To boldly go where no spacecraft has gone before: William Shatner wishes Rosetta luck in video ahead of comet landing today


William Shatner has wished the Rosetta team good luck in a video ahead of their attempt to land on a comet today.

'Good luck Rosetta, Philae's gonna land,' said the actor who played Captain James T. Kirk in the TV series Star Trek, said in the video.

At 0335 EST (0835 GMT) this morning Esa's Rosetta spacecraft released the Philae lander on a daring mission to touchdown on a comet at 1100 EST (1600 GMT) today.

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William Shatner has recorded a video (pictured) wishing Esa good luck ahead of their attempt to land on a comet today
Shatner is pictured here in Star Trek: The Original Series back in 1967

William Shatner has recorded a video (pictured left) wishing Esa good luck ahead of their attempt to land on a comet today. Esa's Philae lander will attempt to touchdown on a comet at 1100 EST (1600 GMT) today. Shatner is pictured right in Star Trek: The Original Series back in 1967

'I am so excited and I wish you such good luck,' he continued.

'Good wishes from all of us here in Los Angeles.'

Shatner posted the video to his Twitter page, to which Esa responded: 'Thank you captain!'

While the 83-year-old is known around the world as Captain Kirk from the fictional show Star Trek, he is also a big proponent of real space exploration. 

In the past he has spoken with Nasa and Esa on Twitter, occasionally 'checking in' to see how the agencies are doing.

Back in August he tweeted: 'How is @NASA doing today?'

Nasa responded: '@WilliamShatner Good day, Captain. #ISS is in standard orbit and Commander Swanson has the conn. Hope you're having a great weekend!'

To which Shatner replied: '@NASA Very good news!'

Shatner played Kirk in Star Trek: The Original Series but also reprised his role elsewhere including in seven movies.

Earlier today Esa's Rosetta probe released its Philae lander to attempt the first ever landing of a spacecraft on the surface of a comet.

The separation was confirmed at 0403 EST (0903 GMT) today, with pictures of Philae approaching the comet expected throughout the day before it lands on the surface at 1030 EST (1530 GMT).

But the success of the mission now hangs in the balance after a thruster on Philae was found to be faulty. Mission controllers said there was a 50 per cent chance the thruster would work, and without it Philae will have to rely solely on harpoons to attach itself to the surface of the comet.

Scroll down for a livefeed from mission control 

Esa has now successfully made contact with the Philae lander after it separated from the Rosetta spacecraft this morning at 08.35am GMT. It is now heading towards the comet and is expected to attempt to land on the surface at 4pm GMT. Pictured right is Paolo Ferri, Head of Mission Operations, celebrating making contact

Esa has now successfully made contact with the Philae lander after it separated from the Rosetta spacecraft this morning at 08.35am GMT. It is now heading towards the comet and is expected to attempt to land on the surface at 4pm GMT. Pictured right is Paolo Ferri, Head of Mission Operations, celebrating making contact

Just after 11am GMT mission control in Darmstadt, Germany received a signal from Philae confirming the lander was working.

Now the lander can begin transmitting data and images back to Earth throughout the day ahead of the landing attempt later on. 


When Philae touches the surface of the comet it will fire harpoons into the surface to keep it anchored there.

To keep it attached to the surface a thruster at the top will push it down as the harpoons fire.

But at the moment the thruster does not appear to be working.

This means the lander will have to rely solely on its harpoons to stay attached to the surface.

It will have to hope they grab the surface immediately and keep the lander anchored there.

If they don't, the force of firing them could send it floating off into space.

'We'll need some luck not to land on a boulder or a steep slope,' said Stephan Ulamec, Philae Lander Manager at the DLR German Aerospace Center. 

Head of Mission Operations Paolo Ferri said they had got telemetry from the lander and had established a link so they could follow its descent. 

But this morning it was revealed that the cold thruster positioned on top of the Philae lander was not working properly.

The cold thruster is used to push Philae closer to the comet.

