Africa's mission to the MOON revealed


An ambitious project to put an African spacecraft on the Moon is sputtering on the launchpad as it struggles to secure funding.

The Africa2Moon Mission has drawn just £8,600 ($13,000) of the initial target of £99,000 ($150,000) with a countdown of only three weeks left before the appeal closes.

In contrast, a private British moon project, Lunar Mission One, rode the internet crowdfunding phenomenon to reach its target of nearly a $1million (£661,000) ahead of deadline last month.

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The Africa2Moon Mission has drawn just £8,600 ($13,000) of the initial target of £99,000 ($150,000) with a countdown of only three weeks left before the appeal closes

The Africa2Moon Mission has drawn just £8,600 ($13,000) of the initial target of £99,000 ($150,000) with a countdown of only three weeks left before the appeal closes

The apparent lack of interest may come as little surprise to those for whom Africa conjures up images of political unrest, disease and poverty as opposed to science and space exploration.

But countering that view of the continent is one of the underlying aims of the project by the Foundation for Space Development, which says it will go ahead even if the initial target is not reached.

'We get a lot of Afro-pessimism,' chief executive Jonathan Weltman told AFP. 'Anything positive, aspirational or leading edge is treated with scepticism.

'But I have faith that Africa can do this, without a doubt.'

The Africa2Moon Mission has drawn just £8,600 ($13,000) of the initial target of £99,000 ($150,000) with a countdown of only three weeks left before the appeal closes 

The Africa2Moon Mission has drawn just £8,600 ($13,000) of the initial target of £99,000 ($150,000) with a countdown of only three weeks left before the appeal closes 

The non-profit group was co-founded in 2009 by the head of the space lab at the University of Cape Town, Peter Martinez, who is also chairman of the South African Council for Space Affairs, the national regulatory body. 


An inspiring British project to land a spacecraft on the moon in 10 years completed its funding target in December.

The Lunar Mission One project reached its £600,000 ($938,170) goal on crowdfunding site Kickstarter, with 36 hours to go.

For £60 ($94), backers have the opportunity to buy space on memory discs that will be sent to the moon, and, for an undisclosed price, they are able to send a sample of their DNA

These discs will act like time capsules for photos, videos and other files, and will be buried in a bore hole drilled into the lunar surface.

While the discs have raisede money for the mission, its main aim is to analyse the lunar South Pole and assess its potential for a possible human base to be developed in the future.

The mission is to see an African-engineered rocket take an African-built module to the moon.

The team behind it want to inspire wider interest in the study of science and technology among young Africans while stemming the 'brain-drain' of highly qualified graduates to the developed world.

However, the world's poorest continent recently scored a major international scientific coup with the decision in 2012 to build the bulk of the world's biggest telescope in South Africa.

The multi-nation Square Kilometre Array Radio telescope (SKA) will investigate the Big Bang, peek at black holes and uncover new frontiers - possibly even life beyond Earth - by peering further into the universe than ever before.

SKA site bid manager Adrian Tiplady said the telescope project proved 'there's definitely the skills and talent out there and a huge amount of interest as well'.

The Africa2Moon project 'certainly is feasible,' he told AFP. 'There is the expertise to design, develop and launch such a vehicle.'

South Africa is the most developed economy on the continent and under the former apartheid regime had nuclear weapons and a ballistic missile programme, but the foundation is pushing for an all-inclusive African effort.

Apart from Afro-pessimism, a lack of publicity on the project may have contributed to the funding shortfall

Apart from Afro-pessimism, a lack of publicity on the project may have contributed to the funding shortfall

The appeal for £99,000 ($150,000) is to cover the first phase, which aims to finalise a feasibility report by the end of November and present it to an international conference.

Only then will it be possible to estimate the full cost of the mission, Mr Weltman said. 

He admits to disappointment, and some puzzlement, over the failure so far of the hoped-for crowdfunding boost for Africa's rocket to the moon.

'The industry and media response has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive,' Mr Weltman said.

'The donor response has been slower than we hoped but has picked up dramatically at the start of this year and we are optimistic about our target being reached, if not by the end of the current crowdfunding campaign, then through other funding sources in the first quarter of the year.'

Apart from Afro-pessimism, a lack of publicity on the project may have contributed to the funding shortfall.

Some critics have also suggested that the sort of money spent on space exploration could be put to better use on other projects in Africa, such as conquering Ebola and other diseases.

But the planners argue that investment in education is the best way to take the continent forward.

Mr Weltman says the African project is aiming for the moon rather than any other space venture partly because any African child will be able to step outside, look up and share the pride in a successful mission.

The e world's poorest continent recently scored a major international scientific coup with the decision in 2012 to build the bulk of the world's biggest telescope in South Africa. The multi-nation Square Kilometre Array Radio telescope (SKA) will investigate the Big Bang, peek at black holes and uncover new frontiers

The e world's poorest continent recently scored a major international scientific coup with the decision in 2012 to build the bulk of the world's biggest telescope in South Africa. The multi-nation Square Kilometre Array Radio telescope (SKA) will investigate the Big Bang, peek at black holes and uncover new frontiers


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