Bacteria like that found in yoghurt may have helped shape our personalities and made us who we are


Bacteria like that found in yoghurt could be why we are the way we are

Bacteria like that found in yoghurt could be why we are the way we are

Gut bacteria like those we get from yoghurt could have played a big part in defining who were are today, new research has shown.

Bacteria in our stomachs can affect our brain chemistry, scientists have discovered - which means eating yoghurt could help us be happier.

And these bacteria could also have helped shape us as human beings, playing a key part in developing our early personalities, a new theory has suggested.

This could give a whole new meaning to the phrase 'a gut feeling'.

Scientists are still unsure how the bacteria can affect our brain chemistry, but one idea is that the vagus nerve - which connects the stomach and the brain - is involved. 

Mice which were given certain probiotics were found to have autistic symptoms reversed and their anxiety levels brought down - something which could indicate how gut bacteria played an important role in the creation of mankind's social personality - one of the  authors of the paper, 'Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology', said.

University College Cork neuroscience professor John Cryan said that bacteria thrives when their human hosts are too, adding: 'It's better for humans to be in social groups, but also better for bacteria.

'Anything that increases the potential for one's genes to be passed on and to be spread is what's driving evolution. Being in a social group would allow that for bacteria and for humans,' he told The Atlantic. 

What he is saying is that the bacteria may have triggered early humans to interact more - as this would give the bacteria more chance to multiply. 

Yoghurt repopulates our gut bacteria, and is now considered a superfood because of how it also helps with other problems, such as conditions relating to the bowel.

It was once considered nothing more than an unpopular health food, but sales rocketed when sugar was added and it flooded into supermarkets everywhere.

Probiotics - which are live bacteria and yeasts - are now added to yoghurt, as well as other foods like chocolate.

However, while they are reported to have many benefits, the NHS says there is 'little health evidence to support various health claims made for them'.

Probiotics are credited with being able to help with problems such as diarrhoea and colitis, as well as helping the immune system.


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