The pocket-sized TOOLBOX: £50 survival kits provide all you need for different emergencies... including a zombie apocalypse


A company has created a revolutionary cylindrical tool kit for campers, hikers and even those who are afraid of a zombie apocalypse.

Called the VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools, it consists of tubes each just 7.8 inches (20cm) long but holds an impressive essential 15 items.

Each of the items, including a compass and matches, can be taken and put back into the cylinders as required.

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An inventor in Vancouver has designed multi-tool cylinders. Called VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools (shown) they contain supplied for hikers. These include matches, ropes, razor blades and much more. All of the items fit into small handheld cylinders that cost £50 ($80) each

An inventor in Vancouver has designed multi-tool cylinders. Called VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools (shown) they contain supplied for hikers. These include matches, ropes, razor blades and much more. All of the items fit into small handheld cylinders that cost £50 ($80) each

Inventor Todd Weimer from Vancouver is currently seeking funding for the gadget on Kickstarter.


1) Dual mode LED flashlight (static and SOS) includes batteries

2) Compass (oil filled)

3) 4 hour pure Canadian beeswax candle

4) Razor blade

5) 6 Aquatabs water purification tablets

6) Wire saw (high tensile, 60lb working strength with handle straps)

7) Aluminum beadless emergency whistle

8) Waterproof matches

9) Tinder Quik fire starters

10) Fishing Gear

11) Signalling Mirror

12) Kevlar rope (150lb breaking strength)

13) Reflective trail markers

14) P38 military GI Type can opener

15) First aid supplies

The cylinders come in four different forms, each with different tools

They are called supplies, shelter, first aid and zombie.

Each costs about £50 ($80), although all four can be bought for £140 ($225).

The supplies kit costs the most items and includes things like a flashlight, compass, matches and more.

The shelter kit contains a tent, rope, compass and flashlight.

And the first aid cylinder predictably contains first aid supplies.

However, while all of those can be classed as useful, the 'zombie' kit is a more tongue-in-cheek design for those afraid of the apocalypse.

Originally this had been planned to contain a 'zombie spike' but Kickstarter ordered the company to remove this as they have a no weapons rule.

So instead it now apparently contains a 'zombie pacifying bouquet of flowers' the team joke on Kickstarter.

Each cylinder holds an impressive 15 essential items. All of the items fit into tiny 'capsules', are then placed into the larger cylinder. Pictured here is the first aid kit

Each cylinder holds an impressive 15 essential items. All of the items fit into tiny 'capsules', are then placed into the larger cylinder. Pictured here is the first aid kit

The cylinders come in four different forms, each with different tools. They are called supplies, shelter, first aid and zombie. There are many different items available including matches (shown) 

The cylinders come in four different forms, each with different tools. They are called supplies, shelter, first aid and zombie. There are many different items available including matches (shown) 

All of the items, which fit into tiny 'capsules', are then placed into the small two inches (5cm) wide tool 'box'.

The unique device can then be easily placed into bags and even fits in trouser pockets.

It comes with tools including a first aid kit, compass, matches, whistle, razor blade, mirror, can opener, LED light, a wire saw and more.

The cylindrical tool kits are made from seamless extruded military specification aluminium.

'It was something I've been thinking about since I was a child growing up in Northern Canada,' said Mr Weimer.

'I knew there were inadequate self-contained survival and emergency supplies for your average person.

'It is an essential piece of kit which would benefit anyone venturing outdoors with the potential of getting lost or injured.

'It contains essential survival supplies in a nearly indestructible and waterproof case.'


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