Frankincense found in the graves of wealthy Romans buried across the UK - and the discovery shows how far the resin travelled


For the first time, evidence of frankincense being used in the elaborate burials of Roman Britain's elite has been discovered. 

Archaeologists have been able to prove that the religious resin was used by wealthy Romans, who settled in areas of the country, including London and York, more than 1,700 years ago.

The sweet smelling substance, which was more valuable than gold for millennia, was found on skeletal remains and plaster body casings dating back to the 3rd and 4th centuries.

Frankincense (pictured), one of the gifts carried by the Three Kings in the Christmas story, was used in elaborate burials in Roman Britain more than 1,700 years ago, according to new research

Frankincense (pictured), one of the gifts carried by the Three Kings in the Christmas story, was used in elaborate burials in Roman Britain more than 1,700 years ago, according to new research

The discovery shows that even while the Roman Empire was in decline, the precious resin was being transported to its furthest northern outpost for use in funerals of high ranking individuals.

Until now, evidence for the use of resins in ancient funerary rites has rarely come to light outside of Egypt.

The discovery was made by carrying out molecular analysis of materials previously thought to be of little interest – debris inside burial containers and residues on bones - which looked like mere dust.

Chemical analysis carried out on 49 burials in Dorset, Wiltshire, London and York revealed traces of the southern Arabian sap from the Boswellia sacra tree, on four of them.

Another 10 contained evidence of other resins from the Mediterranean and northern Europe.

It's the first time archaeologists have been able to prove that Frankincense was used by Romans who settled in Britain
It's the first time archaeologists have been able to prove that Frankincense was used by Romans who settled in Britain

It's the first time archaeologists have been able to prove that Frankincense was used by Romans who settled in Britain. Traces of the resin were found inside the coffin of a wealthy Roman woman who was buried in the fourth century AD in London, or Londonium as it was known. Her silt-filled coffin is shown left and bust, right


Frankincense comes from the resinous sap from a unique family of Boswelia trees.

Only one, Boswelia sacra, produces the highest grade of frankincense, also known as 'true' or 'commercial' incense.

Careful incisions are made in the tree at key times of year, and the sap slowly pours out.

Once the sap dries and hardens it is ready to be used.

To release its scent the frankincense is either burned or smouldered over hot coals.

Classical texts claim that the aromatic, antimicrobial substances were used as a practical measure to mask the smell of decay, or slow decomposition during the often lengthy funeral rites of the Roman elite.

But it was Frankincense's ritual importance that justified its transportation from one end of the Empire to the other.

Seen both as gifts from the gods and to the gods, resins were thought to purify the dead and help them negotiate the final rite of passage to the afterlife.

Rhea Brettell, a student at the University of Bradford, explained: 'Archaeologists have relied on finding visible resin fragments to substantiate the descriptions of burial rites in classical texts, but these rarely survive.

'Our alternative approach of analysing grave deposits to find the molecular signatures of the resins - which fortunately are very distinctive - has enabled us to carry out the first systematic study across a whole province.'

The resins were only recovered from burials of higher status individuals, identified from the type of container used, the clothing they were wearing, and items buried with them.

Professor Carl Heron from the university said: 'It is remarkable the first evidence for the use of frankincense in Britain should come from such seemingly unpromising samples, yet our analysis demonstrates that traces of these exotic resins can survive for over 1,700 years in what others would reject as dirt.'

Classical texts mention these aromatic, antimicrobial substances as being used as a practical measure to mask the smell of decay or slow decomposition during the often lengthy funeral rites of the Roman elite. The resin was also presented to the baby Jesus by the Magi (illustrated)

Classical texts mention these aromatic, antimicrobial substances as being used as a practical measure to mask the smell of decay or slow decomposition during the often lengthy funeral rites of the Roman elite. The resin was also presented to the baby Jesus by the Magi (illustrated)

One of the frankincense-impregnated coffins contained the remains of a noble woman, who was laid to rest with expensive jewellery.

The rich young lady was buried in a sarcophagus in the fourth century and her remains were discovered near Spitalfields Market in the City of London in 1999.

Dr Rebecca Redfern, of the Museum of London, which is home to the remains, said: 'This eye-opening study has provided us with new and amazing insights into the funerary rituals of late Roman Britain.

The research, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, mentions resins from three different plant families, including pistacia from the Mediterranean or the Levant, Pinaceae from northern Europe and Boswellia (frankincense) from southern Arabia and eastern Africa.

The Romans, Greeks, Egyptians and Israelites all used frankincense as part of their religious ceremonies.

It was extensively used in burial rituals as an embalming material, an offering to the departed, and a means to cover the odour of the dead body.

The Roman emperor, Nero, burned an entire year's harvest at the funeral of his favourite mistress and the resin of course featured in the Christmas Story, which is where many westerners recognise it from.

Frankincense comes from the resinous sap from the Boswelia sacra tree (pictured) and the sap is extracted by making careful incisions in the tree's bark

Frankincense comes from the resinous sap from the Boswelia sacra tree (pictured) and the sap is extracted by making careful incisions in the tree's bark


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