Don't fear a power cut! New LED lamp lights up a room for up to THREE HOURS during an energy outage


Earlier today it was reported that Britain could be heading for a winter strewn with power cuts as an extreme cold snap heads the country's way.

But one company has a solution to at least let you see clearly during an outage with a light bulb that uses a battery to keep itself on.

In the event of a power cut it will automatically switch to battery power to keep shining for up to three hours, during which time one would hope the power had returned.

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A lightbulb made by Litonics Ltd in Wales could let people see in blackouts. Called iViTi On (shown) it has an in-built battery that lasts for up to three hours. It charges when power is up and the light is on as normal. But when the power goes it automatically switches to battery mode

A lightbulb made by Litonics Ltd in Wales could let people see in blackouts. Called iViTi On (shown) it has an in-built battery that lasts for up to three hours. It charges when power is up and the light is on as normal. But when the power goes it automatically switches to battery mode

The product is called iViTi ON and uses technology invented by Litonics Ltd in Knighton, Powys, Wales.

'iViTi ON automatic switching has the single aim of ensuring that users are not left in the dark should the electricity supply fail,' the company writes on their website.


Today experts warned that Britain must brace itself for power shortages if the country is hit by a severe winter.

After a rush to close coal-fired power stations to meet green targets, a deep freeze means mothballed oil and gas power stations could have to be restarted and factories paid to shut down to preserve power.

Business leaders warned that for too long, the UK has failed to plan properly to keep the lights on, as the National Grid revealed the average gap between supply and demand will be just 4.1 per cent - the narrowest in eight years. 

The National Grid report said the country will be eating into its most basic reserve power if there is extreme weather. 

The appliance operates similarly to existing light bulbs until it detects the power is gone, when it automatically switches to battery operation.

This enables it to stay on independently for up to three hours until the power returns.

And it can also distinguish between a power cut and someone just flicking the light switch, so people will easily be able to turn it off if needed.

The 600mAh battery charges automatically when the power is up and the builb is on as normal.

And no additional wiring is required - the bulb can be screwed straight into an existing fitting like a regular bulb.

It's also energy friendly, consuming just eight watts of power, but it shines with the brightness of a regular 60-watt bulb - measured as 850 lumens to 800 lumens for the latter.

The company expects to begin selling the light bulb at the end of the year, but there's no word yet on how much it will cost.

'This innovative new product is set to take its place among other "standard" safety products within the home such as smoke detectors, CO detectors and intruder alarms,' the company adds.

'iViTi ON automatic switching has the single aim of ensuring that users are not left in the dark should the electricity supply fail,' the company writes on their website. Pictured are residents of New York during a power cut caused by Hurricane Sandy on 31 October 2012

'iViTi ON automatic switching has the single aim of ensuring that users are not left in the dark should the electricity supply fail,' the company writes on their website. Pictured are residents of New York during a power cut caused by Hurricane Sandy on 31 October 2012

The lightbulb can discern between a power cut and someone flicking the switch. The bulb screws into a regular light fitting and needs no additional wiring. And it can shine with the brightness of a regular 60-watt bulb - despite using only eight watts of power itself. Shown is a cutaway with the battery inside

The lightbulb can discern between a power cut and someone flicking the switch. The bulb screws into a regular light fitting and needs no additional wiring. And it can shine with the brightness of a regular 60-watt bulb - despite using only eight watts of power itself. Shown is a cutaway with the battery inside


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