BeOn bulb mimics your light switching habits for to trick thieves


Smart lighting and alarms aren't new, but one firm is hoping to combine the two to provide the ultimate in home security.

And it could spell the end of having to hunt for torches or candles during power cuts.  

BeOn bulbs learn your habits and replicates them when you're on holiday, it stores energy in reserve, and it responds to doorbells and smoke alarms.

They're not cheap - prices start at $199 (£124) each - but they are seen as an alternative to installed security systems.

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Sensors in the BeOn bulb learn a homeowner's lighting habits and can replicate them when the user is on holiday, to give the illusion they are home. Bulbs can be set to switch on and off when they hear the sound of a doorbell, or they can link to a smoke alarm to warn homeowners in the middle of the night

Sensors in the BeOn bulb learn a homeowner's lighting habits and can replicate them when the user is on holiday, to give the illusion they are home. Bulbs can be set to switch on and off when they hear the sound of a doorbell, or they can link to a smoke alarm to warn homeowners in the middle of the night

The Massachusetts-based firm is seeking $100,000 (£62,800) funding on Kickstarter, and has achieved more than $39,800 (£24,900) at the time of writing.

Sensors in the BeOn bulb learns a homeowner's lighting habits and can replicate them when the user is on holiday, to give the illusion they are home.

The bulbs can be set to switch on and off when they hear the sound of a doorbell, or smoke alarm, to alert homeowners in the middle of the night, or if they're TV is up too loud.


A radical new sensor could detect Ebola in blood samples within 30 minutes.

Experts say the shoebox-sized light can be operated by anyone, and could be shipped to Africa to help monitor the spread of disease.

It detects pathogens by shining light from multicolor LED sources on viral nanoparticles bound to the sensor surface by a coating of virus-specific antibodies.

Interference of light reflected from the surface is modified by the presence of the particles, producing a distinct signal that reveals the size and shape of each particle.

The sensor surface is very large and can capture the telltale responses of up to a million nanoparticles. 

Alternatively, if a burglar rings the bell to see if anyone is home, the lights turn on automatically to scare them off.

The bulbs store a reserve of energy, in case of a power cut, and will gradually fade on and off to avoid being blinded first thing in the morning, for example.

Homeowners can additionally control the lights using a smartphone app, and the energy-saving bulbs use soft white LEDs with a brightness of 800 lumens.

This is the equivalent to a 60 watt incandescent bulb. 

Individual bulbs can be pre-ordered from the campaign for $199 (£124). A three-pack costs $269 (£169), six units can be bought for $395 (£247) and a nine-pack is $595 (£372).

Prices vary for different connectors, including standard and recessed.

'BeON Burglar Deterrent learns how you use your lights and then intelligently replays your lighting patterns while you are away to create the impression of a lived-in home,' explained the firm.

'No system programming is required. Simply activate and be on your way.

This chart reveals the features of the BeON bulb. Individual bulbs can be pre-ordered from Kickstarter for $199 (£124). A three-pack costs $269 (£169), six units can be bought for $395 (£247) and a nine-pack is $595 (£372). The company is expected to start shipping the lights by August 2015

This chart reveals the features of the BeON bulb. Individual bulbs can be pre-ordered from Kickstarter for $199 (£124). A three-pack costs $269 (£169), six units can be bought for $395 (£247) and a nine-pack is $595 (£372). The company is expected to start shipping the lights by August 2015

'Most would-be burglars will continue on their way, but the more bold ones may check if a home is occupied by ringing the doorbell.

'BeON bulbs listen for your doorbell and will turn the lights on in sequence to simulate your active presence.'

The campaign runs until 19 December, and if successful, BeON will start shipping the bulbs internationally by August 2015.


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