Best aerial shots of 2014


These breathtaking satellite images - shortlisted in a competition for the best aerial photos of 2014 - capture some of the year's most significant world events from miles above the surface of the Earth.

The stunning images offer a spectacular view of the planet's landscapes - while also highlighting how the effects of natural phenomenon, human industry, war and mass gatherings of people can show up from space.

In one picture, Californian wildfires appear to have had a devastating affect on the surrounding vegetation, while in another, an exodus of people flee the Iraqi city of Sinjar traversing steep mountain switchbacks to escape Islamic militants.

 The majestic-looking Kashagan oil project, which has become a prominent oil extraction scheme in the Caspian Sea, is owned by Kazakhstan

 The majestic-looking Kashagan oil project, which has become a prominent oil extraction scheme in the Caspian Sea, is owned by Kazakhstan

The photos were unveiled by DigitalGlobe, a provider of high-resolution earth imagery solutions, as part of the Top Satellite Images of 2014 contest.

Each year DigitalGlobe rounds up the top satellite photos of the year and allows viewers to vote for a winner via Facebook.

This year's top pictures include never before seen imagery from the company's recently launched WorldView-3 satellite and reflect the geospatial solutions the company has provided for various industries including oil and gas, mining, agriculture and many more.

One monumental image captures Ukrainian protesters rallying in the streets of Kiev in February 2014 during violent demonstrations.

This photo was taken above Kiev, Ukraine, in February 2014 and captures the civil unrest in the city with thousands of protesters in the streets

This photo was taken above Kiev, Ukraine, in February 2014 and captures the civil unrest in the city with thousands of protesters in the streets

Smoke can obscure the view of those on the ground responding to events such as fires and volcanoes, making satellite imagery crucial. Above, smoke rises from the crater of Mount Sinabung, Indonesia, in January 2014

Smoke can obscure the view of those on the ground responding to events such as fires and volcanoes, making satellite imagery crucial. Above, smoke rises from the crater of Mount Sinabung, Indonesia, in January 2014

Satellites captured an exodus from the Iraqi city of Sinjar, where at least 500 Yazidis were massacred by ISIS in August. Fleeing refugees were seen traversing steep mountain switchbacks to escape Islamic militants in this photo taken on September 15 this year

Satellites captured an exodus from the Iraqi city of Sinjar, where at least 500 Yazidis were massacred by ISIS in August. Fleeing refugees were seen traversing steep mountain switchbacks to escape Islamic militants in this photo taken on September 15 this year

Government organizations relied on satellite imagery such as this to reveal the scale and nature of expanding protest movements in Kiev that began in 2013.

Another photo, taken above Sulaibiya in Kuwait in June this year, offers an aerial view of the world's largest tire graveyard. 

The photo has been shortlisted to highlight how the standards for waste management and recycling vary hugely from nation to nation and how improper disposal practices can adversely affect public health.

A satellite shot of the world's largest tire graveyard in Sulaibiya, Kuwait, also made the shortlist for the best aerial photos of 2014

A satellite shot of the world's largest tire graveyard in Sulaibiya, Kuwait, also made the shortlist for the best aerial photos of 2014

This high-resolution image was taken above the Syrian-Turkish border town of Kobane in November this year - where fierce fighting has taken place between resident Kurdish fighters and the invading ISIS militants

This high-resolution image was taken above the Syrian-Turkish border town of Kobane in November this year - where fierce fighting has taken place between resident Kurdish fighters and the invading ISIS militants

Other images bear political messages on global warming, the effects of fishing and mining and one even offers a glimpse of a volcano spewing out smoke in Indoensia.

Current, high resolution satellite imagery can enable rapid assessments of displaced refugees, entry and exit points, food supply disruptions, and other effects of civil conflict.

One photo, taken in November, captures the scene above Kobane, a Syrian town lying on the border with Turkey.

