One small step for meme:Twitter users poke fun at historic Rosetta comet landing, using Armageddon, Star Wars and even Michael Jordan to mock it


It may have been hailed as one of the greatest achievements in human history, but that hasn't stopped internet pranksters poking fun at the Rosetta comet landing.

Within hours of the Philae probe landing on the surface of comet 67P, social media users were busy mocking the European Space Agency's achievement.

Using images from Bruce Wills film Armageddon, the Star Wars movies, and TV series The Clangers, internet users made light of the historic moment.

What's the fuss about: Twitter users pointed out that while Philae may have landed on a comet two days ago, Bruce Willis landed on an asteroid way back in 1998 in the film Armageddon

What's the fuss about: Twitter users pointed out that while Philae may have landed on a comet two days ago, Bruce Willis landed on an asteroid way back in 1998 in the film Armageddon

Slam dunk: One internet prankster noticed and uncanny resemblance between the Philae probe as it detached from Rosetta, and this famous silhouette of Michael Jordan

Slam dunk: One internet prankster noticed and uncanny resemblance between the Philae probe as it detached from Rosetta, and this famous silhouette of Michael Jordan

We have a problem: This joker imagined the Rosetta probe encountering the rock-eating space worm found living on a comet in original Star Wars trilogy

We have a problem: This joker imagined the Rosetta probe encountering the rock-eating space worm found living on a comet in original Star Wars trilogy

One Twitter user also noticed an uncanny resemblance between a picture of the Philae probe disappearing into space and the famous silhouette of Michael Jordan going for a slam dunk.  

Twitter also saw the birth of the hashtag 'We can land on a comet but we can't...' mocking the comparatively simple milestones humanity has yet to pass.

Included on the list was the ability to 'make Youtube to play after we lock our smartphone screen', 'order a McDonald's breakfast after 10.30am', and 'convince the check-out there's nothing unexpected in the bagging area'. 

Dropped a clanger: These early images of Philae landing on seem to suggest The Clangers was less a children's TV show, and more of a factual documentary

Dropped a clanger: These early images of Philae landing on seem to suggest The Clangers was less a children's TV show, and more of a factual documentary

Spot the difference: One internet user points out the similarity between Philae and a cement mixer 

Spot the difference: One internet user points out the similarity between Philae and a cement mixer 

You broke it: The craft carrying the Philae probe is pictured orbiting that picture of Kim Kardashian

You broke it: The craft carrying the Philae probe is pictured orbiting that picture of Kim Kardashian

And in line with her mission to 'break the internet' over the last few days, one image showed the Rosetta craft orbiting around Kim Kardashian's posterior. 

Scenes of wild celebration inside the ESA headquarters also provided web users with a source of amusement, with one fist-pumping scientist attracting a lot of attention.

Dr Matt Taylor's eye-catching arm tattoos and odd dress sense also attracted a lot of attention online, though not all of it was positive, with some criticising his shirt as offensive to women.

Achievement: While the internet was suitably impressed with the feat of landing a probe on a comet millions of miles from Earth, some took the time to point out the lesser milestones we have yet to pass

Achievement: While the internet was suitably impressed with the feat of landing a probe on a comet millions of miles from Earth, some took the time to point out the lesser milestones we have yet to pass

Although there are plenty of Rosetta parodies circulating on the internet, the online community has been unusually reserved in its mockery, perhaps because the actual images coming from the Philae probe are so incredible, or because tech-savvy users are still in awe of space exploration.

As for Philae itself, scientists are still puzzling over the best way to keep the probe alive after it failed to latch on to the comet on its first approach, bounced, and landed in a cave.

To make matters worse, the probe is currently on its side, with one leg pointing out into space, meaning its main solar panels are without access to sunlight.

Toying around: Another Twitter poster imagined what the Philae probe would look like made out of Lego - and it's surprisingly similar to the original

Toying around: Another Twitter poster imagined what the Philae probe would look like made out of Lego - and it's surprisingly similar to the original

Dr Matt Taylor attracted a lot of comments online for his tattoo sleeves and bizarre fashion sense - thought his shirt did attract criticism for being offensive to women

Dr Matt Taylor attracted a lot of comments online for his tattoo sleeves and bizarre fashion sense - thought his shirt did attract criticism for being offensive to women

Scientists now have 24 hours to figure out a way to get Philae upright before the probe battery dies, or risk putting it into hibernation until the comet comes closer to the sun in a few months.

The team are considering using a 'hop' manoeuvre in order to right the probe, but gravity on 67P is several hundred thousand times weaker than on Earth, so the probe could bounce off into space.

In the meantime, scientists have begun deploying instruments, have received data from temperature probes, and are planning to deploy a drill 'in very risky conditions' to collect soil samples. 

Philae is currently resting on its side on comet 67P causing a huge problem for scientists as its two main solar panels are in the shade, meaning it is running out of power

Philae is currently resting on its side on comet 67P causing a huge problem for scientists as its two main solar panels are in the shade, meaning it is running out of power

The team operating Philae now face either putting the probe into hibernation until the comet comes closer to the sun, or attempting a 'hop' manoeuvre in order to get it upright

The team operating Philae now face either putting the probe into hibernation until the comet comes closer to the sun, or attempting a 'hop' manoeuvre in order to get it upright




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