Without it, it will have to rely on its three landing screws and two harpoons to successfully attach itself to the comet's surface.

Despite the potential obstacles, the fourth and final 'go/nogo' was given, meaning the landing would be attempted as scheduled.

At 06.30am GMT this morning Rosetta completed a complex trajectory manouevre to get it on a direct angle towards the comet.

Before Philae's release, Esa said there was 'no going back'.

At 08.35am GMT the team in Darmstadt, Germany, sent a command to release the Philae probe from Rosetta's grip.

They have now made contact with Philae and it has deployed its landing legs ahead of making contact with the comet later. 

The probe will be in free fall for seven hours, before landing on the icy surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at a site called Agilkia.

According to Esa, during checks of the lander's health, it was discovered that the active descent system could not be activated.

However, if the thruster is reactivated and all goes to plan, at touchdown a landing gear will absorb the force of the landing. 

Ice screws in the feet and a harpoon system will lock to the comet's surface and the thruster will push it down into the surface to counteract the impact of the harpoon.

But without it scientists will be forced to rely fully on the harpoons.


'The cold gas thruster on top of the lander does not appear to be working so we will have to rely fully on the harpoons at touchdown,' says Stephan Ulamec, Philae Lander Manager at the DLR German Aerospace Center.

'We'll need some luck not to land on a boulder or a steep slope.'

Speaking to Astronomy Now, Head of Mission Operations Paolo Ferri said they had received both positive and negative readings from the thruster.

This means they are unsure if it still might work ahead of the landing attempt. Without it, the landing will be a lot more difficult - but, crucially, it is still possible. 

'We knew we need a lot of luck on the surface for this lander to survive,' he said.

'Now with this inconsistent results of the priming of the system we have additional anxiety.

'We don't know whether the motor is working or not. We have inconsistent readings.

'I always like to be optimistic and I hope the 50 per cent that tells us the positive news is the right one but we can't say [for sure]. We will only know it when on the surface.

At 08.35 GMT today, mission control in Darmstadt, Germany sent a command to release the Philae probe from Rosetta's grip. This picture shows the boulder-strewn neck region of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It was captured around 4.8 miles (7.7km) from the surface of the comet

At 08.35 GMT today, mission control in Darmstadt, Germany sent a command to release the Philae probe from Rosetta's grip. This picture shows the boulder-strewn neck region of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It was captured around 4.8 miles (7.7km) from the surface of the comet

The team in Darmstadt, Germany are pictured here celebrating as news of Philae's separation from Rosetta was received earlier this morning

The team in Darmstadt, Germany are pictured here celebrating as news of Philae's separation from Rosetta was received earlier this morning

Rosetta has chased comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko through space for more than ten years in what has been described as 'the sexiest, most fantastic mission ever'. After a four billion mile (6.5 billion km) journey, it is now positioned in an orbit 19 miles (30 km) away from 67P

Rosetta has chased comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko through space for more than ten years in what has been described as 'the sexiest, most fantastic mission ever'. After a four billion mile (6.5 billion km) journey, it is now positioned in an orbit 19 miles (30 km) away from 67P

This picture from mission control shows the team preparing to receive confirmation from the Philae lander that it had separated from Rosetta earlier this morning

This picture from mission control shows the team preparing to receive confirmation from the Philae lander that it had separated from Rosetta earlier this morning

The Philae lander is now on its way to the comet (illustration shown). Throughout the day images from both Philae and Rosetta should be returned to Earth picturing the various stages of the landing

The Philae lander is now on its way to the comet (illustration shown). Throughout the day images from both Philae and Rosetta should be returned to Earth picturing the various stages of the landing

This graphic details how the Philae lander will touchdown on the surface of comet 67P. Without its cold thruster on top, however, the landing is due to be even more risky than thought

This graphic details how the Philae lander will touchdown on the surface of comet 67P. Without its cold thruster on top, however, the landing is due to be even more risky than thought


Time is when confirmation on Earth will be received. All times in GMT.

0903 - Philae will separate from the main Rosetta spacecraft.