Saving San Diego via satellite: Aerial views, such as this one taken above San Diego County, California, on May 15 2014,  were used to monitor the wildfires' progress and assess damage

Saving San Diego via satellite: Aerial views, such as this one taken above San Diego County, California, on May 15 2014,  were used to monitor the wildfires' progress and assess damage

Aerial views, such as this photo taken in May, allowed rescue decisions to be made during flooding in Gunja, Croatia

Aerial views, such as this photo taken in May, allowed rescue decisions to be made during flooding in Gunja, Croatia

A whole new view of Oktoberfest! A vast camp of marquees catering for Munich's annual beer festival can be seen from the sky

A whole new view of Oktoberfest! A vast camp of marquees catering for Munich's annual beer festival can be seen from the sky

Kobane was besieged and infiltrated by ISIS - and has seen fierce fighting between Kurdish forces and ISIS militants.

Other more light-hearted images submitted include a jaw-dropping aerial view of Glastonbury Festival in Somerset this year - where whole fields are obscured by a mass of revellers, their tents and staging.

The shortlisted photos also include a shot of Munich's famous Oktoberfest and huge marquees catering for the beer festival are visible from miles above the Earth's surface. 

Satellite imagery is used for navigating in extremely densely populated areas and planning for growing neighborhoods. Pictured, Mexico City 

Satellite imagery is used for navigating in extremely densely populated areas and planning for growing neighborhoods. Pictured, Mexico City 

The photo, taken in March this year, was shortlisted to highlight the affect of climate change on the Nordenskjold Basin in Antarctica

The photo, taken in March this year, was shortlisted to highlight the affect of climate change on the Nordenskjold Basin in Antarctica

Satellite imagery of operational mines, such as The Diavikk Diamond Mine in Canada, (pictured) allows for environmental impact assessment

Satellite imagery of operational mines, such as The Diavikk Diamond Mine in Canada, (pictured) allows for environmental impact assessment

Aerial shots are used to monitor large areas of water and understand the impacts of building a new dam. Above, Itaipu Dam in Paraguay

Aerial shots are used to monitor large areas of water and understand the impacts of building a new dam. Above, Itaipu Dam in Paraguay

Satellite shots are also a way of monitoring capacity and are used to determine the type and number of shipping containers being held in Garden City, Georgia, USA, above

Satellite shots are also a way of monitoring capacity and are used to determine the type and number of shipping containers being held in Garden City, Georgia, USA, above

Satellite photographs can also be used to enhance experiences - giving attendees of Glastonbury an astonishing aerial view of the festival  

Satellite photographs can also be used to enhance experiences - giving attendees of Glastonbury an astonishing aerial view of the festival  

This dramatic photo captures a commercial offshore oil development in the Arctic - the Prirazlomnaya Oil Platform, owned by Russia

This dramatic photo captures a commercial offshore oil development in the Arctic - the Prirazlomnaya Oil Platform, owned by Russia

Geologists can save time and exploration costs by analysing imagery with shortwave infrared bands that identify specific minerals in order to focus their attention on the most promising areas. Above, a photo of the Rainbow Range of mountains, British Columbia, Canada

Geologists can save time and exploration costs by analysing imagery with shortwave infrared bands that identify specific minerals in order to focus their attention on the most promising areas. Above, a photo of the Rainbow Range of mountains, British Columbia, Canada

Aerial views also let mining companies monitor progress over time. Above, Bayan Obo Mining District, western Inner Mongolia, China

Aerial views also let mining companies monitor progress over time. Above, Bayan Obo Mining District, western Inner Mongolia, China

A spectacular aerial shot of the Henan Coal Mine in China. Satellite shots can indicate the plant's emission and fuel stockpile levels

A spectacular aerial shot of the Henan Coal Mine in China. Satellite shots can indicate the plant's emission and fuel stockpile levels

The Defence and Intelligence community relies on images of airports for pattern analysis. Pictured, Boeing Everett Factory, Washington

The Defence and Intelligence community relies on images of airports for pattern analysis. Pictured, Boeing Everett Factory, Washington

The Maeslantkering Storm Surge Barrier in Rottenberg, Netherlands, is captured in this photo taken on August 27 this year

The Maeslantkering Storm Surge Barrier in Rottenberg, Netherlands, is captured in this photo taken on August 27 this year


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