Astronomers dissect aftermath of a supernova 168k light-years away


Scientists have carried out a post-mortem examination on a dead star that exploded in a nearby dwarf galaxy in an effort to better understand supernovas.

They believe they have spotted a pulsar wind nebula appearing from the ashes of the dead stars, and also claim to have solved a mystery surrounding the unusual shape of its remains.

The supernova, known as SN1987A, was first seen by observers in the southern hemisphere in 1987 at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud, 168,000 light-years from Earth.

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Scientists have carried out a post-mortem on a dead star that exploded in a nearby dwarf galaxy. Pictured is an outline of the and inner debris of the supernova's remains, as seen with the Hubble Space Telescope (green/blue contours), on top of Almaa observations of the remnant at 345 GHz (red/orange)

Scientists have carried out a post-mortem on a dead star that exploded in a nearby dwarf galaxy. Pictured is an outline of the and inner debris of the supernova's remains, as seen with the Hubble Space Telescope (green/blue contours), on top of Almaa observations of the remnant at 345 GHz (red/orange)

More than 25 years after spotting the explosion, an Australian-led team has used radio telescopes in Australia and Chile to see inside the remains of a supernova.

By combining observations from the two telescopes we've been able to distinguish radiation being emitted by the supernova's expanding shock wave,' said lead researcher Dr Giovanna Zanardo from the University of Western Australia.

'This is important because it means we're able to separate out the different types of emission we're seeing and look for signs of a new object which may have formed when the star's core collapsed.

'It's like doing a forensic investigation into the death of a star.'

The observations with the Atca and Alma radio telescopes revealed signs of something never seen before, located at the centre of the dead star.

'It could be a pulsar wind nebula, driven by the spinning neutron star, or pulsar, which astronomers have been searching for since 1987,' said Dr Zanardo.

'It's amazing that only now, with large telescopes like Alma and the upgraded Atca, we can peek through the bulk of debris ejected when the star exploded and see what's hiding underneath.'

More research published recently also attempts to shine a light on another long-standing mystery surrounding the supernova remnant.

Since 1992 the radio emission from one side of the remnant has appeared 'brighter' than the other.

In an effort to solve this puzzle, Dr Toby Potter, another researcher from UWA, has developed a detailed 3D simulation of the expanding supernova shockwave.

A mosaic of images showing the latest observations of supernova remnant 1987A. The map on the bottom right of the mosaic is obtained by combining five images. This is used to investigate whether there is a pulsar wind nebula inside the remnant

A mosaic of images showing the latest observations of supernova remnant 1987A. The map on the bottom right of the mosaic is obtained by combining five images. This is used to investigate whether there is a pulsar wind nebula inside the remnant

Pictured are images showing different views of the supernova remnant. On the left is SNR1987A as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2010. The middle panel shows SNR1987A as seen by the Australia Telescope Compact Array while the right image is a visualisation of the remnant showing the location of a pulsar

Pictured are images showing different views of the supernova remnant. On the left is SNR1987A as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2010. The middle panel shows SNR1987A as seen by the Australia Telescope Compact Array while the right image is a visualisation of the remnant showing the location of a pulsar


A supernova sends titanic shock waves rumbling through interstellar space. 

It leaves behind an ultra-dense neutron star in its wake, which spews out a blizzard of high-energy particles.

SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. 

It occurred approximately 51.4 kiloparsecs from Earth, or around 168,000 light-years - close enough that it was visible to the naked eye. 

The light from the supernova reached Earth on February 23, 1987, with its brightness peaking in May of that year. 

In the two and a half decades since then the remnant of supernova 1987A has continued to be a focus for researchers the world over, providing a wealth of information about one of the universe's most extreme events. 

'By introducing asymmetry into the explosion and adjusting the gas properties of the surrounding environment, we were able to reproduce a number of observed features from the real supernova such as the persistent one-sidedness in the radio images', Dr Potter said.

The time-evolving model shows that the eastern side of the expanding shock front expands more quickly than the other side, and generates more radio emission than its weaker counterpart.

This effect becomes even more apparent as the shock collides into the equatorial ring, as observed in Hubble Space Telescope images of the supernova.

'Our simulation predicts that over time the faster shock will move beyond the ring first. When this happens, the lop-sidedness of radio asymmetry is expected to be reduced and may even swap sides,' Dr Potter said.

'The fact that the model matches the observations so well means that we now have a good handle on the physics of the expanding remnant.

'We are beginning to understand the composition of the environment surrounding the supernova - which is a big piece of the puzzle solved in terms of how the remnant of SN1987A formed.'

SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. Pictured is an artist's impression showing components of Supernova Remnant 1987A

SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. Pictured is an artist's impression showing components of Supernova Remnant 1987A


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