Heart rate monitor reveals what men go through when they propose


It may come as no surprise to many men, but proposing to your partner really is a stressful business, it has been revealed.

One bridegroom to be has revealed he wore a heart rate monitor throughout his proposal day.

He posted the resulting chart to Reddit - revealing a huge spike as he popped the question. 

Redditor Sesipikai wore a hear rate monitor throughout the day as the couple walked around Rome before he proposed in the Forum

Redditor Sesipikai wore a hear rate monitor throughout the day as the couple walked around Rome before he proposed in the Forum


The user, called Sesipikai, wore a heart rate monitor throughout his day in Rome.

He also carried a GPS unit to track his location as the couple explored.

By linking the two, he was able to create the graph above in Microsoft Excel, and add in exactly what the couple did on their big day.

The user, called Sesipikai, took his girlfriend to Rome for the proposal.

The chart reveals their entire day, from walking through the Colosseum to buying ice cream.

The user also had GPs co-ordinates for their day, allowing him to map exactly how the heart rate tallies to their location. 

The proposal was planned to happen in the Roman Forum - and the heart rate begins to rise as the couple turn and start walking towards it.

Unsurprisingly, when he begins speaking, his heart rate rockets - peaking at130bpm.

He then relaxes - only to see another rise as she says yes. 

In fact, the rate only then begins to drop as the couple find a nearby bench to sit on. 

The user posted the image with a simple caption saying 'Wore a heart rate belt during my trip to Rome. 

'Export data to xml file. 

'Created a graph using MS Excel.' 

The chart reveals their entire day, from walking through the Colosseum (left) to arriving the the Forum (right) to propose

The chart reveals their entire day, from walking through the Colosseum (left) to arriving the the Forum (right) to propose

He also revealed his biggest fear while walking - losing the ring.

'I was so afraid of losing the ring, ' he admitted.

'Had my hand inside the pocket most of the day. That ring burns your pocket like there's no tomorrow. 

'I have a new found respect for mister frodo after that day.'

He also revealed he fluffed his lines during the proposal.

'I didn't start with the question, had a little speech planned, might have forgotten a couple of lines though'

The chart stuck a chord with other users of the site, who added their own feelings. 

'My heart beat like crazy for a solid ten minutes waiting on a private moment and knowing it could come any second,' one said.

however, others were less kind, with one joking: 'I hear she's really good between the spreadsheets.'


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