Golden jewelry really IS the way to a woman's heart: $110 smart earring can monitor pulse and movement


At first glance, it looks like any other piece of jewelry.

But in fact, this golden earring contains an array of sensors designed to monitor its wearer's health.

It can even transmit data to your phone, and can be fitted into any earring.

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The earring is able to track heart rate, calories and activity level, and can be fitted inside any large earring.

The earring is able to track heart rate, calories and activity level, and can be fitted inside any large earring.

The earring is able to track heart rate, calories and activity level, and connects via Bluetooth 4.0 to iOS and Android smartphones to provide live data.

Canadian company BioSensive Technologies says the gadget is the world's first smart earring. 

The firm hopes by creating a fashion item, it can steal a march on its rivals that use wristbands of watches.

 'We believe that wearable electronics should be embedded into the products we use in our everyday lives; for that reason, we created Ear-o-Smart,' it says on its Kickstarter page.

 The wearable tracks heart rate by monitoring blood flow in the skin using an LED and measuring changes in light absorption.

The $110 earring will ship with a standard white design, but will also be available as a DIY kit, allowing users to create their own unique jewelry wearable.

The $110 earring will ship with a standard white design, but will also be available as a DIY kit, allowing users to create their own unique jewelry wearable.

The $110 earring will ship with a standard white design, but will also be available as a DIY kit, allowing users to create their own unique jewelry wearable.

Users can also opt to choose their own gem and stone for the earring. 

'We are taking wearable technology to the next level by embedding electronics into something people already wear every day,' said the inventor of the product,' Ravinder Saini. 

'We utilise the earlobe, one of the best parts of the body to get the heartrate from.'

The project is currently the subject of a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign and, if the target is reached, the team aims to have the first batch of test hardware, along with the first version of the app, completed by February 2015. 

If all goes to plan, the first Ear-o-Smarts will ship to backers in June.  






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