Is the cure for acne lurking in our ARMPITS? Sweat-eating bacteria could help clear complexions


The discovery of a sweat-eating bacteria may lead to better treatments from acne and serious wounds, researchers have claimed. 

Researchers found bacteria that metabolise ammonia - a major component of sweat - may improve skin health and could even be used for the treatment of skin disorders.

They say it could be particularly effective against acne - the most common skin disorder in the country, affecting 40 million to 50 million Americans. 

For the study, the researchers used a strain of Nitrosomonas eutropha, bacteria that metabolise ammonia - a major component of sweat - isolated from organic soil sample

For the study, the researchers used a strain of Nitrosomonas eutropha, bacteria that metabolise ammonia - a major component of sweat - isolated from organic soil sample


Ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) are commonplace in soil and water and are essential components of the nitrogen cycle and environmental nitrification processes.

The researchers hypothesised that AOB are uniquely suited for the environment of the human skin because ammonia oxidation products - nitrite and nitric oxide - play important roles in physiological functions of the skin, including inflammation, blood vessel relaxation and wound healing.

AOB may also improve the skin micro-environment by driving a lower pH through ammonia consumption.

In the study, conducted by Cleveland firm AOBiome, human volunteers using the bacteria reported better skin condition and appearance compared with a control group.

Ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) are commonplace in soil and water and are essential components of the nitrogen cycle and environmental nitrification processes.

The researchers hypothesised that AOB are uniquely suited for the environment of the human skin because ammonia oxidation products - nitrite and nitric oxide - play important roles in physiological functions of the skin, including inflammation, blood vessel relaxation and wound healing.

AOB may also improve the skin micro-environment by driving a lower pH through ammonia consumption.

For the study, the researchers used a strain of Nitrosomonas eutropha isolated from organic soil samples.

In the study involving 24 volunteers, one group applied a suspension of the live bacteria on their face and scalp for one week, while a second group used placebo.

Both groups were followed for an additional two weeks.

The volunteers did not use hair products during the first and second week and they returned to their normal routine for the third week.

The AOB users reported improvements in skin condition compared with no or minimal improvement reported by the control group.

They say it could be particularly effective against acne - the most common skin disorder in the country, affecting 40 million to 50 million Americans.

They say it could be particularly effective against acne - the most common skin disorder in the country, affecting 40 million to 50 million Americans.

Use of a bacterial DNA detection assay demonstrated the presence of AOB in 83 to 100 per cent of skin swabs obtained from AOB users during or immediately after completion of the one-week application period, and in 60 per cent of the users on Day 14, but not in any of the control samples.

Surprisingly, in the small study, the improvement among the AOB users correlated with the levels of AOB on their skin.

Neither group had AOB on their skin at the start of the study.

There were no adverse events associated with the topical application of AOB.

Doctor Larry Weiss, AOBiome's Chief Medical Officer, said: 'This study shows that live Nitrosomonas are well tolerated and may hold promise as novel, self-regulating topical delivery agents of nitrite and nitric oxide to the human skin.

'Our next step is to conduct clinical trials to assess the therapeutic potential of AOB in patients with acne or diabetic ulcers.'

The researchers presented the study results at the ASM Conference on Beneficial Microbes in Washington.



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