Will climate change trigger a WAR? Former US military officials say a warming planet will increase risk of global conflict


Climate change could increase the number and severity of global conflicts, according to a report from former US military generals.

This is because it might make certain regions uninhabitable, and it will also open up more trade and military routes between countries.

In a report published this year they explain how a warming climate may have implications for national security, and they believe action needs to be taken.

A report by former US military officials says the US should prepare for security issues from climate change (stock image shown). Environmental changes could increase the chances of threats. Poverty, population migration and more could raise the chances of conflict,

A report by former US military officials says the US should prepare for security issues from climate change (stock image shown). Environmental changes could increase the chances of threats. Poverty, population migration and more could raise the chances of conflict,

In the report, titled National Security and the Accelerating Risks of Climate Change, the CNA Advisory Board - a group of retired officers from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps - said there could be upcoming threats associated with climate change, reports Forbes.

They expressed surprise that climate change remains such a polarising issue, despite being widely accepted as a problem that must be addressed sooner rather than later.


Earlier this week President Barack Obama struck a landmark deal with China that would see both countries significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions over the next three decades.

Under the agreement, America pledged to cut between 26 and 28 per cent of the level of its carbon emissions set in 2005 by 2025 as part of the global fight against climate change.

Chinese President Xi Jinping also said he would aim to cap his country's emissions by 2030.

In order to successfully accomplish this, he said 20 percent of China's energy needs will come from alternative sources, such as solar power and wind energy, by that year.

'We are dismayed that discussions of climate change have become so polarising and have receded from the arena of informed public discourse and debate,' says the report.

They continue: 'The potential security ramifications of global climate change should be serving as catalysts for cooperation and change.'

'Instead, climate change impacts are already accelerating instability in vulnerable areas of the world and are serving as catalysts for conflict.'

They say that actions taken by the US and the international community have been insufficient to deal with the projected effects by climate change.

These, they say, could increase things such as poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and social tensions - 'conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence.'

The report also says melting Arctic ice (stock image shown) could open new military  and trade routes. It could lead to 'conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence'

The report also says melting Arctic ice (stock image shown) could open new military and trade routes. It could lead to 'conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence'

The report says that actions taken by the US and the international community have been insufficient to deal with climate change. Extreme weather is already causing prolonged droughts and flooding, resulting in food shortages and population migration (stock image shown of immigrants fleeing unrest in Libya in 2011)

The report says that actions taken by the US and the international community have been insufficient to deal with climate change. Extreme weather is already causing prolonged droughts and flooding, resulting in food shortages and population migration (stock image shown of immigrants fleeing unrest in Libya in 2011)

They explain how in areas such as Africa, Asia and the Middle East, the impacts of climate change are already being seen.

Extreme weather is causing prolonged droughts and flooding, resulting in food shortages and population migration.

And in particular they say the projected impacts of climate change 'could be detrimental to military readiness, strain base resilience both at home and abroad, and may limit our ability to respond to future demands.'

The report recommends that the US should take a global leadership role in preparing for climate change.

And they should also prepare for the potential to carry out increased military operations in the Arctic as ice begins to melt.

This may open new routes between countries - such as Alaska and Northern Europe - that may change how military can be deployed.


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