Men and women both work harder when they have kids


Having children can make you more productive at work, and the effect is especially pronounced for women.

A study claims that having one or more children can makes someone a better work in the early and latter stages of their career.

It was found that mothers with at least two children perform the best.

Study by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis says having children can make people more productive at work (stock image shown). They sampled nearly 10,000 men and women. Men were found to be least productive when they had one child and most productive when they had more than one

Study by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis says having children can make people more productive at work (stock image shown). They sampled nearly 10,000 men and women. Men were found to be least productive when they had one child and most productive when they had more than one

The researchers from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in Missouri sampled about 10,000 men and women.

They were examining the hypothesis that having children makes a person less productive.

To make their findings the researchers sent out more than 30,000 surveys, a third of which were responded to.


Work stress - and related drinking and smoking - are taking an increasing toll on their health, according to the Office for National Statistics.

In 1963 men were twice as likely to die early as women. Last year however the increased risk fell to one and a half times and the life expectancy gap has fallen from six years to fewer than four.

The ONS study is the first official recognition that women who have abandoned the domestic lives of their grandmothers now face the same shorter lifespans of men.

'Ministers want women to work long hours when they have children, but these figures…indicates there may be public health problems as a result,' said Laura Perrins of the pressure group Mothers at Home Matter. 

And the results showed that men with one child were similarly productive or less productive than their childless colleagues.

Men with more than one child, however, were more productive than those with one or no children.

For women the effect was even more pronounced; those without children were far and away less productive without a child in later life.

Those with multiple children, however, seemed to be much more productive throughout their career.

'Mothers of at least two children are, on average, more productive than mothers of only one child, and mothers in general are more productive than childless women,' they write.

'Fathers of at least two children are also more productive than fathers of one child and childless men.'

The Washington Post notes that the authors were examining a narrow group of men and women, in this case somewhat 'privileged' economists.

However, the age of children was also important. There was a 15 to 17 per cent drop in productivity for women with young kids.

But once the children had grown up, it seemed productivity levels would increase. 

The results showed that men (graph shown) with one child were similarly productive or less productive than their childless colleagues. Men with more than one child, however, were more productive than those with one or no children
For women (graph shown) the effect was even more pronounced

The results showed that men (left graph) with one child were similarly productive or less productive than their childless colleagues. Men with more than one child, however, were more productive than those with one or no children. For women (right graph) the effect was even more pronounced


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