We've been drinking alcohol for TEN MILLION years, study finds


It may not have been available on tap, but it appears our primate ancestors enjoyed alcohol millions of years ago.

Researchers believe early man developed a gene mutation that meant they could metabolise fermenting fruit lying on the ground.

It was previously thought alcohol was a relatively recent addition to our diet and the direct fermentation of food happened around 9,000 years ago.

Cheers: Our ability to drink alcohol has been traced back to genes found in the common ancestor humans share with gorillas (right) and chimpanzees who lived 10 million years ago
Cheers: Our ability to drink alcohol has been traced back to genes found in the common ancestor humans share with gorillas (right) and chimpanzees who lived 10 million years ago

Cheers: Our ability to drink alcohol has been traced back to genes found in the common ancestor humans share with gorillas (right) and chimpanzees who lived 10 million years ago

The latest study, led by Professor Matthew Carrigan from Santa Fe College in Florida, looked at the alcohol gene ADH4 from various times in almost 70 million years of primate evolution.

From this, his team were able to identify a single variant that emerged about 10 million years ago.

It helps breaks down ethanol - the only type of alcohol that can be consumed - in the digestive system.

The findings shows that early humans - or hominins - adapted to metabolise ethanol long before human-directed fermentation.

Bottoms up: The mutation spotted by the researchers coincided with the change to a terrestrial lifestyle, and may have given human ancestors a selective advantage as it meant they could eat highly fermented fruit when food was scarce. This same trait can be seen in chimpanzees today

Bottoms up: The mutation spotted by the researchers coincided with the change to a terrestrial lifestyle, and may have given human ancestors a selective advantage as it meant they could eat highly fermented fruit when food was scarce. This same trait can be seen in chimpanzees today

The mutation spotted by the researchers coincided with the change to a terrestrial lifestyle, and may have given human ancestors a selective advantage as it meant they could eat highly fermented fruit when food was scarce.

And it could explain why tree-dwelling orangutans still can't metabolise alcohol while humans, chimps and gorillas can. 


Alcohol dehydrogenase 4 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the ADH4 gene.

The enzyme is found throughout the aesophagus, stomach and intestines.

However, not all ADH4s are the same, meaning some species of primate can effectively metabolise ethanol while others are unable to.

For instance, the ADH4 enzyme in our more ancient and arboreal ancestors did not efficiently oxidise ethanol.

According to the study, the change suggests exposure to dietary sources of ethanol increased in hominids during the early stages of our adaptation to a terrestrial lifestyle.

'Here we resurrect digestive alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH4) from our primate ancestors to explore the history of primate-ethanol interactions,' said Professor Carrigan.

'The evolving catalytic properties of these resurrected enzymes show that our ape ancestors gained a digestive dehydrogenase enzyme capable of metabolising ethanol near the time they began using the forest floor about 10 million years ago.

'The ADH4 enzyme in our more ancient and arboreal ancestors did not efficiently oxidise ethanol.

'This change suggests exposure to dietary sources of ethanol increased in hominids during the early stages of our adaptation to a terrestrial lifestyle.

'Because fruit collected from the forest floor is expected to contain higher concentrations of fermenting yeast and ethanol than similar fruits hanging on trees this transition may also be the first time our ancestors were exposed to - and adapted to - substantial amounts of dietary ethanol.'  

In the study, the evolutionary history of the ADH4 family was reconstructed using genes from 28 different mammals - including 17 primates - collected from public databases or generated from DNA extracted from tissue samples.

Pictured are the amino acid changes in the evolution of humans. ADH4 proteins are shown along tree branches. Ancestral ADH4 proteins examined in this study are shown by numbered nodes within the tree. Branches of the tree in red indicate enzymes active against ethanol

Pictured are the amino acid changes in the evolution of humans. ADH4 proteins are shown along tree branches. Ancestral ADH4 proteins examined in this study are shown by numbered nodes within the tree. Branches of the tree in red indicate enzymes active against ethanol

'Ancestral reconstructions of ADH4 demonstrate the ancestor of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas possessed a novel enzyme with dramatically increased activity toward ethanol and we suspect this novel metabolic capacity was adaptive to this hominin ancestor,' said Professor Carrigan.

'This transition implies the genomes of modern human, chimpanzee and gorilla began adapting at least 10 million years ago to dietary ethanol present in fermenting fruit.

'This conclusion contrasts with the relatively short amount of time - about 9,000 years - since fermentative technology enabled humans to consume beverages devoid of food bulk with higher ethanol content than fruit fermenting in the wild.'

He said the history has implications not only for understanding the forces that shaped early human terrestrial adaptations but also for many modern human diseases caused by alcohol today.

Early results of the study were revealed last year, with the final results recently reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


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