The Big Bang's last kiss of light detected: Echo of universe's beginnings 13.8 billion years ago is detected by microwave


Scientists have made some of the most precise measurements yet of the remnants of the universe's oldest light.

Known as the cosmic microwave background, researchers found the hidden 'skeleton' of the cosmos that first began to see it take shape just 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

And mapping the universe in this way could help uncover some of its mysteries including dark matter and dark energy.

Research led by University of California studied the early universe. The Polar consortium detected the polarisation of light 380,000 years after the Big Bang using microwave detectors on the Huan Tran Telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert (pictured)

Research led by University of California studied the early universe. The Polar consortium detected the polarisation of light 380,000 years after the Big Bang using microwave detectors on the Huan Tran Telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert (pictured)

The findings were made by the Polarbear consortium led by Dr Adrian Lee from the University of California.

Using microwave detectors mounted on the Huan Tran Telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert, the team were able to make measurements of the universe.


Polarbear measures remnant radiation from the Big Bang, which has cooled and stretched with the expansion of the universe to microwave lengths.

This cosmic microwave background, the CMB, acts as an enormous backlight, illuminating the large-scale structure of the universe and carrying an imprint of cosmic history.

Sensitive instruments called bolometers, located in telescopes, can record this light from the young universe.

They record the direction of the light's electric field and, in so doing, create a map of how light was once distributed in the universe.

But of most importance was that the Polarbear team found 'twists' in this structure of the light from 380,000 after the Big Bang.

This suggested it had been warped by mysterious entities such as dark matter and neutrinos.

Their research is separate but similar to the Bicep2 results published earlier this year that found a signature of cosmic inflation.

This is the remnant of the rapidly ballooning universe when it was just a fraction of a fraction of a second old.

What the Polarbear team found was a specific 'polarisation' of the initial light in the universe.

Polarisation in astronomy basically refers to the way in which light, in the form of waves, travelled through the universe.

B-mode polarisation, which was the type measured in this research by the Polarbear team, is associated with magnetic fields.

The other type, E-mode, refers to electric fields.

While E-mode polarisation contains some information, B-mode polarisation contains more, because photons carry this only if matter around the last point of scattering was unevenly distributed.

Thus its discovery by the Polarbear team is deemed as being an important look into the early universe. 

After the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, the universe was so hot and dense that light bounced endlessly from one particle to another, scattering and ionizing any atoms that formed.

Only when the universe was 380,000 years old was it sufficiently cool to allow an electron and a proton to form a stable hydrogen atom without being immediately broken apart. Suddenly, all the light particles - called photons - were set free.

This latest finding reveals the hidden 'skeleton' of the universe 380,000 years after the Big Bang. Illustrated here is a separate image provided by the Illustris Collaboration earlier this year that shows dark matter density in the evolution of the universe

This latest finding reveals the hidden 'skeleton' of the universe 380,000 years after the Big Bang. Illustrated here is a separate image provided by the Illustris Collaboration earlier this year that shows dark matter density in the evolution of the universe

'The photons go from bouncing around like balls in a pinball machine to flying straight and basically allowing us to take a picture of the universe from only 380,000 years after the Big Bang,' said Dr Lee.

'The universe was a lot simpler then: mainly hydrogen plasma and dark matter.'

These photons, which, today, have cooled to a mere 3 degrees Kelvin above absolute zero, still retain information about their last interaction with matter. 

Specifically, the flow of matter due to density fluctuations where the photon last scattered gave that photon a certain polarisation.

And it was the remnants of these that were detected by the Polarbear team. 

'Think of it like this: the photons are bouncing off the electrons, and there is basically a last kiss, they touch the last electron and then they go for 14 billion years until they get to telescopes on the ground,' Lee said.

'That last kiss is polarising.' 

Polarbear may also eventually confirm or refute the Bicep2 results, although so far it has focused on interpreting the polarisation pattern of the microwave background to map the distribution of matter back in time to the universe's inflationary period, 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

Polarbear's approach, which is different from that used by Bicep2, may allow the group to determine when dark energy, the mysterious force accelerating the expansion of the universe, began to dominate and overwhelm gravity, which throughout most of cosmic history slowed the expansion. 


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