Deadline claims to use Apple's HealthKit data to count down to your demise


Apple's HealthKit app is designed to help you get the most out of life by improving your well-being and fitness. But could it also be used to predict when you'll die?

That's what a new app called Deadline is claiming, saying the tech can be used to predict exactly when you'll kick the bucket.

The morbid app uses a variety of data including your blood pressure, height and sleep pattern to come up with the prediction that is apparently accurate to the second.

An app created for California-based Apple's iOS predicts when you'll die. Called Deadline (pictured) It apparently uses Apple's new HealthKit technology to give you a 'ticker'

An app created for California-based Apple's iOS predicts when you'll die. Called Deadline (pictured) It apparently uses Apple's new HealthKit technology to give you a 'ticker'

'You're going to die. Sorry, we all do eventually,' company Gist LLC writes on their iTunes page. The app costs £0.69 ($0.99) and is available now for Apple devices with iOS 8 or later. 


First your heart stomps pumping, so the flow of blood around your body stops, according to the American Chemical Society.

This causes the blood to coagulate, forming clots and becoming thick and lumping.

Your muscles then stiffen in a process known as rigor mortis, which also stops you breathing and means no oxygen gets to your cells.

Your cells thus too begin to die, releasing enzymes that make your body very welcoming to bacteria and fungi.

These decompose and putrify your body and ultimately, within a year or so, most of the flesh on your body will have decomposed leaving just your bones behind.

'But, what if you knew the date of your death?

'Would it motivate you to be healthier?'

The company claims to use HealthKit data, in addition to a few questions about your life style, to give you an estimated time of death.

It pulls in a variety of information and tells you how long you've got to live in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Living a healthier lifestyle will apparently give you a longer life expectancy in the app.

And with Apple's new notification system for iOS 8.1 the app will keep your 'ticker' updated on your home screen.

However, according to Gizmodo the app's claims of being accurate are not entirely true, instead being just 'a genetic algorithm that forecasts your death'.

The ticker (pictured) shows you the time down to the second that you'll die
Exercising more and improving your health (shown) increases life expectancy. However some have said the app just uses a random algorithm

The ticker (left) shows you the time down to the second that you'll die. Exercising more and improving your health (right) increases life expectancy. However some have said the app just uses a random algorithm

Earlier this week a video from the American Chemical Society talked through the exact process of how you die.

From your bodily functions shutting down to the process of embalming to make you presentable for your funeral, all of the gruesome details were discussed. 

When blood stops circulating your cells begin to die. This makes your body bacteria and fungi start to decompose your body. 

To stop this scientists can pump you full of chemicals - called embalming. 

This keep you presentable for about a week such as for your funeral. But ultimately your body will decompose to bones in a year or so.


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