Vampire Kashmir musk deer spotted in Afghanistan for first time in 60 years
Hallowe'en may have passed for another year, but deer with vampire-like fangs are still haunting the hills of Afghanistan.
It is the first time that rare fanged Kashmir musk deer has been spotted in over 60 years.
Despite their ghoulish appearance, the endangered male creatures use their fangs during mating season to seduce females and fend off love rivals, instead of sucking blood.
Fangs for the memories: Researchers have spotted Kashmir musk deer (stock image) in the hills of Afghanistan for the first time in over 60 years. The endangered male creatures use their fangs during mating season to seduce females and fend off love rivals, instead of sucking blood
One of seven similar species found in Asia, Kashmir musk deer live on the rugged forested slopes of northeast Afghanistan, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) which came across a small population when conducting a recent survey.
The last scientific sighting in Nuristan province, Afghanistan, was believed to have been made by a Danish survey team traversing the region in 1948.
The species is endangered due to habitat loss and poaching, according to the study published in the journal Oryx.
The creature produces a musk that is used in perfumes, incense and medicine. Its scent glands are coveted by wildlife traffickers and are considered more valuable by weight than gold, fetching as much as $45,000/kilo (£28,121) on the black market.
By way of comparison, the price of gold per kilo at the time of writing, is $37,624/kilo (£23,511).
The last scientific sighting of the deer (stock image pictured) in Nuristan province, Afghanistan, was believed to have been made by a Danish survey team traversing the region in 1948
One of seven similar species found in Asia, Kashmir musk deer live on the rugged forested slopes of northeast Afghanistan (marked in red). The survey team recorded five sightings of the rare deer, including a solitary male in the same area on three occasions and one female with a juvenile
The animal's 'fangs' (pictured) are described as tusks, because they are used during the rutting season, when males clash with each other
The animal's 'fangs' are described by zoologists as tusks, because they are used during the rutting season, when males clash with each other to secure a mate.
The survey team recorded five sightings of the rare deer, including a solitary male in the same area on three occasions, one female with a juvenile, and one solitary female, which may have been the same individual without her young.
All sightings were in steep rocky outcrops interspersed with alpine meadows and scattered, dense high bushes of juniper and rhododendron.
According to the team, the Kashmir musk deer were discrete, cryptic and difficult to spot and could not be photographed.
Despite their obscurity, experts say the species and its habitat must be protected in order for it to continue to survive in Afghanistan.
'Musk deer are one of Afghanistan's living treasures,' said co-author Peter Zahler, WCS Deputy Director of Asia Programs.
'This rare species, along with better known wildlife such as snow leopards, are the natural heritage of this struggling nation. We hope that conditions will stabilise soon to allow WCS and local partners to better evaluate conservation needs of this species.'
In the meantime, the society has trained local people in Nuristan to continue its research and protection of the species until security conditions improve.
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