Disney introduces BeachBot, the turtle shaped robot that can draw pictures in the sand


Disney is known for animated characters on the stage and screen but now Disney can even create pictures in the sand!

Research Disney's latest creation is BeachBot, an autonomous robot that draws pictures on the beach using state of the art technology.

The adorable orange and tan bot was modeled to look like a turtle by the students and a research team at the University of Zurich and sketches images on the beach by dragging seven pins in the sand a bit like a rake, reports TechCrunch.

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BeachBot: Research Disney's latest creation is BeachBot, an autonomous robot that draws pictures on the beach using state of the art technology

BeachBot: Research Disney's latest creation is BeachBot, an autonomous robot that draws pictures on the beach using state of the art technology

Large repertoire: 

Big reprtoire: The robot may either be controlled manually or the artist can send it a file image to replicate

The BeachBot is 60 cm in length and 40 cm in both width and height. It has a three wheel arrangement with differential drive back wheels and also has a steering wheel in the front.

What seems like it may be complicated drawing process takes just a few minutes to prepare. 

The artist in charge of the robot sets down poles in the sand to tell the robot the space in which it may draw. 

The robot may either be controlled manually or the artist can send it a file image to replicate. 

Stichkingdom reports that the lines the rakes create can be as thin as 2 inches or as wide as 16 inches.

Using a mounted laser scanner and the special reflected poles the robot creates a map of its drawing field and then it begins to play.

Some previously drawn images are of a fish, a slower, and a variety of geometric shapes. 

As long as the artist can draw it, BeachBot can draw it too.

'The BeachBot is not just a lifeless, mechanical being; it is a friendly looking creature with a soul,' says the robot's official website.

There is currently no information on how to purchase a BeachBot but those interested in finding out more can do so on BeachBot's Facebook Page.

I want to be where the BeachBots are: Flounder from A Little Mermaid is one of the images BeachBot can draw

I want to be where the BeachBots are: Flounder from A Little Mermaid is one of the images BeachBot can draw



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