0904 - First 'farewell images' received from Philae of Rosetta.

0912 - Philae will be 100 metres from Rosetta.

0943 - Loss of signal expected due to manoeuvre of spacecraft.

1053 - Signal link re-stablished.

1458 - Philae's harpoon anchor system will be turned on.

1501 - Images of landing site will be taken.

1517 - Final pre-touchdown operations.

1522 - Start of lander's touchdown window.

1602 - Expected time of landing on the surface.

1607 - First images of the surface sent back to Earth.

Philae's cold thruster is a nitrogen-powered and is designed to fire on landing in order to prevent the probe from flying off into space due to the comet's weak gravity.

In order to prepare cold-gas jets, scientists use one of two pins to puncture a wax seal on the thruster's gas tank.

Experts detect success by the change in pressure in the piping system.

However, this morning mission controllers did not see pressure increases after two attempts with each of the two pins.

But according to the industry provider, there may still be a chance that retrying the puncture of the wax seal would succeed, even after four failed attempts.

Philae must now rely on its two harpoons and ice screws to hold it to the surface. Whether that will be enough - or whether the lander will bounce off before they can secure it to the surface - remains to be seen. 

If all goes to plan, Philae should send a signal back to mission control engineers at around 4pm GMT. 


When comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was first imaged, scientists were shocked that it seemed to have two sections.

It appeared to have a smaller and a larger lobe, which earned it the nickname 'rubber duck comet' owing to its appearance.

Scientists aren't quite sure why it has this odd shape, but it may be the result of something known as a 'contact binary'.

This occurs when two comets come into contact at very low velocity before slowly melding together over many years.

This would mean comet 67P was actually once two comets.

Or it may have just been a single comet that was pulled into an odd shape by the gravitational pull of large bodies like Jupiter and the sun.

Alternatively it could have been shaped in such a way by ice evaporation on its surface or an impact with another object.

Pictured is one of Rosetta's two massive solar wings, which have kept Esa's comet-chaser powered out in the cold depths of space

Pictured is one of Rosetta's two massive solar wings, which have kept Esa's comet-chaser powered out in the cold depths of space

This morning it was revealed that the cold thruster - a nitrogen thruster - on top of the Philae lander was not working properly. This means the Philae lander will have to rely on its screws and harpoons (illustration shown) to ensure it does not bounce off the surface of the comet

This morning it was revealed that the cold thruster - a nitrogen thruster - on top of the Philae lander was not working properly. This means the Philae lander will have to rely on its screws and harpoons (illustration shown) to ensure it does not bounce off the surface of the comet

Celebrations began in Darmstadt, Germany (shown) as news of the separation was received. Engineers now face an anxious wait to see if Philae can successfully land on the comet later today

Celebrations began in Darmstadt, Germany (shown) as news of the separation was received. Engineers now face an anxious wait to see if Philae can successfully land on the comet later today

This is the expected view of Philae taken by Rosetta as it makes its way to the surface of the comet today

This is the expected view of Philae taken by Rosetta as it makes its way to the surface of the comet today

Pictured is a separate Esa Rosetta control team in Toulouse, France awaiting news of the separation

Pictured is a separate Esa Rosetta control team in Toulouse, France awaiting news of the separation


Midas is the Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System. It is designed to study the dust particles flung from the comet as it is heated by the sun and becomes active.

When comets pass through the inner solar system, the ices buried below their dark surface are gradually heated. As this gas streams away from the comet's surface, it drags along dust particles – themselves tiny pieces of rock, ice and organic material.

Sunlight reflected from billions of such particles result in the beautiful dust tails seen from Earth on particle population, size, volume and shape.

Midas is one of several instruments that will study cometary dust. To collect particles Midas has a funnel, which usually points towards the comet.

Behind this is a wheel with sticky targets mounted around its circumference. After dust has been collected, the wheel is rotated to move the dust to the microscope for analysis.

By scanning over the dust grain, line by line, scientists can build a 3D picture. Knowing the size, shape and structure of these particles tells us about how and where these particles formed.

