Not so dark after all! Dark matter particles may FINALLY have been found - and they are coming from the core of the SUN


There have been plenty of 'false dawns' when it comes to dark matter, with a 'discovery' seemingly announced every few months.

But this latest announcement has understandably gripped scientists in excitement - because it might just be our first ever direct detection of the elusive particles.

Researchers have spotted a type of particle believed to make up dark matter coming from the sun towards Earth - and it may indicate that dark matter is produced in the cores of stars like our own.

University of Leicester scientists may have directly observed dark matter. At Earth's magnetic field they spotted a signal that could only be explained by axions - a type of dark matter particle - coming from the sun (shown in the illustration) and being converted into photons in Earth's magnetic field

University of Leicester scientists may have directly observed dark matter. At Earth's magnetic field they spotted a signal that could only be explained by axions - a type of dark matter particle - coming from the sun (shown in the illustration) and being converted into photons in Earth's magnetic field

The discovery was made by scientists at the University of Leicester using the XMM-Newton telescope in space.

What they spotted was a signature of 'axions' coming from the sun towards Earth.

The researchers observed a strange signal in the solar system - and the only explanation at the moment is that it is due to these dark matter particles.


'Axions are a type of particle whose existence was proposed to solve some problems in theoretical physics,' Dr Sembay, a co-author of the study, tells MailOnline. 

'If they do exist then they could have been created in sufficient numbers during the early universe to constitute dark matter.

'However, axions are also created today in processes within our sun and other stars.

'As our sun is a locally strong source of axions this potentially provides a means of detecting them and verifying their existence.

'Ground based experiments have been built to attempt to do this very thing. They are based on the principle that axions can convert into a photon in the presence of a strong magnetic field and it is the photon which is detected by the instrumentation, not the axion itself directly.

'Our work uses a similar principle but instead of being a ground based experiment it uses data from a space based observatory, in which we have observed a signal which may come from axions converting into photons within the Earth's magnetic field.'

What they spotted was a strange source of X-rays in Earth's magnetic field.

Once they had ruled out other sources including other stars and galaxies, only one remained.

That was that the signal was the result of axions being converted into photons as they hit the magnetic field.

Axions are hypothetical elementary particles that are thought to at least partially make up dark matter.

The existence of dark matter has been theorised owing to its observed gravitational effect on stars and galaxies.

It is believed to make up about 85 per cent of all matter in the universe and gives the cosmos its structure.

But if this result is confirmed, it would be the first ever direct detection of dark matter.

The core of the sun is extremely hot and dense, and it is continually going through the nuclear fusion process.

Because of the high temperatures and densities, it has a potential to create exotic particles such as axions.

However, while theorised, their existence had been hard to prove.

The best theory so far is that dark matter particles called axions are being converted into photons by Earth's magnetic field. It's thought these axions are being produced in the sun's core (illustration shown) where the extremely hot and dense conditions can produce exotic particles

The best theory so far is that dark matter particles called axions are being converted into photons by Earth's magnetic field. It's thought these axions are being produced in the sun's core (illustration shown) where the extremely hot and dense conditions can produce exotic particles

The fascinating discovery was made by scientists at the University of Leicester using the XMM-Newton telescope in space. The team notes they will be performing repeat observations soon in the hope of confirming the potentially groundbreaking finding

The fascinating discovery was made by scientists at the University of Leicester using the XMM-Newton telescope in space. The team notes they will be performing repeat observations soon in the hope of confirming the potentially groundbreaking finding

The paper announcing the discovery was led by Professor George Fraser, who died in March this year.


Dark matter surrounds galaxies across the universe, and is invisible because it does not reflect light.

It cannot be seen directly with telescopes, but astronomers know it to be out there because of the gravitational effects it has on the matter we can see.

The European Space Agency says: 'Shine a torch in a completely dark room, and you will see only what the torch illuminates.

'That does not mean that the room around you does not exist.

'Similarly we know dark matter exists but have never observed it directly.'

Scientists are fairly sure it exists and is crucial to the universe, but they do not know what it looks like or where to find it. 

In the paper he explains: 'It appears plausible that axions - dark matter particle candidates - are indeed produced in the core of the sun and do indeed convert to X-rays in the magnetic field of the Earth.'

President of the Royal Astronomical Society Professor Martin Barstow, also Professor of Astrophysics and Space Science at the University, said the discovery could have 'a fundamental impact on our theories of the universe.'

He adds that it is only a preliminary result for now, and follow-up observations by telescopes will be needed to confirm it.

Speaking to MailOnline, he says: 'It is actually a really exciting result, potentially the first direct observational signature of dark matter.

'We do know it exists as we see it through its influence through gracing on things that surround it.

'There's been a long search for what dark matter really is in terms of particles, and this would tell you that axions are at least one kind of dark matter particle.'

'We have been looking for evidence of these particles in their effect on stars cooling or through radiation in various parts of the universe.

'So seeing something that looks like it might be a signal is an important result. Axions have never been spotted before.'

The existence of dark matter has been theorised owing to its observed gravitational effect on stars and galaxies (Andromeda shown). It is believed to make up about 85 per cent of all mater in the universe and gives the cosmos its structure. But if this result is confirmed, it would be the first ever direct detection of dark matter

The existence of dark matter has been theorised owing to its observed gravitational effect on stars and galaxies (Andromeda shown). It is believed to make up about 85 per cent of all mater in the universe and gives the cosmos its structure. But if this result is confirmed, it would be the first ever direct detection of dark matter

Dark matter is thought to permeate through the universe. This computer simulated image from the Virgo Consortium illustrates the distribution of dark matter in the universe. Its discovery would tell us more about the past, present and future of the cosmos

Dark matter is thought to permeate through the universe. This computer simulated image from the Virgo Consortium illustrates the distribution of dark matter in the universe. Its discovery would tell us more about the past, present and future of the cosmos

Exactly what axions might be is a bit more of a mystery, though.

It is thought they have mass, as we know dark matter has a gravitational effect on objects.

But they are likely 'some other aspect of subatomic physics' that is not yet understood, explains Professor Barstow.

He also adds that it's unclear if all dark matter comes from stars.

Instead, it is more likely that dark matter has a number of sources - including our sun. 

Dr Read, a co-author on the paper, added: 'These exciting discoveries, in George's final paper, could be truly ground-breaking, potentially opening a window to new physics, and could have huge implications, not only for our understanding of the true X-ray sky, but also for identifying the dark matter that dominates the mass content of the cosmos.'

The team notes they will be performing repeat observations soon in the hope of confirming the groundbreaking finding. 


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