Smile Clock app only lets people switch off their alarm by grinning


It's probably the last thing you feel like doing first thing in the morning - but smiling after being rudely awakened is compulsory with this latest app.

Dubbed 'Smile Clock', the app requires users to grin into their smartphone camera before its incessant buzzing is turned off.

The camera tracks key features on a user's face and then determines whether that person is happy enough to be allowed out of bed.

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Say Cheese! Dubbed 'Smile Clock', the app requires users to grin into their smartphone camera before its incessant buzzing is turned off

Say Cheese! Dubbed 'Smile Clock', the app requires users to grin into their smartphone camera before its incessant buzzing is turned off

It even helps the user crack a genuine smile by showing pre-selected images, or playing songs designed to make someone's day.

Developed by Israel-based developers Appfro, the free app will save a picture of the user smiling in a photo gallery as a reminder.

It is currently only available for Android devices, and includes a snooze feature for the days that users don't feel like smiling.

For bearded snoozers, the app may not work as well. 'Thick facial hair interrupts the smile detection process,' the company wrote on Google Play.


The alarm clock app wakes a person up with the sound of sizzling bacon, while a connected scent device emits a bacon perfume

The alarm clock app wakes a person up with the sound of sizzling bacon, while a connected scent device emits a bacon perfume

For many people, a hearty fried breakfast including a couple of rashers of bacon is a desirable way to start the day.

But as cooked breakfast or a bacon sandwich isn't the healthiest option, a new iPhone app and device that wafts the appealing smell of the cured meat could prove to be a more sensible option.

The alarm clock app wakes a person up with the sound of sizzling bacon, while a connected scent device emits a bacon perfume.

The 'wake up and smell the bacon' app has been developed by Oscar Mayer – a manufacturer of bacon and other meats in the U.S. 

To set the bacon alarm, a user rotates a frying pan and will be awoken at their chosen time by the sound of sizzling and a picture of the meat cooking.

The device which generates the bacon aroma plugs into the iPhone's headphone jack and releases a spritz of the meaty perfume to coincide with the sizzling alarm.

The app also only works in landscape. 'Great idea, but need to auto detect orientation or be able to set to portrait for phone,' wrote one reviewer.

In recent months, app developers have come up with increasingly novel ways to wake people up in the morning.

Last month, for instance, a free Wakie app was launched which lets random members call each other at set times.

Sleeping beauty: The app is currently only available for Android devices, and includes a snooze feature for the days that users don't feel like smiling. The app currently only works in landscape

Sleeping beauty: The app is currently only available for Android devices, and includes a snooze feature for the days that users don't feel like smiling. The app currently only works in landscape

The app has members from around the world, and each call only lasts a minute - to make sure there are no 'awkward conversations or goodbyes.'

It was created by Armenian developer Hrachik Adjamian who states on the app's website: 'Wakie is a fun, friendly community of people.

'It's a brand new way to wake up, made especially for those of us who hate the jarring noise of an alarm clock.

'When you use Wakie, you get to start your day with a smile instead of a frown.'

Rise and shine: The app helps the user crack a genuine smile by showing pre-selected images (pictured), or playing songs designed to make someone's day

Rise and shine: The app helps the user crack a genuine smile by showing pre-selected images (pictured), or playing songs designed to make someone's day


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