William Shakespeare's sexuality row breaks out between experts


A new debate has broken out between some of the world's top Shakespeare experts over whether the playwright's sonnets prove he was attracted to men.

Sir Brian Vickers, a visiting professor at University College London, began the row by condemning a book review which suggested Sonnet 116 appears in a 'primarily homosexual context'.

In a letter to the Times Literary Supplement, he said the claim was 'anachronistic' because scholars now accept there were forms of rhetoric that allowed men to express love without implying sexual attraction.

Professor Sir Brian Vickers started the debate over playwright William Shakespeare's (pictured) sexuality after condemning a book review which suggested Sonnet 116 appears in a 'primarily homosexual context'

Professor Sir Brian Vickers started the debate over playwright William Shakespeare's (pictured) sexuality after condemning a book review which suggested Sonnet 116 appears in a 'primarily homosexual context'

He also said that any attempt to find biographical information in the sonnets was doomed because Shakespeare was a professional who wrote under the identity of a 'poet-persona'.

Fellow academics have since hit back at Mr Vickers' comments, accusing him of promoting 'one of the great fallacies of modern Shakespeare criticism'.

Scholar Arthur Freeman, who described himself as a 'friendly acquaintance' of Mr Vickers when responding to him via the letters page, accused him of introducing 'presuppositions that many of us would question, if not reject out of hand'.

He wrote: 'I cannot think of any responsible editor ... who would dismiss the premise of homosexual, as well as heterosexual passion pervading [the sonnets].

'Why should Shakespeare alone be thought so committed to the "negative capability" of his dramatic craft that all his most personal writings are treated as potentially artificial?

'And even if we insist on regarding the sonnets, wholly or in part, as a kind of long-term dramatic narrative ... why on earth would Shakespeare choose so often to impersonate a pathetically ageing, balding, lame and vulnerable bisexual suitor, abjectly whingeing about rejection and betrayal — unless the self-humiliation that surfaces again and again through these particulars were both genuine and cathartic?'

Love: The Bard (Joseph Fiennes) with his mistress Viola (Gwyneth Paltrow) in the 1998 blockbuster film Shakespeare in Love. When he first falls in love with her, she is dressed as a boy to act on stage

Love: The Bard (Joseph Fiennes) with his mistress Viola (Gwyneth Paltrow) in the 1998 blockbuster film Shakespeare in Love. When he first falls in love with her, she is dressed as a boy to act on stage

There are long-standing debates over whether the poet was gay or bisexual. Pictured: The Globe Theatre

There are long-standing debates over whether the poet was gay or bisexual. Pictured: The Globe Theatre

Another academic, who wrote under the name Professor Wells, also responded to the letter, pointing out that Shakespeare used at least one sonnet to woo Anne Hathaway.

He said: 'When a poet whose name is William writes poems of anguished and unabashed sexual frankness which pun on the word "will" — 13 times in [Sonnet] No 135 ... it is not unreasonable to conclude that he may be writing from the depths of his own experience.' 


Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no; it is an ever-fixed mark,

That looks on tempests, and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come;

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Mr Vickers responded by saying he could not stop people from speculating, adding: 'Thought is free.

'But if you fix these codes and then say that his 126 poems are like this, then people stop reading them as poems. They read them as biographical documents, looking for imputed sexuality.'

He said there was 'no bad blood' but has written a second letter in which he claims Professor Wells has too much insight into Shakespeare's motives.

'Such figments of the critic's imagination not only produce quantities of waste paper but ... are inimical to the proper reading of poetry,' he said.

The row is the latest debate over the sexuality of the playwright.

The first edition of his sonnets were dedicated to a 'Mr W H', whose identity has never been proven - leading to claims it could have been a male lover.

The most likely candidates were often thought to have been his friends Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, or William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke.

Oscar Wilde explored a different theory, writing a fictional 1889 story about whether it could be a cross-dressing boy actor called Willie Hughes - and the same person as the 'fair youth' of the sonnets.

That could also help explain punning references to the name 'Will', it was claimed.

Although there are few references to anything other than noble love, some sonnets appear more explicit than others.

Sonnet 20 is largely interpreted as being dedicated to a man, declaring: 'A woman's face with nature's own hand painted / Hast thou, the master mistress of my passion.'

In 2012, Shakespearean actor Sir Ian McKellen boldly announced that there was absolutely 'no doubt' the bard was bisexual.

In 2012, Shakespearean actor Sir Ian McKellen (pictured) boldly announced that there was absolutely 'no doubt' the playwright preferred sex with men. He  came to his conclusion after studying the poet's work

In 2012, Shakespearean actor Sir Ian McKellen (pictured) boldly announced that there was absolutely 'no doubt' the playwright preferred sex with men. He came to his conclusion after studying the poet's work

McKellen said Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (the film version is pictured) referenced homosexuality

McKellen said Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (the film version is pictured) referenced homosexuality

The Lord of the Rings star said he was adamant Shakespeare preferred sex with men even though he was married with children.

The 75-year-old acclaimed thespian said he came to his conclusion after studying the English poet's work. 

At the time, he said: 'I'd say Shakespeare slept with men.

'The Merchant of Venice, centering on how the world treats gays as well as Jews, has a love triangle between an older man, younger man and a woman.

'And the complexity in his comedies with cross-dressing and disguises is immense. 

'Shakespeare obviously enjoyed sex with men as well as women.'

It is widely accepted that Shakespeare married 26-year-old Anne Hathaway when he was 18.

Six months after the marriage, Anne gave birth to a daughter, Susanna, who was baptised on May 26, 1583.

Twins, son Hamnet and daughter Judith, followed almost two years later and were baptised on February 2, 1585.


Speculation: Edward II relied on male favourites

Speculation: Edward II relied on male favourites

Oscar Wilde called gay attraction 'the love that dare not speak its name', and that's one of the reasons why it has sparked so many debates - it just isn't written down.

Instead of the modern references to same-sex love found in everything from poems to EastEnders, authors danced around the subject and rarely made their intentions clear.

Even in the early 1900s gay authors such as E M Forster and Christopher Isherwood censored themselves, only releasing full accounts towards the end of their lives - and in the case of Forster's Maurice, after they were dead.

Renaissance England is more complicated. Society 500 years ago had more fluid ideas about gender, with cross-dressing actors and a more lavish, flamboyant dress sense for men.

That makes it more difficult for scholars to work out whether authors were talking about sexual attraction, or just love between friends. 

Christopher Marlowe's 1593 play about Edward II examined the king's relationship with his 'favourite' Piers Gaveston, never spelling out long-held rumours that the pair went further than friendship.

But there are strong hints as his wife Isabella proclaims: 'He'll ever dote on Gaveston; And so am I for ever miserable.'

And the king is killed with a red-hot poker, which Medieval writers later claimed was inserted into his anus as an act of retribution.

Renaissance authors were also reliant on Greek texts, which had very different ideas about gay sex than those which are discussed today.

Sex between older and younger men - 'pederasty' - was common in Ancient Greece, but homosexuality was not seen as a permanent state of mind.

Instead it was seen as a temporary relationship, of a different type to that between a man and a woman, which came to an end when the younger man matured and went out to find a wife.


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