2014, the year porn went MOBILE: Stats reveal Android users in the US watch the most - and Monday is the most popular day to tune in


Watching porn on laptops replaced the magazine, and now it seems mobiles are set to replace viewing adult sites on desktops. 

Last year, the number of people accessing porn on smartphones rose by 12 per cent.

Android users, in particular, viewed the most pornographic videos last year, accounting for almost half of mobile users - an increase of 11 per cent. 

Last year, the number of people accessing porn on mobiles rose by 12% as people watched it on their phones and tablets. Android users, in particular, viewed the most videos last year, accounting for almost half of mobile users - an 11 per cent traffic share increase. Apple's iOS was in second place on 40.2% (pictured)

Last year, the number of people accessing porn on mobiles rose by 12% as people watched it on their phones and tablets. Android users, in particular, viewed the most videos last year, accounting for almost half of mobile users - an 11 per cent traffic share increase. Apple's iOS was in second place on 40.2% (pictured)

The figures come from Pornhub Insight's 2014 Year in Review report.

The site saw 78.9 billion video views over the past 12 months, up from 63.2 billion in 2013. 

Phones equated for 45 per cent of these views, the desktop was on 44 per cent, with tablets on 11 per cent. This is a 20 per cent increase for tablets.


1. United States

2. United Kingdom

3. Canada

4. India

5. Germany

6. France

7. Italy

8. Australia

9. Brazil

10. Mexico

This works out at 18.35 individual member visits to the site over the course of a year, translating to about 5,800 visits per second.

In April, Pornhub announced it was removing the five-video viewing limit on mobile.

This caused traffic to rise on mobile devices significantly. 

The largest increases took place in Mexico and the Netherlands, with 20 per cent and 14 per cent respectively.

Tablet use was up 138 per cent in Malaysia and 128 per cent in Colombia, while smartphone traffic share was up 635 per cent in Turkey and 142 per cent in Estonia.

At the same time, there was a 13 per cent drop in desktop use.

Android users accounted for 50 per cent of users, up 11 per cent, and Windows Phone use was the only other system to gain traffic, up 52 per cent from 2013.

People are also watching porn more on games consoles. PlayStation and Xbox consoles are the most popular, claiming 40% and 46% of traffic respectively. Nintendo Wii saw a 70% traffic increase over the course of the year and now accounts for 8 per cent of all console traffic

People are also watching porn more on games consoles. PlayStation and Xbox consoles are the most popular, claiming 40% and 46% of traffic respectively. Nintendo Wii saw a 70% traffic increase over the course of the year and now accounts for 8 per cent of all console traffic

Overall, people in the US watched the most videos on Pornhub last year, followed by Canada and the UK in terms of both overall traffic, and per capita page views. The rest of the top ten per capita countries are shown

Overall, people in the US watched the most videos on Pornhub last year, followed by Canada and the UK in terms of both overall traffic, and per capita page views. The rest of the top ten per capita countries are shown

Users in the Philippines spent the most time on the site, spending an average of 12 minutes and 40 seconds each time (pictured)

Users in the Philippines spent the most time on the site, spending an average of 12 minutes and 40 seconds each time (pictured)

But iOS and Blackberry mobile views were down 5 per cent and 48 per cent respectively.

Apple's iOS represented 40 per cent of overall Pornhub mobile viewers.

People are also watching porn more on games consoles. 

PlayStation and Xbox consoles are the most popular, claiming 40 per cent and 46 per cent of traffic respectively.

Although Playstation's traffic was down 37 per cent from last year. 

Nintendo Wii, on the other hand, saw a 70 per cent traffic increase over the course of the year and now accounts for 8 per cent of all console traffic.

Overall, people in the US watched the most videos on Pornhub last year, followed by Canada and the UK.

But users in the Philippines spent the most time on the site, spending an average of 12 minutes and 40 seconds each time.

Viewers in the US, UK, Canada, France and Australia each spent more than nine minutes on the site - ranging from nine minutes and 11 seconds in the UK up to nine minutes and 40 seconds in the US - while Egyptians spent a relatively low six minutes and 48 seconds on the site, on average.

Females watching porn also increased in 2014. Almost a third of Brazilian women watched porn last year, 6 per cent above the 23 per cent world average. Germany and Japan were at the bottom with 13 per cent

Females watching porn also increased in 2014. Almost a third of Brazilian women watched porn last year, 6 per cent above the 23 per cent world average. Germany and Japan were at the bottom with 13 per cent

The average time around the globe was nine minutes and 16 seconds.

The most popular day and month to watch porn, globally, in 2014 was Monday in November, with Fridays in February and March seeing the least number of views. 

Females watching porn also increased in 2014.

Almost a third of Brazilian women watched porn last year, 6 per cent above the 23 per cent world average. Germany and Japan were at the bottom with 13 per cent.



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