Britain's nuclear plants could come under attack by DRONES which drop explosives


Britain's nuclear power stations are under threat from attacks by drones, it has been claimed.

A London-based nuclear expert investigated the issue after a spate of mysterious and illegal flights by small unmanned vehicles over more than a dozen power stations in France.

And John Large warned that the problems arising there were of equal importance across the English Channel, where the UK has 16 operational reactors generating 18 per cent of our electricity.

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Up above: Britain's nuclear power stations are under threat from attacks by drones (file picture), it is claimed

Up above: Britain's nuclear power stations are under threat from attacks by drones (file picture), it is claimed

Mr Large told the French parliament that existing plants were not prepared to counter the threat of 'near-cyborg technology', such as placing explosives and dropping equipment to help a saboteur.

He examined four attack situations, saying the plants 'fared very badly indeed - if these scenarios had been for real, then there would have been the potential for a major radioactive release'.

British officials have studied Mr Large's evidence and handed it to the Office for Nuclear Regulation, but have not asked for a copy of the report - however, the expert has urged them to reconsider this.

According to an article by Independent on Sunday journalist Mark Leftly, Mr Large will meet with the Ministry of Defence and France's nuclear and safety regulators next month regarding his report.

Energy Secretary Ed Davey told the newspaper that he 'would like to see' the report, although stressed it was 'unlikely' that it would tell ministers anything they had not already examined.

Incident scene: Three people were arrested last month near the Belleville-sur-Loire reactor (pictured) in Cher, south of Paris, after using remote-controlled vehicles in a restricted area within 650ft of the plant

Incident scene: Three people were arrested last month near the Belleville-sur-Loire reactor (pictured) in Cher, south of Paris, after using remote-controlled vehicles in a restricted area within 650ft of the plant

It was revealed early last month that authorities in France had tallied at least 15 overflights of nuclear sites since October, culminating on one day with five at separate sites.

Drone attack threat: London-based nuclear expert John Large (pictured) has investigated the issue

Drone attack threat: London-based nuclear expert John Large (pictured) has investigated the issue

Authorities insist that nuclear facilities in France - a country that largely lives off atomic energy - are built to handle seismic and security risks.

State-controlled power firm EDF, which has had 13 sites flown over by drones, said the overflights had not affected plant operations.

Three people were arrested last month near the Belleville-sur-Loire reactor in Cher, south of Paris, after using remote-controlled vehicles in a restricted area within 650ft of the plant.

But they were released when it emerged they were model aircraft fans in the wrong location.

Drones have vaulted into public awareness in recent years, ranging from ones as large as planes used by the CIA to bomb terrorist suspects, to small ones bought for fun. 

Greenpeace has in recent years led peaceful incursions into French nuclear facilities to expose security vulnerabilities, but it denies any connection to the drone flights.

French law prohibits individuals from operating drones in crowded areas, near airports, and near sensitive sites like military bases or nuclear plants. Concerns about nuclear plant security were revived most recently after the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan.

France gets more than two-thirds of its electricity from nuclear power - the highest proportion in the world - and stepped up nuclear security measures after the Japan debacle.


There are fears that this year's must-have Christmas gift could cause a disaster in Britain's skies.

Warnings have been issued over the dangers posed to passenger planes by recreational drones flown by amateurs, with models as cheap as £35 being snapped up before December 25.

Sales have risen rapidly - around 2,000 a month are being bought - and electronics retailer Maplin said they are one of its biggest sellers. The most sophisticated designs cost up to £3,000.

They can include cameras and are usually used for recreational purposes – although increasingly they are being considered for commercial uses, such as carrying deliveries and monitoring crops.

Earlier this month the Mail reported how a remote-controlled drone flying near London Heathrow Almost crashed into a passenger jet - and was spotted by the airliner's pilot rather than radars.

It was the first near miss between a passenger jet and an unmanned aircraft at Britain's biggest airport, but also the latest in a series of incidents involving unmanned planes.

In May, the pilot of a 74-seat plane reported that a quadcopter drone flew within 80ft as he was approaching London Southend Airport.

And in December 2012 the crew of a Boeing 777 coming in to land at London Gatwick Airport said they saw 'two white or silver discs'.

In April this year, the owner of a remote-controlled plane was ordered to pay £4,340 in fines and costs after his machine crashed in a no-fly zone near a shipyard in Cumbria for defence company BAE Systems, where nuclear submarines were being built.

Attendees and consumers look at drones during the first-ever Drone Expo in Los Angeles on December 13

Attendees and consumers look at drones during the first-ever Drone Expo in Los Angeles on December 13

The British Airline Pilots Association (Balpa) has demanded better protection for the public against the risk of drones.

There are currently few rules on operating drones. But Balpa wants them to meet the same safety standards as piloted aircraft, including only being flown by operators with pilot-equivalent training.

In October, intelligence experts warned of the misuse of drones and called for 'urgent' measures to safeguard British airspace to cope with commercial use, which is expected to be more widespread by 2035.

Their research for a University of Birmingham report said that the 'hazards presented by inadvertent or accidental misuse of [drones], or the consequences of their malfunctioning, are becoming better understood'.

And a conference on unmanned craft in London last month heard that police were worried about injuries on Boxing Day when amateur 'pilots' try out their new drones.


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