical opinions on important health topics and, instead, settle for the virtual wisdom offered by faceless strangers.'

To get a picture of what advice people were receiving, the group researched some of the answers to these questions.

When people asked how long marijuana stays in their system, the most popular answer was that marijuana attaches itself to fat or is fat soluble, so typically it can stay in your system for seven days. 

Overall, marijuana was the most the drug most people had on their minds, followed by cocaine, Xanaz, heroin, MDMA and opiates

Overall, marijuana was the most the drug most people had on their minds, followed by cocaine, Xanaz, heroin, MDMA and opiates

The survey used queries made on Yahoo! Answers over seven year. This graph shows how query numbers changed from 2007-2014, with marijuana searches spiking in 2011

The survey used queries made on Yahoo! Answers over seven year. This graph shows how query numbers changed from 2007-2014, with marijuana searches spiking in 2011

'Since you only took one hit, the levels may not be high enough to detect in a UA [urinalysis],' the advice continued. 'Drink lots of water and exercise. You need to sweat a ton and burn some fat.'

This, however, is only half-true, according to Detox.net.

Marijuana takes longer than any other common drug to be cleared from your system because THC is stored in your fat cells. The rest, the site says, depends entirely on habits.

The survey found that the most common question for bath salts was: 'Where can I get the bath salts that get you high?'

Here, Yahoo Answers advised the anonymous to smoke weed instead.

Detox.net said: While we don't endorse the illicit use of marijuana, it is without a doubt less harmful than substances like mephedrone, which is commonly present in cocktails labeled as 'bath salts'.

The most common words to asked questions about marijuana included smoking, medical, high and help. The dangers of marijuana include inhibited brain development in teenagers and young adult, the website said

The most common words to asked questions about marijuana included smoking, medical, high and help. The dangers of marijuana include inhibited brain development in teenagers and young adult, the website said

The most common words to asked questions about cocaine included smoking, help, test and songs. Overall cocaine was the second most popular drugs, with 15 per cent of search terms relating to the substance

The most common words to asked questions about cocaine included smoking, help, test and songs. Overall cocaine was the second most popular drugs, with 15 per cent of search terms relating to the substance

'The dangers of marijuana include inhibited brain development in teenagers and young adults, as well as respiratory problems from long-term use.

'Contrast those concerns with the immediate side effects of paranoia, agitation, hallucinations, psychotic behaviour, and violent behaviour that you get with bath salts.'

The website says that though Yahoo! Answers might seem, at first glance, like a playground for pranksters looking to share awful advice with potential drug users, the best answers tended to be legitimately helpful.

They often encourage drug users to seek help with their addictions or encouraging people to stay away from potentially harmful substances.

'However, if you or a loved one are seeking answers for drug-related questions or need help with treating an addiction, we would strongly advise turning to a professional for help before seeking help from an Internet community,' it added.

Common words used to search for MDMA included ecstasy, pills, effects, cocaine, weed, bad, and Molly

Common words used to search for MDMA included ecstasy, pills, effects, cocaine, weed, bad, and Molly


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