These particles are remnants of when the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago and could reveal how planets formed, and perhaps on life came to be on Earth.

Speaking live on TV, Matt Taylor, project scientist of Rosetta, talked about the complexities of the mission.

'I said she was sexy but I never said she was easy,' he said. 

The comet is currently 300 million miles away (480 million km), and is travelling through space at about 34,000 mph (55,000 km/h).

The Flight Dynamics Team prepared the final instructions to be uploaded to Rosetta yesterday to command the delivery operations on board, the second of four key checks. 

Yesterday flight managers gave their 'OK' to the first of four checks that must be carried out before the probe Philae can descend from its orbiter craft onto a comet in deep space this afternoon.

'We got the first go, the first go-ahead,' an Esa spokeswoman said at mission control in Darmstadt, Germany.

'The satellite is in perfect orbit.' 

The checklist was preceded by a brief moment of worry when Philae 'took a bit longer than expected' to be activated, said Paolo Ferri, mission leader at Darmstadt.

'We were a bit worried at first that the temperature would be wrong (for the descent) but it all worked out. We didn't lose any time,' Ferri said.

'The robot's batteries should be charged up by tonight.' 

No one has ever attempted such a daring feat, and even Esa engineers admit they initially thought it sounded more like science fiction.

If they manage it, Rosetta and Philae could help unravel secrets of how the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago. 


Comets are remnants of the early solar system that remain in orbit around the sun.

Most are found in two specific regions of the solar system. The first region is the Kuiper belt, just beyond the orbit of Neptune, which is thought to contain about 200 million objects.

Much further out, extending to 50,000 times the distance from Earth to the sun, is a vast region known as the Oort Cloud where hundreds of millions of comets are present.

Comet are often called 'dirty snowballs' because they are made of ice and rock. At their core they have a solid nucleus.

But as they approach the sun, the ice on their surface melts and a 'coma' of gas forms around the comet.

They also have two main tails. The dust tail is made of small, solid particles that are pushed back from the sun.

The gas tail, meanwhile, forms behind the comet from the melted ice on its surface.

A third tail known as a sodium tail has been detected around some comets, but less is known of it.

Rosetta has also been aiming to work out the plasma characteristics of the comet (illustrated)

Rosetta has also been aiming to work out the plasma characteristics of the comet (illustrated)

At 0835am GMT the team in Darmstadt, Germany (picture from mission control shown) sent a command to release the Philae probe from Rosetta's grip

At 0835am GMT the team in Darmstadt, Germany (picture from mission control shown) sent a command to release the Philae probe from Rosetta's grip

Esa also revealed this new image showing how the comet would dwarf London

Esa also revealed this new image showing how the comet would dwarf London

Engineers at Rosetta mission control are anxiously counting down the hours before they attempt to make space history by landing the Philae probe on comet 67P. Pictured is an artist's impression

Engineers at Rosetta mission control are anxiously counting down the hours before they attempt to make space history by landing the Philae probe on comet 67P. Pictured is an artist's impression

Tensions at Rosetta mission control (pictured) in Darmstadt Germany will be running high as space engineers attempt to land Philae onto the craggy surface of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

Tensions at Rosetta mission control (pictured) in Darmstadt Germany will be running high as space engineers attempt to land Philae onto the craggy surface of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

Ahead of the landing, Esa has published a series 'beauty shots', taken by Rosetta's navigation camera, revealing the varied and dramatic terrain of the mysterious rock (shown)

Ahead of the landing, Esa has published a series 'beauty shots', taken by Rosetta's navigation camera, revealing the varied and dramatic terrain of the mysterious rock (shown)


Comets are of great interest to scientists because they are the oldest and most primitive bodies in the solar system that we know of.

They preserve the earliest record of material from the nebula from which our sun and planets formed.

While the planets in the solar system have gone through chemical transformations, comets have remained almost unchanged in the 4.5 billion year history of the solar system.

