'Driverless cars will save hundreds of lives': Getting rid of human error will make roads much safer, company claims


The introduction of driverless cars is being greeted with cautious optimism, as people begin to consider putting their lives in the hands of a machine - rather than their own.

But while sitting in an automated car might be disconcerting, one company has claimed it could save hundreds of lives every year.

They say for every 10,000 errors made by a human, just one is committed by a computer - so their predicted widespread introduction in 15 years cannot come soon enough.

The claims were made by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in Stevenage, UK. 

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in Stevenage, UK says driverless cars (Google's car shown) will make roads much safer. They say for every 10,000 human errors, a computer makes just one. This will save lives when automatic cars are widely adopted as predicted in the next 15 years

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in Stevenage, UK says driverless cars (Google's car shown) will make roads much safer. They say for every 10,000 human errors, a computer makes just one. This will save lives when automatic cars are widely adopted as predicted in the next 15 years

They said that driverless cars, for which extensive testing starts in the new year, could be on the roads by 2030. 

And the £19 million ($30 million) trials of driverless cars - officially called autonomous vehicles - have also been welcomed by road safety group Brake, which believes they could lead to 'significantly reduced casualties on our roads'.

Likely to start towards the end of January 2015, the trials will see driverless cars - albeit with a qualified driver sitting passively in the driver's seat unless they need to take control - take to public roads in Greenwich in south London, Bristol, Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire and Coventry.


Coventry and Milton Keynes: Engineers involved in the Autodrive Programme will develop infrastructure to best work with autonomous cars navigating real roads.

Driverless pods will ferry individuals around pedestrianised areas of Milton Keynes.

Greenwich: The Gateway project will test automated electric shuttles buses and robotic valet parking.

Bristol: The insurance implications of driverless vehicles will be explored by the Venturer consortium.

The programme will also look at how cars cope with the city's challenging terrain and how they are received by the public. 

But aside from full automation, the IET also predicts that AI-assistance will become more prevalent in the next decade or so.

'Within 15 years, we predict that the performance of cars could be altered to fit the driver,' they said.

'A learner or teenager who has recently passed their test may have their speed limited automatically.

'However, a more experienced driver getting in the same car would be able to travel much faster.'

In addition they said: 'Automated cars could also travel in platoons, which would be linked up to traffic light systems to keep them moving and avoid congestion.

'There is likely to be growth in car clubs, with few people owning their own vehicles. Taxis are likely to become redundant. Speeding may become a thing of the past as cars are likely to be fitted with speed-limiting devices.

Phil Blythe, chairman of the IET's transport policy panel, said: 'I think it's an exciting opportunity for the UK.'

Driverless cars will not only save lives; it's also expected that they will help solve growing traffic issues around the world (stock image of New York shown), by allowing cars to be linked together and travel at the same speed. The IET also thinks they might one day make human-driven taxis redundant as well

Driverless cars will not only save lives; it's also expected that they will help solve growing traffic issues around the world (stock image of New York shown), by allowing cars to be linked together and travel at the same speed. The IET also thinks they might one day make human-driven taxis redundant as well

Tests of driverless cars have already been carried out off-road but the trials, which will last from 18 to 36 months, will be the first time such vehicles have been tested on public roads.

Each of the four test centres will look at different aspects of autonomous vehicles. The Bristol project, for example, will investigate the legal and insurance aspects and explore how the public react to such vehicles.

The towns in which the trials are taking place were chosen by the Government-funded body Innovate UK.

Nick Jones, lead technologist at Innovate UK, said: 'Cars that drive themselves would represent the most significant transformation in road travel since the introduction of the internal combustion engine and at Innovate UK, we want to help the UK to lead the world in making that happen.

'There are so many new and exciting technologies that can come together to make driverless cars a reality, but it's vital that trials are carried out safely, that the public have confidence in that technology and we learn everything we can through the trials so that legal, regulation and protection issues don't get in the way in the future.'


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