Time lords in France declare 2015 will be one second longer, sparking fears of an internet meltdown at midnight on 30 June
Scientists have ruled that the year 2015 will be one second longer to compensate for the slowing of the rotation of the Earth.
But it is feared that this 'leap second' added at midday on June 30 could trigger devastating crashes across the internet.
The extra second is needed because the Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down by around two thousandths of a second per day and needs to catch up with atomic time.
The Paris Observatory says 30 June 2015 will be a second longer. An extra second will be added at 11:59:60pm UTC to sync up clocks (stock image shown). This is to account for discrepancy between Earth time and atomic time. It is the 26th leap second to be added since 1972
The extra unit will be added at 11:59:60pm UTC on 30 June, bringing the total number of seconds for 2015 up to 31,536,001.
In it is the 26th time in history since 1972 that a leap second will have been added.
The decision to add an extra second year was announced by the Paris Observatory and the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS).
Leap seconds are occasionally used to help 'Earth time' catch up to 'atomic time'. The latter is constant but the former is slower by about two thousands of a second per day.
To keep them in sync, it is necessary to occasionally jump Earth's time back - for mathematical reasons similar to adding leap years.
The decision to do so is made every time Earth time is slower by about half a second, making it about half a second quicker instead.
However, adding a second can have rather disastrous effects on various internet systems.
In 2012 a problem was caused when subsystems got confused by the time change and caused hyperactivity on certain servers.
Many companies including Reddit, Yelp and LinkedIn reported crashes as their systems struggled to cope with the change.
While precautions have been taken to cope with the change this time, it is often a lesser known subsystem that succumbs to the changed time.
This time around some websites could go offline if a glitch in their systems is unearthed.
To alleviate the problem some companies, such as Google, add fractions of a second over the preceding year so that they don't need to make a sudden jump - known as a 'leap smear'.
It might be the last leap second added, as some countries want to scrap the practice. The last leap second in 2012 caused problems for some companies when their systems failed to cope with the change. The second is added because Earth's rotation (image from space shown) does not match up with atomic time
Leap seconds are added on one of two dates each year, either 30 June or 31 December.
The first was added on the former date in 1972, and 25 have since been added in the subsequent 42 years.
'Earth is slowing down a little bit,' said Nick Stamatakos, the chief of Earth Orientation Parameters at the US Naval Observatory.
'They add an extra second to something called UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in order to make sure the rate of UTC is the same as atomic time,' he said.
'For that day [June 30] there'll be 86,401 seconds, instead of 86,400 seconds. The length of the day for you and I and everyone on the Earth will have an extra second.'
The discrepancies between Earth time as calculated by its rotation (UTC) and atomic time (UT1) is shown here. Atomic time can be taken to be the line at zero, while the 'slowing' Earth time (and the extra seconds added) can be seen by the spikes on the green line. A second is added when it lags by about 0.6 seconds
However, some nations including the US have supported a change to get rid of leap seconds. They instead simply want to let the clocks run out of sync.
Were such a decision to be made, though, it's unlikely we could ever go back to a leap second system and keep the clocks in sync.
This is because the clocks would be out of sync by several minutes, or maybe hours eventually, which would be virtually impossible to add to systems without disastrous consequences.
Without leap seconds, there would be a slip of two to three minutes by the year 2100, and half an hour by 2700.
Other countries, like Britain, wanted to keep leap seconds to preserve certain regularities - such as Greenwich Mean Time, which is the time when the sun crosses the Greenwich Meridian.
A vote is due to take place by the Radiocommunication Assembly and the World Radiocommunication Conference later in the year to decide the fate of the leap second.
And if its opponents get their way, this might be the last time the number of seconds in a year reaches 31,536,001.
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