It is also thought that they brought certain elements to planets, including water.

They also carry complex organic molecules that may triggered life on Earth.

Rosetta has chased comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko through space for more than ten years in what has been described as 'the sexiest, most fantastic mission ever'. 

After a four billion mile (6.5 billion km) journey, it is now positioned in an orbit 19 miles (30 km) away from 67P.

Emotions at mission control are already running high. 'This, for me, is a wonderful dream come true,' Paolo Ferri, mission director told MailOnline. 'Just thinking about it…I have tears in my eyes.

'You spend a lot of your time in very odd situations with [Rosetta], working weekends, and getting calls in the middle of the night. It's not fair to compare it to a relationship with a human, but it's very close.' 

When it was launched in 2004, Rosetta was so far from 67P that it had to pass Earth three times and Mars once, so that it could use the planets' gravity to slingshot its way deep into the solar system. 

The spacecraft will spend more than a year studying the comet, which is made up of material left over from when our solar system was first created 4.5 billion years ago.

Ahead of the landing, Esa has published a series 'beauty shots', taken by Rosetta's navigation camera, revealing the varied and dramatic terrain of the mysterious rock.


Rosetta will release Philae at 08:35 GMT/09:35 CET on 12 November at a distance. Pictured is an artist's impression of the lander on Comet 67P

Rosetta will release Philae at 08:35 GMT/09:35 CET on 12 November at a distance. Pictured is an artist's impression of the lander on Comet 67P

Rosetta will release Philae at 08:35 GMT/09:35 CET on 12 November at a distance of  14 miles (22.5km) from the centre of the comet.

The landing will be about seven hours later at around 15:30 GMT/16:30 CET.

During the descent, Philae will take images and conduct science experiments, sampling the dust, gas and plasma environment close to the comet.

It will take a 'farewell' image of the Rosetta orbiter shortly after separation, along with a number of images as it approaches the comet surface.

It is expected that the first images from this sequence will be received on Earth several hours after separation.

Once safely on the surface, Philae will take a panorama of its surroundings. Again, this is expected back on Earth several hours later.

The first sequence of surface science experiments will begin about an hour after touchdown and will last for 64 hours, constrained by the lander's primary battery lifetime.

Longer-term study of the comet by Philae will depend on for how long and how well the batteries are able to recharge, which is related to the amount of dust that settles on its solar panels.

It is expected that by March 2015, as the comet moves closer in its orbit towards the sun, temperatures inside the lander will have reached levels too high to continue operations, and Philae's science mission will come to an end.

But the Rosetta orbiter's mission will continue for much longer. It will accompany the comet as it grows in activity until their closest approach to the sun in August 2015 and then as they head back towards the outer solar system. 

Illustrated here are the various scientific instruments on the Philae lander that will be used to study the comet when it is attached to the surface

Illustrated here are the various scientific instruments on the Philae lander that will be used to study the comet when it is attached to the surface

Rosetta has chased comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko through space for more than ten years in what has been described as 'the sexiest, most fantastic mission ever' (illustration of solar system shown) 

Rosetta has chased comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko through space for more than ten years in what has been described as 'the sexiest, most fantastic mission ever' (illustration of solar system shown) 

The images shows a raised plateau on the larger lobe of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It was captured from a distance of 6 miles (9.8 km) from the center of the comet

The images shows a raised plateau on the larger lobe of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It was captured from a distance of 6 miles (9.8 km) from the center of the comet

Paolo Ferri, head of Esa Operations, is overjoyed after receiving Rosetta's acquisition of signal in January

Paolo Ferri, head of Esa Operations, is overjoyed after receiving Rosetta's acquisition of signal in January

The mission began as a concept about three decades ago and was the brainchild of Gerhard Schwehm, former Rosetta Project Scientist (pictured in the 1980s)

The mission began as a concept about three decades ago and was the brainchild of Gerhard Schwehm, former Rosetta Project Scientist (pictured in the 1980s)


Rosetta might not release Philae at the right spot if the thrusters are activated at the wrong time.

