Super-flexible folding screen demonstrated in Japan


The technology may still be in its infancy, but flexible screens are gradually being seen in more and more products.

Samsung and LG have led the way, so far, but a number of other firms including Japan's Semiconductor Energy Laboratory are also developing super-strong, flexible screens.

At an exhibition in Tokyo, the firm demonstrated its latest breakthrough - a 5.9-inch display that can be bent more than 100,000 times without being damaged.

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The latest flexible display (pictured) was demonstrated at the Display Innovation exhibition in Tokyo by Japan's Semiconductor Energy Laboratory. Its display features organic light emitting diodes and measures 5.9-inches

The latest flexible display (pictured) was demonstrated at the Display Innovation exhibition in Tokyo by Japan's Semiconductor Energy Laboratory. Its display features organic light emitting diodes and measures 5.9-inches

The foldable display is made of layers of lights using organic light emitting diodes (OLED).

It features touch sensors, meaning it works as a touchscreen at all angles and curvatures, and was demonstrated at the Display Innovation exhibition in Yokohama.

During the demonstration, the screen featured images of landscapes, cats and peacocks that bent and curved with the display.


A number of the curved screens, including those created by LG and Samsung, use high molecular substance-based polyimide film. 

This forms the backplane of the flexible panel and is used as an alternative to plastic.

The material makes it possible to achieve the maximum curvature radius, which in Semiconductor Energy Laboratroy's display is 0.7-inches (2mm). 

Polyimide film also helped reduce the thickness of the panel to significantly improve its flexibility. 

It was seen curving over the edge of a handset, similar to the screen on Samsung's Galaxy Note Edge.

Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note Edge in September.

Because the display pops out of the phone, it can even be used when the cover is closed.

The curved screen can also display notifications at the top and bottom while viewing a video without disruption. 

The curved screen can additionally display notifications at the top and bottom while viewing a video without disruption.

The right-hand side of the Edge, which is curved, is where notifications and other icons appear.

It is the second phone released by the Korean firm that features curved display technology, following the Galaxy Round in October last year.

LG's G Flex phone has a similar design, and both firms are pioneering curved TVs. 

During the demonstration, the screen featured images of landscapes, cats and peacocks (pictured) that bent and curved with the display. It was seen curving over the edge of a handset, similar to the screen on Samsung's Galaxy Note Edge

During tests, the display was bent more than 100,000 times and didn't lose performance. It features touch sensors, meaning it works as a touchscreen at all angles and curvatures, and was demonstrated at the Display Innovation exhibition in Yokohama 

During the demonstration, the screen featured images of landscapes, cats and peacocks (pictured) that bent and curved with the display. It was seen curving over the edge of a handset, similar to the screen on Samsung's Galaxy Note Edge

During the demonstration, the screen featured images of landscapes, cats and peacocks (pictured) that bent and curved with the display. It was seen curving over the edge of a handset, similar to the screen on Samsung's Galaxy Note Edge

In July, LG unveiled an 18-inch screen that can be rolled up, and it is hoping to expand the technology to work with 60-inch displays in the future.

This flexible OLED panel has a high-definition class resolution of 1200 x 810 with almost 1 million megapixels.

Plastic Logic is among the UK companies developing similar flexible screen technology, and unveiled its own 'paper tablet' back in January 2013.

It recently partnered with Cambridge Graphene Centre (CGC) to build a transistor display featuring graphene. 

Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note Edge (pictured) in September. Because the display pops out of the phone it can even be used when the cover is closed. The curved screen can also display notifications at the top and bottom while viewing a video without disruption

Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note Edge (pictured) in September. Because the display pops out of the phone it can even be used when the cover is closed. The curved screen can also display notifications at the top and bottom while viewing a video without disruption

In July, LG unveiled an 18-inch screen that can be rolled up, (pictured) and it is hoping to expand the technology to work with 60-inch displays in the future. This flexible OLED panel has a high-definition class resolution of 1200 x 810 with almost one million megapixels

In July, LG unveiled an 18-inch screen that can be rolled up, (pictured) and it is hoping to expand the technology to work with 60-inch displays in the future. This flexible OLED panel has a high-definition class resolution of 1200 x 810 with almost one million megapixels

Graphene is made up of sheets of carbon atoms.

It is among the strongest, most lightweight and flexible materials known and the development of the screen 'is a first step towards the wider implementation of graphene and graphene-like materials into flexible electronics', explained the firm. 

Videos of the device show it being bent and stood on, as well as being cut with a pair of scissors without the images on the display being affected. 

The prototype is what's known as an 'active matrix electrophoretic display'. 

It's similar to the screens used in e-readers, but is made of flexible plastic instead of glass. 

In contrast to traditional displays, the pixel electronics, or backplane, of this display includes  graphene electrodes. These electrodes replay metal electrodes in other devices.  

Plastic Logic is among the UK companies developing similar flexible screen technology, and unveiled its own 'paper tablet' (pictured) back in January 2013. It recently partnered with Cambridge Graphene Centre (CGC) to build a transistor display featuring graphene

Plastic Logic is among the UK companies developing similar flexible screen technology, and unveiled its own 'paper tablet' (pictured) back in January 2013. It recently partnered with Cambridge Graphene Centre (CGC) to build a transistor display featuring graphene



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