'People who oppose climate change are really hurting our children': Google chairman cuts ties with lobby group for 'lying' about global warming


Google has severed ties with right-wing political group, the American Legislative Exchange Council, accusing it of 'lying' about climate change.

The company's chairman, Eric Schmidt, said Google had made a mistake in funding the lobby group which opposes US policies to reduce emissions.

The move comes ahead of a United Nation's briefing document, to be formally unveiled this week, which attempts to persuade companies to shun climate-denying businesses.

Google has severed ties with right-wing political group, the American Legislative Exchange Council, accusing it of 'lying' about climate change. The company's chairman, Eric Schmidt (pictured), said Google had made a mistake in funding the lobby group which opposes US policies to reduce emissions

Google has severed ties with right-wing political group, the American Legislative Exchange Council, accusing it of 'lying' about climate change. The company's chairman, Eric Schmidt (pictured), said Google had made a mistake in funding the lobby group which opposes US policies to reduce emissions

The American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec) was behind the push to repeal state mandates for renewable energy use.

It has also called for research councils to study beneficial effects of climate change and to examine how reducing carbon emissions may damage the economy.

Schmidt told National Public Radio that the company had initially joined Alec to campaign on an unrelated issue.

'I think the consensus within the company was that that was some sort of mistake, and so we're trying to not do that in the future,' he said.

Pictured is a protester asking businesses to oppose Alec
Schmidt told National Public Radio that Google (office pictured) had initially joined Alec to campaign on an unrelated issue.'I think the consensus within the company was that that was some sort of mistake, and so we're trying to not do that in the future,' he said

Schmidt told National Public Radio that Google had initially joined Alec to campaign on an unrelated issue.'I think the consensus within the company was that that was some sort of mistake, and so we're trying to not do that in the future,' he said. On the left is a protester asking businesses to oppose Alec


The world spewed far more carbon pollution into the air last year than ever before, with emissions spurred largely by China, the United States and India.

This is according to a recent report that estimated the world pumped 39.8 billion tons (36.1 billion metric tons) of carbon dioxide into the air last year by burning coal, oil and gas.

That is 778 million tons (706 metric tons) or 2.3 per cent more than the previous year, despite increasingly urgent warnings over the need to curb greenhouse gases.

The report also said that China's per capita emissions had surpassed those of Europe for the first time, between 2013 and 2014.

Experts said at current rates the 'quota' for the amount of carbon dioxide that can be released into the atmosphere without pushing the world beyond 2°C of warming could be used up within 30 years.

The Global Carbon Project report claims that the world is becoming committed to 'dangerous climate change' if it continues spewing emissions at its current rate. 

'The facts of climate change are not in question anymore,' he added.

'Everyone understands climate change is occurring, and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place.

'And so we should not be aligned with such people - they're just, they're just literally lying.'

According to the UN, 45 major corporations it investigated belonged to lobby groups which had anti-climate views.

Alec responded to the news by reiterating its position that renewable energy should expand based on consumer demand, not as a result of a government mandate.

'Alec members believe the Federal Government exerts too much control on state and local decision-making,' it said.

'Google's renewable energy commitment - as well as those found throughout private industry - is completely consistent with Alec policy because the companies in question chose renewables absent a mandate.'

Microsoft cut ties with Alec in July saying affiliating with a group that is actively fighting policies that promote renewable energy was 'incongruous'.

Microsoft cut ties with Alec in July saying affiliating with group which is actively fighting policies that promote renewable energy was incongruous. Pictured is Occupy Dallas protesting over business ties to Alec

Microsoft cut ties with Alec in July saying affiliating with group which is actively fighting policies that promote renewable energy was incongruous. Pictured is Occupy Dallas protesting over business ties to Alec



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