Jets of gas spewing from the comet could also cause problems during the descent, moving Philae off course.

Another concern is the strange duck-shape of the comet, that means Philae could crash on landing, damaging its instruments.

And even if Philae lands safely, it will need to attach itself to the comet using harpoons so that it does not fly off into space. 

Philae could also become too hot to operate as the comet travels towards the sun. Scientists say it will be able to withstand temperatures of 150°C.  

Incredibly, many of the images were taken at less than six miles (10km) from the comet's surface, and highlight what a challenging task Philae engineers have ahead of them.

The Philae probe aims to analyse the comet in more detail than Rosetta ever could. The results, Esa claims, could completely rewrite the history of how the Earth formed.

As Philae descends, it will be travelling at walking speed of 3ft (one metre) per second relative to 67P while the duck-shaped rock is rotating constantly.

Philae will need to be released with pinpoint accuracy as its landing site contains a mix of sheer cliffs and deep craters – any of which could scupper its chances.

Scientists are aiming to land on a spot named 'Agilkia' on the smaller 'head' lobe of 67P after Philae is released from a distance of 14 miles (22.5km) from the centre of 67P.

Rosetta has been taking scientific readings of the comet since it arrived, including measurements of the magnesium on the surface (shown)

Rosetta has been taking scientific readings of the comet since it arrived, including measurements of the magnesium on the surface (shown)

The daring descent Philae  (artist's impression shown) will take seven hours from separation. It will be exactly nine years that a similar landing attempt on an asteroid by Japan's Hayabusa failed in 2005

The daring descent Philae (artist's impression shown) will take seven hours from separation. It will be exactly nine years that a similar landing attempt on an asteroid by Japan's Hayabusa failed in 2005

This image shows the Agilkia landing site on Comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko, taken with Rosetta's navigation camera on 6 November. It was captured at a distance of 22 miles (35.5km) 

This image shows the Agilkia landing site on Comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko, taken with Rosetta's navigation camera on 6 November. It was captured at a distance of 22 miles (35.5km) 

Jose Pellon-Bailon, one of eight flight engineers responsible for Rosetta, told MailOnline his team will have to make a series of Go or No-Go decisions before the landing.

There are a number of things that could go wrong. For instance, Rosetta might not release Philae at the right spot if the thrusters are activated at the wrong time. 

Jets of gas spewing from the comet could also cause problems during the descent, moving Philae off course.

Another concern is the strange duck-shape of the comet, which means Philae could crash land, damaging its instruments.

Rotating Shape Model of Rosetta's Comet Target
Emotions in the control room can run high. During launches, a moodily-lit space (pictured) with curved consoles facing the main screens, is staffed by specialists responsible for different parts of Rosetta

Emotions in the control room can run high. During launches, a moodily-lit space (pictured) with curved consoles facing the main screens, is staffed by specialists responsible for different parts of Rosetta


During the landing of the Mars rover Curiosity, space engineers underwent what they described as 'seven minutes of terror.'

In that time, bottles of peanuts started to appear, and people mission control calmed their nerves by munching on the snack.

Now, whenever a difficult space mission is taking place, both Nasa and Esa have peanuts to hand to make sure the mission doesn't fail.

Paolo Ferri, mission director for Rosetta, says he will also be wearing the same tie that he did during the launch of Rosetta ten years ago.

'It appears at all these moments,' he told MailOnline. 'So it was there for the flyby of Mars, it was there at the wake up, and it will be there at the 12th of November for Philae. I'm very superstitious.'

And even if Philae lands safely, it will need to attach itself to the comet using harpoons.

Philae is able to withstand temperatures of 150°C (300°F), but it could become too hot to operate as the comet travels towards the sun.

If the green light is given on the landing, communication between Rosetta and mission control will take 28 minutes and 20 seconds each way – the time it takes for a signal to travel 315 million miles (510 million km) to Earth. 

'It's difficult, in the sense that you are commanding something and you are seeing the effects almost one hour later,' says Pellon-Bailon. 'If we land on the comet, it will be very emotional.'

