A bright idea! Japanese scientists win Nobel Prize in physics for their invention of environmentally-friendly blue LEDs


Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano of Japan and U.S. scientist Shuji Nakamura have won the Nobel Prize for the invention of blue light-emitting diodes - a new energy efficient and environment-friendly light source.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said the invention is just 20 years old, 'but it has already contributed to create white light in an entirely new manner to the benefit of us all.'

Akasaki, 85, is a professor at Meijo University and distinguished professor at Nagoya University.

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California University Professor Shuji Nakamura, known as inventor of the blue light-emitting diode (LED) is one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics. Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura, all born in Japan, won the 2014  Nobel Physics Prize, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science announced today
Isamu Akasaki (pictured), Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura, all born in Japan, won the 2014  Nobel Physics Prize, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science announced today

California University Professor Shuji Nakamura (left), known as inventor of the blue light-emitting diode (LED) is one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics. Isamu Akasaki (right), Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura, all born in Japan, won the 2014 Nobel Physics Prize, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science announced today

Amano, 54, is also a professor at Nagoya University, while the 60-year-old Nakamura is a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

The laureates triggered a transformation of lighting technology when they produced bright blue light from semiconductors in the 1990s, something scientist had struggled with for decades, the Nobel committee said.

Using the blue light, LED lamps emitting white light could be created in a new way.

'As about one fourth of world electricity consumption is used for lighting purposes, the LEDs contribute to saving the Earth's resources,' the committee said. 

The laureates triggered a transformation of lighting technology when they produced bright blue light from semiconductors in the 1990s. Pictured are journalists wait for the beginning of a press conference to announce the winner of the prize earlier this morning

The laureates triggered a transformation of lighting technology when they produced bright blue light from semiconductors in the 1990s. Pictured are journalists wait for the beginning of a press conference to announce the winner of the prize earlier this morning


107 Nobel Prizes in Physics have been awarded between 1901-2013.

47 Physics Prizes have been given to one Laureate only.

2 women have been awarded the Physics Prize so far.

person, John Bardeen, has been awarded the Physics Prize twice.

25 years was the age of the youngest Physics Laureate ever, Lawrence Bragg, when he was awarded the 1915 Physics Prize together with his father.

55 is the average age of the Physics Laureates the year they were awarded the prize.

Source: Nobelprize.org 

Last year's physics award went to Britain's Peter Higgs and Belgian colleague Francois Englert for helping to explain how matter formed after the Big Bang. 

Up to three Nobel laureates and two different works can be selected for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Compared with some other Nobel Prizes, some believe the nomination and selection process for the prize in Physics is much longer and far more rigorous.

Nobel Prize season began yesterday with the announcement of the 102nd Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.

The prize is awarded for 'the most important discovery', rather than for a lifetime's portfolio of work by a researchers, doctor or scientist.

Yesterday's prize was given to John O'Keefe at University College London, and the Norwegian husband-and-wife team, Edvard and May-Britt Moser.

The team discovered cells in the brain that act as the body's internal global positioning system.

The Nobel Prizes will be handed out on December 10, which is also the anniversary of prize founder Alfred Nobel's death in 1896
The top ten most popular Nobel Laureates in Physics

The Nobel Prizes will be handed out on December 10, which is also the anniversary of prize founder Alfred Nobel's (left) death in 1896. On the right is a list of the top ten most popular Nobel Laureates in Physics


Edinburgh-based Peter Higgs (pictured) and Belgian Francois Englebert won the prize last year

Edinburgh-based Peter Higgs (pictured) and Belgian Francois Englebert won the prize last year


Pierre and Marie Curie, French and Polish-French respectively, receive the prize along with Frenchman Antoine Henri Becquerel for their discovery and subsequent research of radioactivity.


German-born Albert Einstein wins the award for his services to theoretical physics and his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect – which revealed metals emit electrons when light shines on them.


German Werner Heisenberg receives the prize for discovering the principles of quantum mechanics, which we now know to govern the behaviour of subatomic particles.


Americans Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson jointly receive the prize for discovering cosmic microwave background radiation – the thermal radiation left over in the universe from the Big Bang.


Briton Peter Higgs and Belgian Francois Englebert scoop the prize for successfully predicting the existence of the Higgs boson particle – the 'God particle' found by Cern in 2012 that could explain why matter has mass.

Since these cells are among the first to be hit in Alzheimer's, understanding how they are degraded should shed important light on the disease process.

Winners must be alive, but they are not contacted until very shortly before the official announcement.

This rule proved problematic in 2011, when it was discovered that Canadian Ralph Steinman, had had died of cancer four days before being told about his Nobel Prize.

The Nobel Prize in chemistry will be announced tomorrow and the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday.

This will be followed by the award of the Nobel peace prize on Friday and the Nobel Prize in economics will be announced on Monday.

Winners in all categories could receive 8.0 million Swedish kronor this year – just over £690,000 or $1.1 million.

The Nobel Prizes will be handed out on December 10, the anniversary of prize founder Alfred Nobel's death in 1896.

From 1901 to 2013, 876 have received Nobel Prizes including the likes of Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela and Ernest Hemingway. 




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