Ferri's biggest fear isn't that Philae will be damaged during the descent, but that it could fail to send a signal back at all.

'This would be a huge disappointment,' he says. 'Of course, the landing mission would be off, but also we wouldn't have learned why.' 

Located in the heart of Darmstadt, around 20 minutes from Frankfurt, Esa's mission control centre will be a hive of activity on 12 November as Paolo Ferri and his team attempt to land Philae on comet 67P

Located in the heart of Darmstadt, around 20 minutes from Frankfurt, Esa's mission control centre will be a hive of activity on 12 November as Paolo Ferri and his team attempt to land Philae on comet 67P


The comet is named after astronomers Klim Ivanovych Churyumov and Svetlana Ivanovna Gerasimenko who identified it in 1969.

It is believed to originate from the Kuiper Belt, a large reservoir of small icy bodies located just beyond Neptune. 

Scientists describe it as a 'Jupiter class' comet which takes 6.45 years to complete one full circuit of the sun

The icy core, or nucleus, is about 2.4 miles (4km) across and the comet takes around 12.4 hours to rotate fully.

The comet has now been observed from Earth on seven approaches to the Sun: in 1969, 1976, 1982, 1989, 1996, 2002 and 2009.

Over an entire year, as it approaches the sun, Rosetta will orbit the comet, mapping its surface and studying changes in its activity.

As its ices evaporate, instruments on board the orbiter will study the dust and gas particles that surround the comet and trail behind it

The landing has been described by Esa as 'ridiculously difficult'.

'Imagine the comet as Mont Blanc,' says Ferri. 

'You fly with an aircraft at 13.6 miles (22km) in altitude - so twice the altitude of a normal airline. 

'At a certain point you have to drop a box and hope that it lands on the mountain within a square km.'

Pellon-Bailon says his team are fully prepared, even down to what they will eat on the day.

Peanuts are crucial. 'We found out that people at Nasa eat peanuts on the day of the special activity. In a mission that is problematic, they will always have peanuts on the table.' 

Esa has inherited the superstition, and Ferri confirms that it's vital to the success of the mission. 'I'll also be wearing the same tie I wore when Rosetta launched ten years ago,' he says. 

The bizarre rituals at mission control are hoped to steady nerves as engineers perform complex manoeuvres around the comet. 

Pellon-Bailon says when he first got involved in the mission in the early 1990s, it sounded to him like science fiction. Even now, he can't quite believe they've reached the comet. 

Rosetta's target comet, 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, is about 2.48 miles (4km) wide. Here it is shown alongside some of Earth's landmark

Rosetta's target comet, 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, is about 2.48 miles (4km) wide. Here it is shown alongside some of Earth's landmark

'It sounds crazy when you say it out loud,' says Ferri. 'Sometimes I sit back and think, there's a two cubic metre box flying half a billion kilometres away, that is now sending a very faint signal.

'That signal is picked up in Australia, and now I'm looking at it. Then I think, how is it possible?'

But it has been possible, and even if Philae doesn't make it on tomorrow, the mission has already achieved its main objective.

'You have to remember, and we have to remember, this landing is spectacular, but it is only one part of the mission,' says Ferri.

'Whatever happens, data from Rosetta has already rewritten the history of our solar system.'  

Rosetta took an incredible selfie of its 131ft (40 metre) solar wings gleaming against the darkness of space. In the background is the comet, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, with its  'head' and 'body' clearly visible

Rosetta took an incredible selfie of its 131ft (40 metre) solar wings gleaming against the darkness of space. In the background is the comet, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, with its 'head' and 'body' clearly visible

The reconstructed-colour image, taken early October, indicates how dark the comet appears. On the average, the comet's surface reflects about four per cent of impinging visible light, making it as dark as coal

The reconstructed-colour image, taken early October, indicates how dark the comet appears. On the average, the comet's surface reflects about four per cent of impinging visible light, making it as dark as coal


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